Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 954: Speak up

readx (); Mo asked, squinting his eyes and paying attention to the surroundings, although he did n’t believe it at all in the demon language, how could there be such a evil thing in the world. But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you might be afraid of it. Since the woman of Yaoyu said that, it may not be groundless.


When a word was spoken, Mo Wen suddenly discovered that a terrible Tianwei came to him, and he sensed the fluctuation immediately, but he was terrified to find that he could not dodge at all, and did not know how to resist , Can only watch the wave fall on himself.


A dull thunder exploded in my mind, the soul seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, the consciousness appeared dark for a moment, and then there was sweetness in my mouth, and a stream of blood flowed out.

"The power of heaven, how is it possible!"

Mo asked the shocked look at the demon language, his eyes were full of incredible colors, the fluctuations just appeared, like the depression of Tianwei, he was no stranger. That was the power of Heavenly Dao. In the original space, he had seen it up close, so he understood the terrible power.

He couldn't understand why the demon language could control that kind of power, it was terrible! Fortunately, there is only a faint smell of Heavenly Dao. If it is stronger, his soul may be directly killed.

"Speak out and follow the law! That is the ability to comprehend the peerless power of heaven, how is it possible! Who is that demon language!"

Not only Mo asked, but the demon language in the fighting field also showed shock for the first time, looking at the demon language with horror. The words of the law follow, and the supreme Heavenly Daoist talent has such a prestige. A word of the Heavenly Dao saint can cause changes in heaven and earth, and the desert becomes an oasis, and the mountains change into plains.

This kind of power can only be possessed by the Heavenly Dao Saint and the extremely powerful Dadao Realm. The demon language is only a junior, how is it possible!

But the scene in front of him will not lie. The demon language has indeed inspired the power of Heavenly Dao. In a word, the fate of life and death is determined. Although the strength is weakly close to nothing, it can't threaten her at all, but on the level. But it is definitely the realm of speaking with the law.

"Sister, this demon language, I'm afraid it has exceeded our imagination, and the foreign clan has not been a heavenly saint for tens of millions of years ..."

Mo Qingqing said dignifiedly, demon body. He saw a terrible sign. Do those who transform the outside world want another saint?

A heavenly saint is the absolute supreme power. Although there is a big gap with the ancient heavenly saint like the **** of the gods, there are more heavenly saints than any other, which is a big thing in the heavens and the world.

"That demon language is indeed weird, and she can grasp the power of speaking out the law, which shows that her origin is quite simple. However, it is too difficult to become a heavenly saint ... the probability is probably one in a million. There are many Xeon Daoxian realm repair fairy They also touched the heavenly path, and they could do what they said with their words, but whether they would become heavenly saints or not, the hope is quite slim. "

Mo Qingge shook his head. The Heavenly Dao saint is a hurdle. In ancient times, he became a Heavenly Dao saint. In fact, he is already a fairy, even more terrible and powerful than the ordinary Tianxian. Before the Fairy, some Daxian cultivators had better luck. You can also carry the sky-trim feathering and soar. The most powerful Taoist cultivator who touched the heavenly path had almost 90% probability of becoming an immortal. Few people failed to ascend. This is the case. It is usually an accident.

As for the heavenly saints, almost 100% can become immortals. For them, soaring is only willing and unwilling. Some heavenly saints, for various reasons, did not soar. It is also normal.

At that time, the **** of meditation was a terrible heavenly saint as early as the ancient times. In order to realize the six heavens of the reincarnation of the highest heavenly path, he did not soar. It is a pity that the day of the immortal can no longer be soared.

"Even if it is only one in a million, the demon language may become the target of the Alliance of Gods." Mo Qingqing smiled. Becoming a heavenly saint is almost impossible for ordinary sentient beings, but demon language, but there is still a little hope. And such a little hope is something that the League of Gods absolutely does not allow. If there is one more heavenly saint in the Demon Alliance, it will be an unimaginable disaster for the Alliance of Gods.


Mo asked, his face pale, he was indeed injured, only because the demon spoke a word, he was injured. From the engagement to the present, with the body of the sky, he has almost no damage, but this time, the strength of the heavenly heaven has come, and the body of the strong sky has no effect unless he can also touch the mystery of the heavenly heaven.

Fortunately, the injuries were not serious, only minor injuries. But Rao is so, Mo Wen is also like a chicken with a blown hair, and his heart is furious, fighting with a person who can control the strength of Heavenly Dao. How can he fight?

"You can't use this power easily, right?"

