Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1269: There are people in the minefield

"Not good, the Emperor is in danger!"

Within the flying treasure, several people are very reassured about the Emperor.

There is no such thing as a place in the Nether Seven Heavens. With a strong flesh, there is nothing in this minefield that can harm the Emperor.

In the minefield, a knife smashed out, the knife light contained the horror avenue, changing the impermanence, you know that a terrorist enemy shot.

"There are seven people in the void, how can anyone!" Insin jumped up.

By the way, no one should appear.

It seems that this person is clearly collecting the heart of the Thunder.

Lin Fei didn't think that someone who would take a thousand years of Thunder would be able to shoot himself, and the person who shot himself would not be far from himself.

The heart of the Thunder is to be fixed.

No one can stop it.

The big hand grabbed it hard, and the heart of the Thunder fell on his hand. He slammed into the knife and slammed it on the knife. The force of the violent force broke out and flew out.

"Oh, there are some skills that can stop the old man's knife!"

In the depths, there was an unexpected sound. I saw a person wearing an armor, rushing out, opening the bow left and right, and a knife smashed, and the knife light was attached to the knife and squatted on the arm.

"court death!"

Lin Fei was furious, and he stared at something, and some people snatched it. No matter why there were strong people in the minefield, the remaining five arms flew out and shot on the knife.


In a blink of an eye, the knife light of the sky was shot by the arm.

Fighting power, for the time being, no one has ever fought Lin Fei’s ancient power.

The knives that flew in the air exploded in midair. It is divided.

Thousands of years of Thunder's heart was collected in Lin Fei's hand.

The man wearing the armor is obviously surprised. Although his own attack is not good at attacking, it is not a cat and dog can resist, and now it is easily broken by people. It is thought that it is a four-step strong person, and he looks at it. This shows doubts, not a four-step strong. Is it a step by step guy? Blocked your own attack?

It’s not a four-step powerhouse but a step-by-step guy. This person is relieved. But the face could not be hanged. The heart of the Thunder was taken away by the people, and it was taken away by the four-step strongman. It could not be tolerated and was taken away by a stinky boy.

"Bad boy, hand over all the thunderhearts in your body, as well as the body exercises, the old man poisonous devils. Leave you a whole body, not to die without a whole body!"

The poisonous devils are proud of their own, and their names are still very popular in the world of the heavens. The other one is a boy, and he hears his own name, and he is not scared. What is the heart of the Thunder and the practice of refining?

Can be in the void seven heavens, relying solely on the flesh to ignore the power of the Thunder, the other side's refining exercises must be very overbearing, certainly a top refining exercises.

The poisonous devil looks greedy and wants to take over the exercises.

"Emperor. Be careful, this guy is good at making poison. It is sinister and deceitful!" The face of the rainy demon emperor changed, and the horse sent a sound to Lin Fei.

They are all born big family family gates, they are known to the poisonous devils, the three-step realm, the combat power is not high, but the poison is very terrible, with a poison, once killed a four-step strong It caused a lot of movement.

"It turned out to be poisonous!"

Lin Feicai, regardless of whether you use a poison master, hinders yourself from collecting the Thunderheart, is your own enemy.


The rainy demon emperor arrived at the first time.

They all came out of the flying treasures, and they all passed on the sacred armor to resist the power of the Thunder.

"Psychic projection attack!"

When they came out, they would launch a projection attack.

The poisonous devil appeared here, and it is suspected that the secret of Tianmenzong was discovered. Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the other side will now be killed, so as not to leak the wind.

"Projection attack, **** it!"

The poisonous devils were shocked. The stinky boy and the accomplices, as soon as they came up, were projection attacks. They were immediately discolored. After all, the projection attack was terrible, everyone knows, and even he dared not despise.


The poisonous devil blew two breaths and spewed two black mists. Two avatars appeared instantly, and the breath was exactly the same. It supported for a moment, and others had already gone backwards.


Emperor Sui did it, and a black longbow appeared on his hand. The longbow was covered with patterns. It was very simple, and the killing was locked. He shot it out.

Poisonous devils take time and charge the Thunder heart, it will be expected to meet a group of powerful opponents, first projection attacks, then long-range attacks.


The left arm of the poisonous devil was shot, and the pain was the teeth.


The poisonous devil grows out of his arms, reaches out and grabs a black thing, turns it into a black bug, the size of the little finger, densely packed, and rushes toward them.

"You wait, the old man will come back for revenge!"

The poisonous devil turned into a black mist and broke into the depths.

This pedestrian is not easy to come. It is a killing trick. If you don't have time to display it, you will face a terrorist crisis. If you don't leave, it is difficult to leave.

