Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1296: Heart emperor

A big pool!

There was no sign of a black pool and everyone was shocked.

What is this!

They all think that the emperor will die, and now there is a black pool, which is the matter.

Is Emperor Heaven already dead?

"Emperor must be dead, this is the treasure he carries with him!" There is a two-step monster who said proudly.

This statement was immediately approved!

"Yes, it must be like this!"

"If it is not dead, how can there be a big pool!"

These people have no courage to **** it!

As soon as they shot, they would soon become the first bird and be smashed into slag.

Only, soon they found that it was not right!

The huge pool turned!

The ancient power slowly opened, and everyone was incredible to see the purple ocean being caught in the pool.

"How can this be!"


On the holy mountain!

At this time, sitting three people, in addition to the gray robe old man, the demon world, there is a cold and cold character Hu middle-aged.

As soon as the metaphysical pool appeared, the taste of the ancient wilderness flashed past.

The faces of the three big men changed slightly.

The Terran of the Terran has this kind of card!

"Unbelievable, this pool seems to be an ancient thing, in the face of Tianwei is not affected?" The gray robe old man's face showed a trace of color.

"It should be an ancient thing, even something from the ancient times!" The one-horned youth is the lord of the demon, the first slogan, "it seems that we all underestimate the origins of the Terran!"

"This is a good thing!" The singularity of the middle-aged man of the eight-character Hu, "The purple thunder can't help this pool!"

Here is the world of the demon.

The Terran empire was robbed and attracted many powerful people, which was beyond the expectations of the demon lords, so please come to the friends to sit together to cope with the next trouble.

"Refining purple thunder!"

All three of them are peak powers!

The demon king is still the landlord, with the help of the landlord. It was easy to see the clues, and the face flashed a shock.

"A good emperor, there are such tricks!" said the old man in the gray robe. "I am afraid everyone will look down on him!"


The metaphysical pool appeared and showed extraordinary power.

The impact of the purple thunder was directly ignored.

“The void and space are beginning to loose!”

The original move was not allowed to fly, the pressure on the body was reduced, and a large number of thunders poured into the metaphysical pool. In response to his own impact, all the pools were pulled over.

Not half a day!

Lin Fei can move!

Sitting in the void, taking medicinal herbs!

The last step is to attack the Heavenly Treasure!

After the heavens and the treasures, the people who peeped around were afraid that they couldn’t help but they would do it. Lin Fei had to be prepared.

The chemistry pool absorbs the purple thunder, and it really stunned everyone.

Did not expect the last critical moment. Emperor Tian used such a treasure, and everyone with a clear eye saw that this pool is a treasure of the first-class, I do not know how many people are blind.

Three days later!

The last purple thunder was taken away.

Everyone saw it clearly, this is a huge pool, so that those who are extraordinary, for a time did not recognize what it is.

The only thing you know. This should be a treasure of the ancient times!

For the thunder of the thunder!


Another half day!

Heaven is coming to the treasure.

In the depths of the void, a vast expanse of light came from the ocean. Wang Yangzhong flew a ray of light and blasted into the metamorphic pool. A large pool was split and nine purple beads were scattered with the thunder, and Lin Fei was taken away for the first time.

"Chemical pool!"

Deep in the void, there was an exclamation!

"Emperor is actually pregnant with a pool of life. No wonder it can face the purple thunder, but also refining nine Tianweizhu!" In the depths of the void, a thunderbolt beast is in the void, and the thunder is flashing.

Standing on the back, an old man, cold eyes, flashed a greed!

"Master, the metaphysical pool is the treasure of the ancient Taizong Tianzong?" The old man standing next to the old man was shocked.

"It's good. The chemical pool can refine and refine thousands of gods, and the purple thunder is also among them. When Tian Leizong was unprecedentedly strong, the core disciples would refine a metaphysical pool. It was used to refine the Thunder, but unfortunately the world was big. Difficult, Tianlei Zong broke the inheritance, I can't think of seeing it in my lifetime!"

"Master, it is not to say that as long as we master the method of the metamorphic pool, we can jump up and become the top force of the second palace and the third hall!" Young people yearn for!

The most powerful of all the worlds is Xianting!

Now that Xianting disappears, it is like the top power of the two palaces. It is also full of taboos in the face of Xianting. Who knows when Xianting will pop up.

In the world, the strongest is the two palaces, followed by the three halls and four doors.

"For the teacher's whim, I wanted to see Emperor Tian, ​​I did not expect to encounter the emergence of the chemical pool, which is bound to rise our thunder palace, as long as there is a refining method of the metamorphic pool, the world is not used for our thunder palace. Hahahaha!"


Received Tianweizhu, Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief!

There is a figure in front of you!

The horrible killings are coming!

In the rush, Lin Fei's hands went forward, and the whole person flew out again. A strong force rushed, and a large blood flower exploded.

"too fast!"

Lin Fei has broken through to five times the limit speed of Tiandao, and the gap with the other party is very large.


The man rushed again, and there was a magic knife in his hand. He was mad at the body and vomited blood again.

"This is the 50th Emperor!"

The big guys are all taboo!

The heart of the devil is high, the facial expression, holding a black machete, the knife is out, no trace can be found.

"World projection!"

Lin Fei knows that this guy is powerful and terrible despite hematemesis.

The world's projection control is within a thousand miles, trying to suppress the other side is the speed, the emperor's body shape, a strange knife, the thunder can not break the flesh, leaving a blood mark.

"The world projection is useless!"

Since Lin Fei became the leader of the world, once the world has projected it, he can kill the three-step powerhouse.

The speed of the demon emperor could not be captured, the knife was different, and the ghost was gone. Lin Fei realized that he had encountered a terrorist enemy, and he was covered with scars shortly afterwards.

These wounds are covered with strange forces.

The ancient gods could not suppress it for a time.

"Is this the power of the heart?" Lin Fei resisted the hard work, the power to open the big match, the first time it failed, the Emperor of the Heart completely avoided Lin Fei's attack direction.

Since his debut, Lin Fei has been opening a big match and killing a **** road.

The enemy in front of you is strong and outrageous!

This is still a simulation of the heavens. If it is born, it is more terrifying.

"No, this way, my body will be broken sooner or later, and it will be badly hurt!" Lin Fei did not want this serious injury.


Eighteen avatars rushed out!


Eighteen honours were separated from each other, and the weather was almost torn open to the heavens and clouds. The 18-six-six-six-six-year-old Emperor, this momentum is far more powerful than the two steps.

"Refining the sky!"

Take care of you, refining and talking!

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