Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 951: royal

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"Miss Yaoyu, there is no righteousness in trading. Although the gambling contract is not established, let's not be harmed between us. Click to stop, click to stop."

Mo asked and smiled. The open snowfield is slightly cold. The temperature should be tens of degrees below zero. Ordinary people appear here. I am afraid that it is difficult to survive without special equipment, but they are not affected by such martial arts.

No accident, this space should be a real space. The handwriting of Tianhua Palace is really not small. This kind of direct-moving magical power technique is also a great magical power in Xiuxian Realm.

"Don't talk nonsense, take my trick."

Yanyu sneered, don't hurt the harmony between the two? This shameless man, is there peace between them? Now the most want to do is to beat Mo to ask, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the hatred.

In the wind and snow, the figure of Yaoyu suddenly blurred, and the residual image had not disappeared from the original place. Mo Wen discovered that an amazing force bombarded him, and he didn't even see the figure of Yaoyu. He knew that it was because the speed of the demon language was too fast, beyond the catch of the eyes, in fact she had appeared before him.


The wind and snow were overwhelming, and a tornado rushed upwards on the snowfield. A large amount of flying snow swept through the roar, and a deep gully appeared on the ground.

The audience in the martial arts have not yet understood what is going on. The two in the snowfield completely put their hands together. The momentum is quite amazing, and the snowfields within a ten-mile radius are affected. The audience with low cultivation, even the two obscure figures, could not be seen, and the scene in front of them seemed like a blizzard was raging.

"Good strong cultivation."

In the stormy snow, Mo Wen was shocked in his heart. Among those who had dealt with him, it was a well-deserved first to discuss cultivation as a demon language, even though the ghostly young master seemed to be inferior, even giving him Suppressed.

The power of the demon language is strange, not only dark and evil, but also full of amazing destructiveness. The power of destruction makes Mo Wen's yin and yang a little unbearable. At least on the level, not under yin and yang.

After some battles, Mo Wen also made a rough judgment, whether the demon language is in the body or cultivated above. The attainments are quite profound, and it may be quite difficult to defeat this woman.

Actually, Mo Wen didn't know, and Yao Yu was even more surprised, but he didn't expect Mo Wen to be so strong. The whole person actually gave her an impeccable feeling. Under the Holy Order, there are only a handful of people who give her this feeling, and each is a talented person.

Although Mo Wen had dealt with others before, those sect gates in Penglai Fairyland could not force out all the power of Mo Wen. The demon language had overestimated Mo Wen originally, but I still underestimated him. If you want to defeat Mo Wen, I am afraid it will take some means, but this also aroused the interest of Yaoyu.

Strong! She is not afraid, she is only afraid that her opponent is too weak, and at last there is no meaning at all.


A dark force of destruction bombarded. Mo Wen blocked his fist, and the black and white light wrapped his entire body. The surrounding heaven and earth were attracted by waves of energy. As a force slightly higher than the spiritual power, Yin and Yang Qi were not difficult to swallow the power of heaven and earth.

However, the dark power of the demon language is also very strange, not only can swallow the power of the heaven and earth around it, but also more exaggerated, if it is not that the yin and yang are originally good at defense, I am afraid that some of them can not stop the power of destruction.

A breath of destruction penetrated into him through his fists. Attempt to destroy the tissues and organs in his body, and the yin and yang gas swarmed up, and the yin and yang merged into an invisible grinding disc. A little bit of the destructive power that invades the body.

"Namo asked to be able to fight against the demon language, and it is not weak."

Jingxue stood up from the position and looked at the snowfield battlefield in shock. She originally thought that Mo Wen would be ruthlessly taught by the demon language. After all, the people below the holy order could overcome the demon language. She did not know if there was . Even if there are such people, I am afraid they are rare.

"He deserves a high level of inheritance, if not, his potential is too terrible." Jingxue shocked, half a year ago and half a year later, it was just like two people, one day, one ground, and the middle The time distance is only a short six months.

"Your Highness Jingxue, is he stronger than you!" The guardian knight beside Jingxue is also shocked.

"I have accepted the temple inheritance for a short time. It is far from the opponent of demon language, and certainly not his opponent." Jingxue's eyes were a little complicated. When he was in Fusang, Mo Wen was far inferior to her. Far beyond her. Moreover, it is still the case that she became an alternate saint and received the inheritance of the temple.

"Your Royal Highness, the demon language is a family of fallen angels, and it is also a royal family. It is said that the status of the royal family is also quite simple. You are not quite as good as her now, waiting for you to integrate the temple inheritance into the second stage, Mostly not worse than that demon language. "

The guardian knight comforted softly. As the alternate saint of the temple, the status of Jingxue is also quite high. If you go further and become a generation of saints in the temple, the future achievements are unimaginable.

"You don't understand. When I return to the temple this time, I will retreat for a long time until the world superpower contest."