A large worm was in front of them and they lost their chance.

Between the masters, a lot of things can happen in one breath, not to mention the other party has the heart to go, it is impossible to stop, but helplessly watch the other party leave.

"This old guy replaced the body tactics and blocked the aging mother's two projection attacks. He was lucky. The next time he met, he was dead!"

"The old guy is estimated to be distressed, two avatars, and I don't know if he doesn't know where to get it!" Insin smiled. "It's a pity that he didn't kill him!"

In the three-step realm, there are many body-protecting things on the body. It is not so easy to kill each other. The poisonous devils are not strong, and there are many treasures, or they will die long ago.

"The secret of Tianmen Zong, should be known, we will go right away!"

The captain of the rainy demon emperor, realizing that the situation has changed, must go to Tianmenzong in advance, the poisonous devils are generally strong, that is, the poison is good, it is impossible to be alone, there must be accomplices, but unfortunately did not kill each other, is equal to I was shocked by the grass.

Lin Fei took out a third of the Thunderheart. "If you don't have them, don't mention the Thunderheart. As for the rest, I have a useful place, I can only come up with these, and I can't do anything more."

"Enough, enough!"

"The seven hearts of the Thunder, the finest goods!"

Lin Fei is willing to take out one-third of the Thunderheart, they are very surprised, as long as they are not fools, the seven-point Thunder heart is worth a good thing.

The five people who injured the rain demon did not have a white, but the hand was higher in the market, and they shared the thunder of the third. If Lin Fei did not collect it, it would not be easy to collect it.

If you take it, the human condition will be big.

When they reach this realm, they will not owe a lot of people, and things that can be solved with money will definitely be solved with money.

The secrets of Tianmen Zong may be exposed. The harvest of Thunder's heart, the mood of many people is much better. Speaking of this, they are not able to return, and the thunderheart of harvesting is a big gain.


"Where did they emerge from the place, how did they appear in the Nether Seven Heavens, there will be a guy who projected the attack, the old man had to accidentally get two substitutes, I really want to plant today!"

The poisonous devil's eyes turn, the face shows the painful color, and the two precious fairy charms are used up. Don't mention how uncomfortable it is. There is no price for the market, and they will hate them all.

"The seven days of the void, and in the minefield, is it for the Tianmenzong? Yes, it must be for the Tianmenzong~~~"

The poison devil is faster.

"Poison devil, how come you come back, don't charge ~~~咦, how are you injured!"

A relatively calm place in the minefield.

Several people gathered together and stood on the deck of the battleship. When they saw the poisonous devil coming back and saw the blood on his body, his face could not help but change.

"Don't mention, the old man met a few powerful guys, it seems to be directed at Tianmenzong. If the old man is not lucky, he will not come back." The poisonous devil is not afraid of losing face.

Those people are discolored again!

Poisonous devils are not very good, and they are still very powerful. Even if they are face to face, they don’t necessarily kill dead devils. At present, some people are almost killed, can they not be surprised?

"You said that a woman can launch a projection attack?" Suddenly, some of them asked.

"Well, the woman’s one is a projection attack. If it’s not the old man’s means, I won’t be able to come back today.” The poisonous devil recalled his heart again. “Right, there is a **** shooter. This guy is also horrible. , know the coming of these people?"

The person called Zhongxiong is a middle-aged man and turns to another person. "Qing Chuxiong, it seems that your opponent has come. Last time at the auction house, they got a treasure map!"

Qing Chu is in Tsing Yi, long hair tied, and the scorpion is cold, like an iceberg. "It should be that the maiden is coming, a red dress, and a sharpshooter. There is no one other than the one who hurts the rain."

"Injured the rain demon? White House?" The poisonous devil's face changed.

"Well, they are, they can't think of them coming, old ghosts, your luck is good, not dead in their hands!" Zhongzhen Modi nodded.

The poisonous devil gnawed his teeth. "It turned out to be them, no wonder there is such a fighting power!"

These people are all for Tianmenzong. The poisonous devils were besieged and almost fallen. They also realized that they had opponents and didn't pay much attention to them.

Although they are only five people, each one is a three-step realm peak, not afraid of hurting the rain demon emperor.

"We don't have to be afraid of them. We don't have a bad relationship with them. When we just need to break their joint efforts, it is easy to kill them!" There is also a middle-aged humanity. "In their ranks, they go out to marry a woman, and the rest are unbearable." one strike."

They are very jealous of the niece.

Projection attacks, they are not afraid of being fake.

"Injury rain demon, you don't have to leave this time." Qingchun's Qingchu cold flashes, and the heart is dark.

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