Suddenly, Mo asked that he had sweat beads on his face, standing motionless on the spot, immediately thinking of something, and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, you are smart, if you can use it casually, you are not qualified to fight me." Yaoyu said lightly, and did not evade such a problem. Her talented demon language is indeed terrible, but also depends on the object. If it is an ordinary Wu Zong, she can instantly kill each other with a single word. But Mo Wen was too strong, and she couldn't say anything about her death. Even the power of Heaven was limited. Everything was relatively balanced. With Mo Wen's cultivation behavior, she couldn't kill her.

In the final analysis, it is still because her self-cultivation is too low. If she is good enough, don't say that it is possible to kill a god, even if it is possible to kill a god. The legendary saint of heaven can destroy the world with one word.

Mo Wen let out a sigh of relief, and his heart was a little balanced. If the demon language came a few times, then there was no need to fight at all, and he directly defeated.

"Don't be too happy, just now I didn't do my best, otherwise you will be seriously injured. And, even if you don't rely on talented demon language, you are not my opponent."

The demon said lightly, she just tried it out. Of course, if you do n’t care about everything, and you do n’t want to ask if you want to attack the talent, she will also be injured, and not a life and death enemy.

"Defeat me? Then you come, and I hope you can defeat me. I'm afraid this time, I really want to go all out."

Mo asked that he was a little low in his heart. In his eyes, he was so fierce. Where did he find such a strong opponent? Moreover, the two of them have no hatred, and they will not be too deadly. At the critical moment, the two of them will keep some hands, so this battle is a good opportunity for Mo Wen to sharpen.

A flash of thunder and lightning flashed, the sky snake **** spear appeared in Mo Wen's hands, the power of the spirit treasure, instantly raging on the snowfield, the thunder between the world and the world continued to gather.

At the same time, a blood gleamed from his right hand, and Mo Wen's right hand was directly transformed into a blood-scale dragon arm, and the grim dragon arm was quite terrifying.

The blood clotting claw is a very strange mystery on Mo Wen's body. It can continue to strengthen with the killing, and it is possible to evolve into a spiritual treasure in the future. It can be said that it is a evil weapon. Moreover, after refining the blood clotting claw, it can greatly enhance the strength on the arm, and the increase is quite large. What surprised Mo Wen most was that after he cast the body of the sky, his strength exploded to the extreme. Blood Claw can still increase his strength on this basis, and even the growth rate did not change.

This is a bit terrifying. None of the ordinary Need Profound Tools have this ability, let alone just the blood clotting claws of the Lower Profound Tools.

Mo Wen can be sure that the blood clotting claw is definitely not simple. It was estimated to be a terrible evil weapon. He couldn't help thinking of the corpse in the courtyard of the ancient city, which had experienced erosion for thousands of years, and he could still come to life by scamming. It shuddered when he thought about it. The blood clotting claws he left behind might not exceed Mo Wen's imagination.

Except for the sky snake **** spear and blood coagulation claw, Mo Wenling and the mountain scrolls that Mo Wen used to use before were almost useless at this time. Demon language is inherently evil, with such a strange talent as demon language, the soul is definitely not simple, and the attack of Ming crying bell may not have any effect.

As for the mountain scrolls, it used to be a good defensive treasure, but now, Mo Wen ’s body is strong enough to even surpass the mountain scrolls. Therefore, Mo Wen is also a pitiful chicken rib with no taste to eat.

"You are rich too."

The demon language looked at the two treasures that Mo Wen took out, and her pupils shrank slightly, but she was a sensible person. The thunderbolt spear was quite terrible, and it was as powerful as her fallen angel's sword. And that strange blood-scale dragon claw, she can't see any fame, but deep in her heart, she can't help but raise an ominous feeling, it is estimated that it is also an extraordinary thing ~ ~ A Chinese boy in the area, Actually, it is also so wealthy that the two treasures cannot be obtained by ordinary sage steps, at least the saints can access the treasures of this level. Although their world is not as affluent as the Xia nationality world, it is impossible to have such a big gap.

"Wealth is far worse than you. Come on, you don't have to be afraid of anything. You can use whatever you can. I'm not so easy to defeat."

Mo Wen's Sky Sword God Spear shook slightly, and the thunder and lightning suddenly became even more crazy. Now he can barely use the Sky Snake God Spear. Even if the power is turned back, he can barely resist with the body of the sky. The warriors in Yuanshen Realm may not be able to control it.

"The domain of fallen angels."

The demon whispered, the twelve wings behind her suddenly burst into a bright light, and then the whole world was darkened. The snowfield seemed to be covered, the endless darkness enveloped the earth, and the dark magic continued to emerge around the sky. Stars, but that is not an ordinary star, but a demon star, one by one, seems to be providing constant power for the demon language. In the field of fallen angels, she is almost undefeated.

A sword of light struck the night sky, hitting Mo Wen like a meteor. (To be continued.)

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