Invincible Level Up

Vol 5 Chapter 169: Divine power

The nine-order sea beast collapsed.

The ninth stage of the refining smashed through the moment.

Enter the virtual first order!

Qin Tian's eyes are mammoth, and the body of the dantian field has undergone rapid metamorphosis. The powerful force has penetrated into the body, and it is completely different from the power of the dragon elephant, but it is more fierce and powerful.

The power that was born between heaven and earth.

〖Body〗 Inner Dantian suddenly operated, and the force that poured into it suddenly made a dramatic change, extending from Dantian to the bones, tendons, blood, and even all the pores of the body, burning.

The burning of power.

For a moment, Qin Tian was very hot, but he couldn’t tell the comfort. The pleasure of being surrounded by power and shocking made him want to shēn.

"Into the virtual power."

"This is the virtual power." "Ha ha..." Qin Tian 〖Xing〗 Fen laughed, the fists force a grip, laughter like thunder, into the virtual power of the fierce explosion, surrounded by hundreds of sea beasts Was trembled by this breath of shock, so I dare not go forward half a step, my eyes are full of fear.

At this time, Qin Tian just reached the virtual realm, and could not grasp the virtual power.

His every move contains the power of unleashed power, while the value of Qigong is constantly decreasing.

Into the virtual power, is a force of the realm, must reach the virtual realm to be able to ingest the power of this world, contains the earth-shattering momentum, its power can be imagined. However, it must have strong qigong and true gas support.

The instinct is exhausted, even if it is powerful, it cannot be sacrificed.

Between the big laughs, Qin Tian doubles his fists and swells into the virtual power, and the body suddenly bursts out.

A punch burst.

A fifth-order sea beast died violently.

The internal organs of the internal organs were all smashed.

Once again, a sixth-order sea beast was shot to the air, and Qin Tian glanced at the place and disappeared. He once again flew to the air and slammed down.

"Rumble!" The body of the sixth-order sea beast pulled out a deep pit.

Qin Tian slowly fell, looking at the hands of the kind of 〖 Xing〗 sè overflowing in words, roaring.

"Shuang!" In a blink of an eye, rushing into the herd, began to kill the four sides, each hit contains the virtual power, each time attacking Qin Tian are debugging the control of the virtual power. The control of one hit and one hit, the consumption of qigong value will maximize the power of virtual power.

All over the body, every move, fully demonstrates the powerful atmosphere of the virtual power.

Now Qin Tian knows the powerful son of the virtual realm.

In comparison, the refining realm is simply too weak.

"Qin Tianda, I can't resist it..."

Luo mad face l ù ù , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Qin Tian put away his fists and was shocked. He just tried a pure power that was infused with virtual power. Now, look at how it will be added to the practice, and the heart will move.

One thought, Qin Shen single foot, flying to the air, sounded just after the thunder and thunder broke through the second-order face sè a strange smile, and turned to a big drink, "Large brother, you first let go, it is best to run away a little……"

Everyone glimpsed, Qin Tian's position is a hundred feet away from the Luo crazy position at the exit.

If the giant thunder is strong, will it not cover such a wide distance?

"His breath has changed." Luo Yue brows from the Qin Tian jump into the herd, he secretly pay attention to his momentum changes, if you just use the strength of the five-level fighters to describe, then Qin Tian is afraid to surpass eight The class fighters are only two levels away from the top ten fighters of the Dinghai family.

What power has made him so powerful in just a few minutes?

Luo Yue is puzzled, but his heart is changing. The power of Qin Tian is not only powerful but also eager for him. If he has his strength, plus the body of the sea, he wants to fight against Luo I am afraid it will be much simpler.

"What did Qin Tian do for you?"

Luo Yue heart silently read, now he is not able to see the Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianshen believes that he immediately jumped out of Baizhang and quietly looked at the exit.

At this time, there was less resistance from Luo Mania, and the sea beasts poured out like tides, which was extremely fast.


Qin Tian took a deep breath and his hands naturally stretched out. He looked up at the dark sea and quietly felt everything around him.

For a moment.

Suddenly a glimpse of the two eyes, the body of the 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔

Into the virtual power from the outbreak of Dantian, with the release of the thunder and thunder, intertwined in the purple black sè arrogance, the power that is full of destruction, Qin Tian can clearly feel that the feeling is not cool He could not find other words to describe.

"Let me take your strength."

Qin Tian fully released.

Under the vain power, the purple and black sè smoldering continually erupted out of thunder and thunder.

The flaming flame extends a hundred feet away.

Within this radius, Qin Tian is the master, everything.

"Shuntianlei, burst!"


The mountain is called a tsunami. The pressure of the mountains and the sea is under pressure, and it is like a thousand troops rushing to the river. For a time, the purple and black sès tumbling out a huge beam of light, hundreds of beams of light sweeping, and constantly erupting, the power of Qin Tian Think of a weapon in a past science fiction movie, a cannon.

