Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1077: caveat

"Black inflammation, it would be too hasty to arrange Lin Fei in the past!"

When Lin Fei left, the dragon emperor who had left before appeared.

The black dragon is named Black Yanlong!

Lin Fei concealed the name, but it is nothing to the Dragon Emperor.

When I knew the origin of Lin Fei, there was no such thing as a surprise. At most, I would look at the treasure of the eternal emperor that he had contact with, and would not care too much about this person.

This kind of realm, the top powers of the heavens and the world, what genius has not seen, the more powerful genius than Lin Fei is also.

"No, the eternal emperor was famous all the time, leaving his own treasures of inheritance. Treasures are hidden inside. Even if we personally enter, we may not be able to take things out as we wish. Lin Fei’s son is completely different. , Xue Shaolong, we are optimistic, not the enemy of the other side, Lin Fei in the inheritance, will be able to get back to our Dragon World things, even if you can not get, do another hand preparation is not bad!" Black Yan Longdi said .

Dragon Emperor nodded and said yes!

That thing has never been born, and the treasures of the eternal emperor have appeared. In any case, they are not willing to give up this opportunity.

This must be done in a few hands, not in a basket.

Lin Fei is the preparation of their other hands.



Outside the Palace of the Dragon Palace!

A large square, when it is normal, seems very quiet, few people will come to this place.

Near the square, there is an imperial pressure.

"Xuan Tian Long Jun, the black robe kid came out."

Diffuse the emperor-level pressure zone, a murderous but not a hair, dozens of people standing in the square. The fierce light is moving in one direction.

"It's really coming!"

When Lin Fei came out, the murderous eyes fell on him, and they were amazed at their speed. They didn’t have to guess and understood that the people of Longteng Yilongjun came to the door.

"Mullin. You dare to kill Long Xuan Longjun, what a sin!"

A middle-aged man in the middle raised his hand and the dark clouds came, and the heavens and the earth darkened. The power of the golden light was great, and the thunder was loud. Photographed at Lin Fei.

This palm is fascinating!

Lin Fei smiled, not flustered, and the same palm greeted him and ran into the other's big palm. The middle-aged man below raised his mouth. The face is sinking.

"His power~~~"

Long Xuan Tian Longjun is a powerful cadre of Long Teng Yi Long Jun. The strength is much stronger than that of Qi Long Xuan. After learning the kid, he volunteered to bring the black robe kid back.

The strongest Longjun Palace, a strong dragon-level powerhouse was strangled, and the dragon palace of the Dragon Palace was a dragon. The Thunder was furious and broke a lot of things.

Losing a dragon-class powerhouse, and a lot of dragon-level masters, is indeed a big loss.

Long Xuantian took the initiative and took a look at the palm of his hand.

"Come back!"

Long Xuan Tian Longjun has a divine power and has already reached 60 billion dragons. At this level, it is very difficult to improve the dragon spirit. For each part of the promotion, it is the improvement of strength.

The gap of 10 billion dragons is enough to make the dragon's fighting power reach a level of terror.

This power, but can not help the black robe kid.

Long Xuan Tian Long Jun rises to the sky, killing is locked on the other side. The shrines are inexhaustible, and each stroke is reaching an amazing level.

Lin Fei, who was in the attack, was light and clouded, and easily blocked every move. He was not injured at all.

"Hey, who will allow you to do it!"

A huge face appeared, occupying the entire sky, and the wrathful emperor shrouded.

The courageous power of the four moments stopped and instantly collapsed.

"Dragon Emperor!"

Long Xuantian once again changed his face, expensive for a dragon, facing the dragon emperor, it is a gap, can not be crossed, the dragon emperor wants to kill him, a thought is enough.

"You also know that I am the Dragon Emperor!"

A huge face, turned into a black man, standing in the sky.

"What is going on, how can the Dragon Emperor shoot out!" Long Xuan Tian Longjun lowered his head, and the scorpion was unwilling to show up. He knew that he had just taken over and took the black robe.

"Dragon Emperor, in fact, we don't want to, in fact, the black robe kid is too hot, not a small thing, why should it be so heavy, we invite him to go, nothing more than want to understand, no malicious !"

The dragon emperor appeared, and Long Xuantian did not dare to speak.

Even the palace owner did not dare to offend a dragon emperor.

"Do not talk nonsense, bring people who are leaving you!"

The black Emperor was squandered, and the mighty forces came. Long Xuantian could not resist. He was sent out on the spot and appeared in a place outside.

"I said Dragon Emperor, you have not shot, you will not shoot at night, and now you are willing to make a toss!" Lin Fei complained.

The Dragon Emperor of Black is an incarnation of black inflammation, faintly said, "You are a guest, how can you let you shoot, I am afraid that when you shoot, Long Xuantian can not stay one."

Black Yan Longdi can not know Lin Fei's thoughts.

This guy is not an honest man. If he plays the imperial power, Long Teng Yi Longjun will lose a lot of masters, and this thing must not appear.

Lin Fei turned a blank eye and wanted to play the face of Longteng Yilongjun again. It would be no longer a moment.


In a dragon palace!

Longteng Yilongjun sat on the throne, his face was cold and cold, and the chill of the nine secluded, it was not close.

Among the top ten dragons, the first dragon palace, instead of being beaten by a young man, also killed a dragon-class powerhouse, it is not a small matter.

The mood of Longteng Yilongjun is not good, it is a natural thing.

Due to the identity problem, Longteng Yilongjun will not be hands-on, but he did not intend to let go.

"Xuantian went out for so long, why haven't brought people back!"

Longteng Yilongjun frowned.

"The strength of Long Xuantian, coupled with the dragon god-level masters, to form a large array, it is not difficult to suppress the black robe kid, why ~~~~"


A divine descends from the sky!

The mysterious power enveloped the entire Dragon Palace.

The people standing in the hall lost their ability to act in an instant and were all banned.

"Black Yan Long Di!"

Long Teng Yi Long Jun stood up and raised his bad thoughts in his heart.

"Hey, do you still know me, the dragon emperor? Who allows you to start with Mulin? If you pass it out, our dragon world will be wiped out by big teeth!"

Longteng Yilong Jun can't think of it, the Black Emperor Dragon Emperor will really come, and his heart is unwilling.

This black robe kid is sheltered by the Black Emperor.

"Long Tengyi, the Emperor confessed to you, Mulin has great use for our dragon and dragon world. From today, you are not allowed to have any thoughts on him." The black Yanlong emperor's voice is full of majesty.

Black Yan Longdi came here for a special trip, in order to warn Long Teng Yi Long Jun, do not mess with hands.

"Well, you have a black robe kid and moved out of the Dragon Emperor. This is not over!"

If you don't become a dragon emperor, Longteng Yilongjun must always learn to restrain, and dare not go against the words of the black dragon.

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