Jingxue sighed with a sigh. This feeling of being succeeded by others is beyond the comprehension of others. I'm afraid she said that Mo Wen was still a little warrior with a fetal condition six months ago, and no one believed it.

"Mo asked, no wonder you dare to take Miss Ben's gamble, you have to say, you are amazing in the younger generation."

The figure of demon language flashed and appeared outside the battle circle, said indifferently.

"Are you boasting about yourself in disguise, at least I still want to beat you is still very difficult." Mo asked faintly, shouldering his hands, a worldly person, a light-hearted look. But in fact, Mo Wen's heart can be hard pressed, the power of the demon language is too destructive and destructive, once dealing with her, there is a breath of destruction invading his body and destroying it from the inside.

Although he has yin and yang qi, the mysterious changes of yin and yang, and his defense are unparalleled, the dark power cannot be arrogant in him. But that kind of tyrannical destruction power invades, but there will be quite amazing pain. If it is not his willpower, I am afraid that he will not help crying out. For the first time, such a destructive force was encountered.

"Defeat me? Mo asked you purely thought about it. It wasn't just a warm-up. I must have impressed you with my dark magic. Don't worry, everything has just begun."

Demon language sneered, if she couldn't get rid of it, wouldn't it be a joke. Not to mention the insult he had suffered before, how could he be relieved if he was not beaten to find his teeth!

"Miss Yaoyu, despite the tricks, it is not enough to defeat me by mouth." Mo Wendan smiled, but his expression became more and more serious. This Yaoyu is indeed a big enemy of him. But it is also the most suitable opponent at this stage.

For a time, he also boiled up with blood. This kind of high pressure came, and everything was full of unknown battles, which aroused the heart of his warrior. A warrior cannot fear any difficulties and challenges. .

The demon language no longer speaks, and the dark magic on his body suddenly thickens up, the atmosphere of evil and destruction is overwhelming, the whole sky suddenly darkens, and a cloud of dark clouds does not know when to block the light. That is not a dark cloud, but a magic cloud, a magic cloud formed by the high concentration of dark magic.

And the demon language, the body has amazing changes, a hazy black light condenses in her backpack, and then one pair, two pairs, three pairs ... Six pairs of dark wings appear behind her, each pair of wings is like a black diamond Casting, beautiful and beautiful, wings and wings flickered slightly, and an amazing magic vortex suddenly appeared in the world.

There are some changes in the body of the monster language. The height is more than three meters. The whole person seems to have become larger, but the body is more enchanting, exaggerated S-shaped, nearly two meters long long legs, 100% The otaku's nose bleeds to death. The dark magic automatically condenses a gorgeous dress on her body. The shape of the dress is not only beautiful and noble, the gems above shine on people's eyes, but the dress is not only beautiful and simple, but a set of pretty magical women. The style of armor and the breath above made Mo Wen feel uneasy.

The most terrible thing is that the demon language at this time, the breath is several times stronger, almost superior to the ordinary Yuan Shenjing strong.

"This is my form of battle, if you don't grow, then I'm sorry." Yaoyu's mouth twitched an enchanting smile, and the smile was very meaningful. The self-confidence in her eyes is particularly shining, this is her real strength, just warmed up just now. As a royal among fallen angels among the three races of the Demon League, her dignity cannot be challenged.

"Twelve Winged Fallen Angels!"

In the battlefield, Mo Qingge ’s pupils shrank slightly, and there was a stunned look in her eyes ~ ~ The fallen angels family, she is quite familiar, but one of the three major races in **** The strongest is one of the three masters of hell, enough to be comparable to the pinnacle of the spirit world.

The twelve-winged fallen angels, even if they are placed in the heavens and the world, are also quite terrifying strongmen, comparable to those of the Eastern Daoist Immortals.

Even if it is powerful, it can't be compared to the same situation, otherwise don't say not to ask, no one in the entire source world is her enemy.

Mo Qingge is very strange in his heart, how could the demon language have twelve wings representing the common ground.

"She really is a family of fallen angels, and the legendary royal family, but the royal family, I am afraid that she is not as exaggerated as her twelve wings."

Mo Qingqing took a deep breath. In the previous Tianhua Palace information, he speculated that the demon language came from the fallen angel family, but did not expect that she was actually a royal family. What is even more amazing is that she still has twelve dark wings. This seems a bit unconventional. .

"I'm afraid this woman is not easy. Report it upwards. No matter how big the matter is, it's nothing to do with us. Only Tianhua Palace is in charge."

Mo Qingge shook his head. The appearance of such a fallen angel in the original world is indeed a bit strange. This is not a big deal, not a small one. The source world has regulations that prohibit the appearance of monks of all the gods 'virtual realm and above, not only in China, but also in the whole world, because the source space can no longer withstand the power of the gods' virtual realm, and the western world will not dare to violate this rule no matter how bold it is. .

"Mo asked that boy was unlucky." Mo Qingqing's mouth twitched a playful smile. No one could think that the demon language was so big. (To be continued.)

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