Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1135: Weiwei


As the water continues to attack, Lin Fei is constantly drowning in it!

The shadow of cyan will come back and forth without a trace!

Sakya's arrogance, by virtue of the speed of incredible thoughts, the speed of light that only the realm of Xiandi has, is in an invincible position, standing on top of everyone.

"It can last for so long, your body is very strong!"

The blue silhouette stopped, and the surrounding wind knife continued to besiege Lin Fei, and did not stop.

The wind is the best partner of Sakya!

A thought, the wind rises, the knife shines out, and there is no end.

This is the beginning of mastering some of the road.

"The people I want to kill in Sakya, no one can never die, you can't be an exception~~~ just the attack, just an appetizer~~~"

Sakya stretched out his hand and grasped hundreds of wind knives into one, turning into a cyan long whip. Similar to this cyan long whip, he controlled ten, each of which contained the horror.

"Spiritual, the wind is gone!"


Ten cyan long whip, shattered the void, and the life and death are shaking!


Where the long whip passes, everything is gone!

The power of Lin Fei’s blasting, ten long whiplashes, all were shattered.

"This is the real power of people, at least 1 trillion dragon power, this is to kill me in the ring!"

Just after one thought.

Ten long whip, such as the light wind, wrapped around the body.

This is the ultimate control of power.

Between rigid and soft, the power is great.

Ten long whip entangled, releasing the power of scorpion, crazy strangulation, making Lin Fei unable to move.


The crystallized bones are threatened and sounded.


Lin Fei will not accept this life!

At the crucial moment, power began to break out.

"Give me a burst!"

With a bang, Lin Fei was so powerful. A huge momentum, like a wolf.

"Ten times outbreak!"

The horrible power of the horror will smash the long whip around the body, shattering a strip, flying the long whip in the air, still smashing, and the ten long whipes are broken!

"Divine storm!"

Take Lin Fei as the center. Set off a storm of divine power.

Ten times the power of the outburst, turned into a hurricane, shrouded in the ring.

The sword of Sakya, broken and open, could not stop the attack of this divine storm, and annihilated in the storm.


The magic storm came out. Lin Fei seized the opportunity, I really destroy the sword in hand, the sword is the past, Jianguang.

"Hidden strength, using the secret method to enhance strength, really no disappointment!"

In the face of a sudden explosion of Lin Fei, Sakya laughed.

"Wind Shield!"

Weathered style shield. Blocked in front of yourself.

Lin Fei's sword was killed, squatting on the wind shield, blasting on the spot, the next side of the wind shield appeared again, and repeated, constantly blocking in front of him, turned to Jianwei.

"You are very strong in this sword, but unfortunately you can't kill me. Instead, you consume a lot of Xianli, I don't know how many times you can play!"

After shattering hundreds of thousands of wind shields, Sakya raised his hand and banged it, exploding a horrible sword.

"If this is your last attack, then you can accept it!"

There was a cyan sword in the hand of Sakya, and this cyan sword came out. Tianwei roared, it turned out to be a Tianwei Xianjian, containing Tianwei.


Sakya simply pulled out a sword!

A cyan long dragon, roaring out. Swinging to kill.

"This is Tianwei!"

In the meantime, a breath of chilling chills shrouded Lin Fei.

It is a powerful anti-sky atmosphere. Lin Fei seems to face an invincible giant. This giant has not yet shot. He can kill him 10,000 times with his breath. In front of this giant, he is as small as an ant. Can't beat the giant.

"Is it really going to die?"

In the face of this breath, Lin Fei found that all his combat power could not be brought to confront.

Everything is suppressed.

The breath of death is shrouded in Lin Fei. ,


"It is worthy of my use of Tianwei Xianjian, you can be proud!"

Sakya held his hand and looked at Lin Fei, who was going to die. Because the other party gave him a big accident, the realm was not high, and the combat power was terrible. Especially the tyrannical body could not be completely destroyed. So he used the Tianwei Xianjian. .

In front of Tianwei, the physique of the tyrannical body is still torn apart and completely broken.

No one can survive in the presence of Tianwei.

Heaven, the strongest existence!

"If you give this guy a few hundred years, I will not necessarily be an opponent. It is even harder to kill him!" Sagya said in secret, this is a potential stock, but it is a pity to die in his own hands.

Sakya is still very proud to kill such a potential stock.

The other party will not be inferior to their existence in the future!

Qinglong roared, and destroyed the divine runes, opened his mouth, and smashed the scorpion, releasing the killing.


Lin Feiqiang's body is broken, and after being broken, it is covered by a force. It is impossible to recover. This is the real most terrible thing. In this realm, there is infinite support, and the body cannot be recovered. It’s because of this.

The body collapsed and the chances of resurrection were gone.


"This is Tianwei affecting my body!"

