Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1217: Not as good as you

Lin Fei took the initiative to attack, all the way across the Emperor Xiandi, overshadowed all the big and small things in the world, everyone is paying attention!

When Lin Deer headed up to the legendary secluded emperor, the three-step empire in the rumor once again attracted a sigh of sorrow, all kinds of sneer and sarcasm, and continued to come.

No one is optimistic about Lin Devil!

In the world of Dadutian, Lin De's head has unparalleled power and is pressing the Emperor of the Emperor.

Who is the Emperor of Youdu? The three-step empire in the rumor, the strength is unfathomable, and it is not painful to die. In the past, there was a counter-president of the Emperor, trying to accept the other as a follower, and finally did not succeed, and the world was famous!

Since that war, no one dared to find the Emperor.

Lin Deer headed a special trip to find the secluded magic emperor is not high!

Regrettably, they dare not catch up with the onlookers, to find out, the death swamp of the Emperor of the Emperor, the vast world of horror exists, who goes to die.


When the outside world guessed.

Underground palace!

Lin Feizheng and the secluded emperor fight!

The Emperor of Youdu took out enough respect, the strength of the three-step demons was full, there was no trace of hiding, and all efforts were made.


A huge iron rod, sometimes turned into a black torrent, sometimes as fierce as a tiger, sometimes soft like water, between the heart and the movement, the power of terror erupted.

These forces are enough to kill the three emperors below the Emperor.

The three-step magical emperor does not necessarily have to eat.

Lin Fei, who is in a black robe, has six arms like an iris, and he keeps shooting on the iron bars. The two are broken into pieces.

"I don't think it's a fierce name. Now try the old man's secret trick!"

The bigger the Emperor, the bigger the more scared.

Since that year's war, the show has spread its power and escaped from the Emperor of Heaven. Famous in the world, realizes the undead, unless it is the four-step magic emperor's anti-celestial emperor, otherwise the general Xiandi can not kill him.

After concentrating on cultivation for thousands of years, the strength of the Emperor of Youdu has improved.

The three-step magic emperor. Three strokes will be defeated.

This is the confidence of the Emperor of Youdu!

Lin Fei, the name of Lin Deer's head, the secluded demon emperor naturally heard, one step demon emperor's demon emperor died in this young man's hand, did not care, Qu Fengxian emperor personally invited. He does not give face.

After the fight, the Emperor of the Emperor realized that Lin Fei was very powerful.

The flesh is so terrible!

Moreover, if you don't have a three-step magical power, the power of the iron stick will be shocked back, and the iron bars in your hand will fly out.

Booming ~~~

The secluded emperor's momentum has once again increased.

The ordinary means can't help Lin Fei!

Have to use mystery!


Such as the sound of running water. Rushed up, black shadows!

"Lin Daoyou, if you can keep the secrets of the old man, the old man asks you not as good as you!"

Behind it, a cold wind hit!

Left front, another cold wind hit!

A cold wind, flocking to Lin Fei!

"A strong secret mystery!"

The cold wind blows through the skin. The skin is shining like a silky crack!

"Block your mysterious magical powers, no words!" Lin Fei is full of arrogance, withdrawing three heads and six arms, holding hands and standing, "I stand still, see the mysterious magical power of the predecessors!"

"You are too arrogant, destined to regret it!"

The sounds of the Emperor of the Emperor are coming from all directions!

"The body of chaos!"

Lin Fei has a hidden wave!


A cold wind like a thousand mountains and mountains hit Lin Fei's unyielding body!

Hundreds of cold winds attack!

Lin Fei has a path.

"This magical mystery is indeed very strong, and it really is the oldest generation of the world. It is estimated that it is a place in the three-step magical emperor." Lin Fei said, "The body of Chaos is tyrannical. My The body is as strong as a mountain, and it doesn't move!"

Call ~~

The cold shadow of the road continues to flock to Lin Fei!

The whole process lasted for more than ten breaths!

Call ~~

The black shadow dissipated, and the Emperor of the Emperor sighed with relief, and helplessly said, "Old man. Not your opponent, I can't think of the big world. You have this kind of anti-Emperor, and you are the one step counter. Heavenly Emperor!"


The secluded emperor has been famous for a long time, and the mystery of the sacred sorcerer has come out, still Nai Linfei, lost convinced orally!

I can admit that I have failed. Lin Fei has a lot of impressions on the Emperor of Youdu. Standing in this position, few of them have done this.

"Accepted." Lin Fei arched, "Your undead, I am not sure!"

The most proud of the Emperor of Youdu is to realize the undead power. At that time, it was because of the undead gods, and finally there was no way to take the Emperor.

"The old man wants to know if you have cultivated the body of chaos!"

The secluded demons looked like a torch and stared at Lin Fei, eager to know!

"Well, yes, I did cultivate the body of chaos!" Lin Fei said, the secluded emperor is not bad, and the body of chaos can be recognized.

"Sure enough, it is the body of chaos. It is no wonder that the secret technique of the old man is useless to you!" The secluded emperor sighed. "The chaotic body was born in the past, the war was a hero, and it was unparalleled. I didn't expect the chaos to appear now. This war, the old man lost the conviction of oral, Lin Daoyou, if it is not abandon the old man, the old man is willing to run for you, most of the world, as long as the old man opened, those people must sell the old man face!"

Everyone knows the body of chaos!

The cultivation of chaos is hard to climb, and it is good to cultivate a part, not to mention the whole body.

There is such a good thing!

Lin Fei naturally accepts the kindness of the Emperor of Youdu.


"Old ghost, come out soon!"

In the dark world of Dadutian, in a dark space with birds and flowers, there was a loud voice, and the flowers, the fairy tales and the fairy beasts were scattered around.

"The murderous, the ghosts are old ghosts, you are in trouble again."

In the distance, a stream of light came from the sound of screaming.

Soon after, a vicissitudes of old people appeared.

"You are old ghosts, you are not in your place, run me here, and want to mix and drink? Why, bring a young man, you know that I am the rule!"

Zhengxuan Xiandi, it is this old man, his mouth is squatting, his heart is curious, the secret is the friend of the emperor, not accepting disciples, alone, when will bring people to himself, this is quite unbelievable.

"Old ghost, your temper is still so big, not just bring a person!" The secluded demons are dissatisfied. "He is not an ordinary person. Not long ago, the Emperor lost in his hands, even the other's body. Can't break it."

Zheng Xuan Xian Emperor smashed his eyes and looked up and down the young man.

"Are you kidding?"

Lin Fei said to himself, "Predecessors, in Xia Linfei, Dean of Shengtian College!"

"You, you are the raging forest devil head outside? It is pretty young enough!"


There is no sign of Zhengxuan Xiandi. One finger points out, just fierce and powerful, and one finger points on Lin Fei’s eyebrows.

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