Invincible Level Up

Vol 5 Chapter 179: Violent attack

Some people are very afraid of death. At the moment when the **** of death harvests life, they want to escape, struggle, fear, but unable to reverse. In the face of the threat of death, everyone will be scared and fearful of death.

Ancient Tibetan is afraid of death, very afraid of death. [.]

When Chasing Qin Tianzhi in the dark sea, Yao Kong’s appearance was the first to escape. In the face of the reincarnation of Yao Kong, the first thought that flashed in his mind was to escape. There was no thought to analyze the half points.

It was not until he escaped thousands of kilometers that he suddenly realized that he was being played.

Qin Tian, ​​who was refining the eighth order, played.

If this matter is passed on, his position in the Optimus will plummet and he will not face to see anyone.

Entering the peak of the virtual realm, the ancient Tibetans are more important than anything else, but this time he is really angry, and that kind of anger makes him secretly swear that he must kill Qin Tian to wash the shame of the day.

However, he still does not want to shoot himself, still want to use the power of the four people of Fengyun Thunderbolt.

Therefore, at the moment when Qin Tian three people walked out of the Castle of Devils, he disappeared.

The wind and thunder and lightning, not far behind Qin Tian, ​​deliberately kept the distance, as if waiting for an opportunity.

Qin Tian pondered and thought, "What kind of famous old guys do you want to do?"

The unpredictable things are full of murder and danger.

Qin Tian hates things that he can't grasp. Therefore, he decided to attack first. No matter where he is in the ancient hiding place, he first solved the storm and thunder and four people. Anyway, he will start killing sooner or later. It is better to take the initiative.

"Black big brother. One, you two pay attention to the warning." Qin Tian whispered a word, then the body disappeared.

"he came."


"Power cage!"


In the void, Qin Tianmei sè wrinkled, secretly said: "Oops."

From the out of the city, Fengyun Thunder and Light began to secretly attack the force of attack, and the four people searched for speed, distance and orientation. All maintain a special position.

However, Qin Tian was a bit careless and did not see it.

At the moment when Qin Tian disappeared, the face of the wind was a smile of the forest, and secretly said: "Sure enough, the ancient is really old, and the strategic arrangement is too good."

Almost instantaneously, Qin Tian was trapped.

The power strips around the spider web form an indestructible cage, and it is very difficult to escape.

The cage was formed and the four immediately began to brew the combined power.

Suddenly. The dark clouds over the top of the cage swayed, and the deep vortex rolled out. The thunder and lightning continued to flash, and the power of oppression was unparalleled.

"Qin Tian. Prepare to die."

"Ha ha..."

The wind screams and laughs, and it is extremely proud to enter the power cage. Even if you are a master of the reincarnation, you don’t want to escape. Qin Tian is just a third-order imaginary, waiting for **** to fly.

All four are proud of their smiles.

The Fengyun Thunder and the four people have never failed, and this time is no exception.

Qin Tian shook his head and sneered, watching their confidence filled, cold and cold: "This is your strategy? Too weak."

"The Law of Breath, the Song of Chaos."

Qin Tian whispered, the body's breath suddenly changed, and his eyes glanced. The breath in the body rises out of the sky, forming a violent turbulent stream that infiltrates the four people.

Fengyun thunder and lightning four faces sè immediately pale, the chaotic breath into the body violently violent, completely confusing their rhythm, chaos, can not calm down.

The power cage began to move.

The upgrade of the law of breath made Qin Tian feel a little unexpected, and it can actually evolve into a mental attack. The release of the song of chaos can directly make the violent and uneasy.

The law is above the practice, and unless the spiritual power is cultivated to the highest level, the chaos of Qin Tian will be irritated.

This is the power of the law of breath.

A light stroke will break the force of the four people in the storm, this is the result of two months of cultivation.

Only Qin Tian specifically dealt with the moves of the four people of Fengyun.

When the law of the original breath was upgraded, his heart was faintly shocked, and he immediately thought of the technique of attacking the storm and thunder and lightning. Now it seems that the song of chaos is simply their nemesis.

Physical attacks are useless to you, so is there a use of mental attacks?

Qin Tian does not believe that the four of them will be invincible when they are trying to fight.

The four people are like a four-faced song, the kind of lore, the life and death, violent in the body, the chaos of their body is confusing, in this case, even if the strength of the combination is stronger, it can not play.

"Keep your mind, hold your mind, stop your breath, and kill with all your strength..."

"Hey, ancient, you are also coming."

Qin Tian smiled lightly, holding his hands, and the words of the ancient Tibetans were tight, and the song of chaos increased.

The force cage that was already astounding was strong, and at this time it was a bit stronger.

"It seems that you know a lot about the mental attack." Qin Tian coldly sighed, and then, cold eyes swept over the four of them, and the power of the body was indignant. In this case, Qin Tian sneered, coldly said: Level 1 violent!"


u white sè flare shot.