The electric light shines hundreds of miles around the sea.

Even the blushing scene was alarmed and secretly investigated.

After a few seconds.

The bottom of the sea was cracked, and a piece of black was burnt. Nothing could be found on the ground except for the nucleus that was never destroyed.

Qin Tian is completely paralyzed.

The power of Sun Tianlei is beyond the power of imagination.

The second type of thunder and thunder is so powerful, what about the third and fourth styles?

Breathing deeply, the indescribable 〖Xing〗 Fen full of the whole body, just hit the Tianlei immediately let him break into the second order.

Into the virtual power is a bit stronger than before, each time it breaks into the virtual power will increase, its accumulation is used to impact the reincarnation of the realm, for the martial arts, the virtual realm is really a way into the road.

Every step after that should be done well, which is about the improvement of the realm in the future.

However, Qin Tian does not have to worry about it. These are useless to him. He is only responsible for killing monsters, killing people, and upgrading is inevitable.

I was very sad in my heart.

〖 Xing〗 Fen's expression hung on the face, the kind of sè Qin Tian tried to cover up but still can not control.

The smiling face of the little man is not good for anyone.

However, in the eyes of Luo, it is the style that the high man should have. At this time, he will be on the ground and bow to the teacher. The eyes of the fanatic eyes, can’t wait to hold the big tuǐ of Qin Tian, ​​or roll the ground to seek the thunder. The trick of swearing.

Qin Tian fell, went to the mouth of the canyon, grabbed a crystal nucleus on the ground, gently blowing, the crystal clear nucleus faintly flowing powerful energy.

At the same time, Luo Yue led the people from the peak of the canyon.

More than a hundred super-warriors look at Qin Tian's eyes completely like Luo Ruo, extremely fanatic.

In their hearts, Qin Tian can only be described by God, too powerful, beyond the scope of their understanding.

"Qin Tianda, please, teach me." Luo mad like a child, he is now completely shocked by the strength of Qin Tian.

"This is a kind of practice, it must be practiced, there is no way to teach." Qin Tian secretly smiled and really did not know how to teach. The thunder and thunder was a skill for him. He could not teach, and then said: Big Brother, you still call me Qin Tian, ​​the big **** is awkward, not to mention that there are too many people who are stronger than me outside the sea."

"There are people outside you who are stronger than you?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Qin Tian with curiosity.

"I am only in the second order of the virtual, the strength is not even in the middle, the person who is stronger than me is really a few." Qin Tian laughed.

If the appearance of the family of the sea is terrestrial, it will certainly cause a sensation.

There are countless masters in Tianyuan, and there are countless masters. Some of the peerless masters who have never existed in the world, they have powerful power, exercises, and magic weapons, but their bodies are weak.

The family of the sea has a strong body, and the pure power is much stronger than some masters who are in the virtual realm.

As far as the heads-up is concerned, Qin Tian is not necessarily an opponent of Luo Mania, and it is even more unlikely that he will be an opponent of Luo Yue.

He knew this when he saw it at first sight.

If you use the game in the game to draw points, they are warriors, attacking high, anti-thickness, fast speed, and extremely powerful impact.

"Well, everyone hastened up the nucleus."

Luo Yue shouted and the crowds dispersed.

Immediately, Luo Yue looked at the madness, and Luo madly lowered his head and walked away unwillingly.

The crowd dissipated, and Luo Yue solemnly said: "Thank you for helping us so much. Without you, I am afraid that our tribe is facing a huge dilemma."

"The patriarch is very polite, you have saved me, I am just paying for it." Qin Tiandao, but in my heart, there is still a thank you to the Roche family, if they are not hunting ~ ~ attracting thousands of sea beasts, he goes Where can I find such a great place to upgrade?

Compared to helping, Qin Tian is feeling them.

Without their hunting, Qin Tianzhen did not know when he could break into the virtual realm.

Luo Yue smiled, took a few mouthfuls of cold, looked at Qin Tian, ​​hesitated for a while, still asked "There is really a person outside the world who is stronger than you?" Qin Tian smiled and nodded, looked around Around, lowering the voice: "The main strength of Ziyuecheng has reached the fourth level of Qiankun, and 10,000 of me are not her opponents. Her thoughts will make me hún fly and annihilate."

“Is the Purple Princess really so powerful?” Luo Yue was shocked and shocked.

"The patriarch, I know that you don't believe me. If I were you, I wouldn't believe it, but I swear to God, I am really sent by the Purple Moon City. Everything I say to you is true." Qin The sky once again lowered the voice. "The reason why the Purple Moon Lord can't come back is because of the Red Moon." Luo Yue was once again shocked, and shivered, watching Qin Tian, ​​God sè great change, the heart said: "Does the Purple Moon Princess return? Is it because of the heart of the sea?"

"Is the legend true?" "If that's the case,!"

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