Lin Fei urged Xianli to try to tear open the power of divine power. The result is not good. Whether it is Xianli or divine power, it is always impossible to break the power of divine power.

The breath of death is closer!

Lin Fei seems to see that death is constantly approaching.

Losing a strong body, facing the sword of the Weixian sword on this day, without any grasp can be blocked and not dead.

Until then, Lin Fei still ignored the horror of the heavens in the world, and the terrorist power of the Tianjiao. Compared with them, they still fell a lot.


Jianwei is still raging!

Lin Fei’s half body was completely annihilated and could not be recovered.

The breath of death is even heavier.

Qinglong whistling, Zhang mouth bite down.

"I don't want to be reconciled. Why do I have to suppress me by the heavens? As long as I am alive, sooner or later, one day, I will kill this **** heaven. I want to be a transcendence of heaven, ah ah ah~~~"

The pressure of heaven is terrible!

Even Lin Fei is terrifying. In the face of the pressure of heaven and earth, the fighting power is infinitely suppressed.


I have never stopped moving, and I suddenly broke the sword.

Move yourself!

Lin Fei discovered that in the depths of the sea, the golden liquid that was constantly rotating, instantly burst out of tyrannical power, in the midst of it. A supreme force blessed the sword.

The real sword of my death has broken out of the sky!

Golden light shines!

In the depths of the Qinglong pupil, the fear was revealed, and the retreat was caused. The sword was coming out of the sky, the dragon was broken, and the heavenly pressure on Lin Fei was blessed. It seems to be a little smaller.

"Open to Laozi!"

Rumble ~~~~

Lin Fei urged the dragon to force, and the momentum was increased, and the blockade was broken in one fell swoop. Xianli was running, the body recovered, and he reached out. I am dead and the sword falls on my hand.

"Give me to die!"

The horror of a sword turned into a golden light, in the midst of it, in the golden light, stood a illusory existence, can not see the true.

"Blocked, he blocked."

Saga's face suddenly changed.

This Tianwei Xianjian contains 20% of Tianwei and has been purchased at a huge price. Power cannot be imagined, and this sword is never used until important moments.

Someone is blocking now.

There was a horror in the other side, and a sword broke his own big kill.

"A sword that is dying, can you kill me? It is impossible!"

Sakya saw a big scene, and did not think that Lin Fei had the opportunity to turn over and once again urged Tianwei Xianjian. One hundred swords were thrown out in one breath, and one hundred dragons roared.

This hundred swords came out, and Sakya panted. His face is white!

The golden light is like a streamer, not subject to any heavenly suppression. From the green dragon, the green dragons are blasting, one can't breathe, and one sword breaks all attacks.

"A come!"

Endless wind power, turned into a blue fairy, flashing fairy, quality is not general, high-end grade.

"This is Tianwei Xianjia, see how you kill me!"

The wind shield is in front of you again!

Sakya is very clear, blocking this sword, Lin Fei has no chance, will die.

With the radiance approaching, the horrible atmosphere, once again let Sakya discolor, it is the only power of me, the lawlessness, even stronger than the heavenly pressure.

Sakya finally felt the endless danger is shrouded in himself.

"Impossible, this is clearly the big killing that the Emperor can release. How did he motivate him? Is he a reborn of the Emperor?"


A golden sword, a sword pierced the wind shield, all the wind blasted and turned into pieces, but I only respected it, overbearing a sword, hitting the celestial scorpion, and the sky was floating, blocking the sword and making it difficult to advance.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me, this is Tianwei Xianjia, which contains heavenly defense!"

In the depths of Sakya, he put down fear.


The voice just fell, the explosion of Jinguang Changjian League out of the heavens, a sword pierced the sage, from Saga wearing the past, leaving a blood hole.

"I will not die, I am a generation of Tianjiao, have not been promoted to Xiandi, have mastered four times the speed of light, and wait until the promotion of Xiandi, at least can master dozens of speeds of light, in the Emperor, will have a place, famous Tiantianwan The world, and I am a natural fairy, my future is not here, in ~~~~"


On the face of Sakya, there were cracks in the road, and the cracks continued to fall down, covered with the whole body, and a gust of wind blew, and the cracks shattered, and Sakya turned into a piece of land.

A powerful generation of Tianjiao is so dead.


Lin Fei spit blood, this powerful sword came out, and found that Xianli was all evacuated, and the body was covered with tired color, and the depth of the sea, the golden liquid, was one more drop.

"Is that the power of the avenue?"

At the crucial moment, the one that saved himself was the golden liquid that the avenue became.

I am really destroying the sword, returning to Lin Fei’s hand and viewing it with the knowledge of God. As before, the golden liquid has no shadow.

“Congratulations to the challenger, challenge the success, get the 30 million avenue crystal stone reward!”

Lin Fei looked up and his eyes lit up.

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