The song of chaos instantly surged four times and became more violent in their bodies.

At this time, their bodies are like an ancient battlefield. The million-strong army smashes a piece of blood, and the blood flows into a river. The breath is the true airflow that Dantian condenses, and the atmosphere is chaotic, and the whole person follows with violent uneasiness.

"Not bad, I can still stand it."

"Hidden, you still don't show up?"

"Ha ha..." Qin Tian laughed, his brows tightened, and suddenly he drank "secondary violent..."



u white sè's halo instantly popped up, and the powerful force instantly skyrocketed.

Eight times the power of the genus.

The song of chaos evolved into a chaotic roar, only to see the wind and the thunder and the four people rushing around with the meridians, the face sè red, a burst of white. It seems that the body is a boiling water in a pot. Uncomfortable.

They can't resist it, but Qin Tian doesn't mean to stop.

Sneer with a "three-level violent!"


Qin Tian’s body emits a light beam formed by a beam of light, which quickly ejects. Goes out and directly hits the force cage, sending out a powerful roar of power.

Sixteen times the power.

The song of chaos broke out again. At this time, the wind and thunder and lightning were like suffering in hell, and then stopped. The riot of the body is about to explode their bodies, and it is extremely painful.

"Old, we can't stand it."


The four people broke out like a pig-like roar, and they were willing to support it.

The wind and thunder and lightning four people instantly flew out, flew out of the hundred feet, and fell heavily. At this time, their faces were pale and soaked, as if they had experienced a terrible war.

"How could this be?" The wind squinted and stared at Qin Tian incredibly. I don't understand why Qin Tian's strength has reached such a terrible level in just a few months. The chaotic atmosphere is terrible.


"I can't think of you not only comprehending the magical skills, but also cultivating strong * Tibetans slowly falling from the sky, less than a hundred feet away from Qin Tian. The eyebrows are dark and wrinkled, and the heart is shocked. "Twenty years old does not understand the magical powers." It’s already no one in the middle of the world. It’s incredible that even the rules above the above-mentioned exercises are realized. ”

Even if he is a stalwart master, he claims to be a supernatural person.

"You really have a vision. Actually it was seen by you." Qin Tian smiled lightly, cold eyes swept "You can be considered to be out, waiting for you to work hard."

"Qin Tian gives you a chance to choose to join the Optimus. Everything in the past can be pursued." Gu Zang looked at Qin Tian seriously.

"If you want me to join, you can join. As a condition of joining. You must first kill Yang Lan." Qin Tian calmly calmed down, but his heart was sneer.

Now that he wants to join, even if he gives him the entire Optimus, he must consider it.

"Qin Tian, ​​don't get instinct, do you really think that you will be my opponent? You are so arrogant that you can be an enemy of the entire Optimus? You are still advised to know the time." The ancient Tibetans said coldly, the body was invisible. The breath is released, and the song of chaos does not have any effect on him. "As long as you promise to join the Optimus, there is someone in Yang Lan who will tell you."

"Say love? Just say love?" Qin Tian smiled. "I just want him to die!"


The ancient sang screamed, glaring and round, and his body was filled with vain power, and the snow broke down from his feet, rolling up a huge storm. Immediately, the body leaped violently, and the volley scorned Qin Tian. In the hand, he had an eagle-claw-shaped weapon, which flashed the poisonous awn of the ink green.

"Give you a chance, don't know how to cherish, let you know my means today."

The sound seems to have been uploaded from the nine days, the sullen and oppressive pressure of the refining of the virtual power, with the power of the virtual peak to crush the heart of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian couldn’t stop moving back, and the thick snow under his feet made a deep trace. His eyes lifted slightly and stared at the ancient Tibetan in the air. The smile of Sensen “entered the peak of the virtual realm? Let’s try my super today. Big move."

"Four levels of violent!"


The magical violent rose to the fourth level thirty-two times the power.

At this time, Qin Tian is like a madman.

A beam of light on the body rises up and hits the sky for nine days.

The thick clouds are instantly shattered by the aurora, invisible and invisible, while the power of the dragon elephant grows out.

Along the beam, a scorpion from the ancient chaos swallowed clouds and smog, and the trend of the mountains and the sea fell, the world was dull, and the faint méngméng was incomparably suppressed.

At the same time, the heavy footsteps rushed out. Every time you stepped out, the earth shook, and the roar of the world shattered.

"The dragon elephant is out, suppressing the world!"

The third-order power of the dragon elephant purgatory is extremely shocking.

Qin Tianzuo’s mouth rose and outlined a death-like smile. His eyes were extraordinarily fascinating. Looking at the ancient Tibetans in the air, he suddenly laughed wildly. “Haha...”

The ancient forehead is cold and sweating...! .

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