Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1303: I am also killing the sword fairy Baidi.

A huge green snake fell from the sky!

The boundless demon is pervasive!

"Great elder!"

All the strong people in Qingfu have widened their eyes, and their eyes are red with blood.

The great elders who were tyrannical were killed by Emperor Tian.

The nine elders died first, and the elders of the elders followed up. The Qingfu’s vitality was greatly hurt and the bones were broken. From then on, the influence of the Tianhui world will be greatly restricted.

The culprit is the Terran!

Lin Fei Shi exhibited the fifth wave of the invincible swordsmanship.

This is learned from Yu Huan.

Lin Fei didn't start to learn swordsmanship. He belonged to a half-way monk. He studied in the wild state. He did not have a sword and a sword. He almost killed himself. He consumed 20% of his ancient powers before he blocked it. A mysterious attack.

With the upgrade system, Lin Fei has the fifth measure that suits him.

A hundred ancient gods crushed!

The aunt of Aoki was physically strong and could not stand the crush of a hundred ancient gods, and he was killed on the spot.

The big hand violently went up, grabbed the body and grabbed it, and received the world's melting pot, good things can't be missed.

"Old things, now it's your turn!"

A move to destroy Aoki.

Unhappy, who has been vomiting blood, has shown incredible gaze.

Just my own annihilation secret technique is a powerful attack. In the subconscious, I don’t think that the Emperor can stop it. In order to deal with the Emperor, it is really a fight.

At the moment, the emperor is alive and alive.

A powerful mystery can't be done.

When Wu Huan was killed by the sword in the Tiantian sword, it was shocked by this sword. This clearly has a great connection with his own mystery. Even this is annihilated from his own mystery. Reborn out.

How can this not make you feel shocked!

There is such a genius in the world, which is clearly stealing a teacher.

Yan Wuhuan was not lightly hit by this. At the beginning, he used himself for 3,000 years to become a powerful secret technique.

Who will expect it. Emperor learned in a short time.


Regardless of how shocked Wu Huan was, Lin Fei killed him.

"Hundreds of waves!"

It is also a white light, sweeping with the domineering spirit of the king.

As long as he killed the two peaks of Aoki and Yu Huan, Lin Fei believes that no one is willing to shoot again.

10% of ancient powers are extracted.

The light of white is shocked by all people.

This is a horrible killing trick. It is no less than the means of Jianfeng Jianxian.

"Emperor, you want the old man to die, not so easy!" The **** vomiting of the sorrowful hustle and bustle will not sit still, waved his hand, and added a green leaf on his hand, revealing a warm color. The bottom of the eye flashed a mess of meat.

If it is in its heyday, he will not ask for help.

At this time, he was seriously injured. His body was ancient and his power was limited. His combat power was limited. He could only rely on top-level strange objects to protect his body.

The green leaves are perfused with the power of the avenue, a towering tree standing between the earth. I am so happy that I am hiding under the towering trees.


Ancient gods rushed to the towering trees!

The towering trees don’t stop.

"The peak of the strong is really not good to kill, with this kind of strange things, my speed is too slow, five times the speed limit of the heavens, wait until something, I must increase the speed!"

Lin Fei will kill Yu Wuhuan anyway today.

This kind of peak power did not kill for the first time, and it was even harder to kill for the second time.

"Oh, even if you have something strange, you still have to die, the Emperor does not believe that you have top-notch things!"

The Wanli Mountain River is surrounded by all of them.

I don’t have the top prizes. Blocking the terrible attack, the words of Emperor Tian, ​​the corner of the eye / pumping, this kind of defense treasure, is such a thing.

Not the key to life and death. I don’t want to use it.

"Zhuge brother, help me!"

I have no luck in transmitting to my friends.

Zhuge, who came together, was too real and his face changed slightly. He did not expect such a result. The peak of the strong man was forced to use the top of the world.

This kind of secret attack, if the emperor once again shows it again, it is really dead to be happy.

Zhuge Taizheng and Qiuhuanhuan are old friends who have been cultivated for many years. They don’t want to fall into this realm. But they also know that the imperial enchanting is not like the words. Even if he does it himself, he can’t help the Emperor.

"Emperor, today's business, can you sell me Zhuge too true face, spare each other once!" Zhuge really flew out of the scalp, "I can let him send a swearing oath, from now on, don't bother you!" ”

When Wu Huan came, the momentum was embarrassing, but at this time, the face of the wolf, the top defense of the strange things are used, almost really fallen in the world of the demon.

For a disciple, it is not hopeless to hope out of his own life.

"Zhuge is too true? Don't know!"

Today, no happiness is a must.

When the first will comes, I almost killed myself, and this tone must come out.

Zhuge really sent out a blood, and he is a master on the list, have you not heard my name? If it is not for the sake of ignoring old friends, it will not come out as a matter of peace.


The towering trees are crumbling.

At the last moment!

"Emperor, 煞无欢 is one of the three giants under the door of Jian Xian Bai Di, if you kill him today, Jian Xian Bai Di will deal with you personally, your strength is good, you can compare the four steps of the peak Emperor, far from the opponent of the sword fairy Baidi, the speed of the sword of the sword fairy Baidi has exceeded the limit speed of the heavens ~~"


The attack fell on the towering trees, and the towering trees shook and rumbling.

The leaves of Wu’s hands are turned into ashes.


This time, Lin Fei will not give you any chance.

"Even if the sword is born, the Emperor is not killed, and whoever wants to kill the Emperor must be prepared to pay the price!"

Lin Fei transcends the heavens and speeds, and a sword sweeps on the sorrowless body. The distance between the two is too close, and the sorrowful sorrow cannot be avoided. The black **** armor is on the spot.

There is no endless fear in the eyes of no happiness, ‘Zhuge brother, save me! ”

A wave of ancient divine power echoes back and forth, and blasts in the body of Wu Huan.

Zhuge is so glaring, this emperor is too lawless, and he dares to kill the sorrowful sorrow in front of him. Isn’t he afraid of offending Sword Xian Baidi?

Lin Fei’s eyes swept, “The Emperor advised you not to intervene, otherwise the sword in my hand would not be long!”

You dare to threaten the Emperor!

Zhuge is too angry.

The long sword that braved the cold, Zhuge Taizheng pupil contraction, this secret surgery attack, even he can not block, who knows that the emperor can still be used once again, this kind of thing that puts himself in danger, Zhuge is too true Don't want to try.

"You have a big disaster!" Zhuge is really a word.

Lin Fei does not matter, kill one is to kill, two are also to kill.

"Emperor, even if the old man dies, you will not have a good life, the Master will certainly deal with you personally, no one can survive under the sword of the Master!"

I laughed and laughed and blew myself.

A terrible force swept through and blew directly into the void seven heavens.

The power of the peak of the strong to blew themselves, the extermination of the attack and kill.

Everyone smells the wind.

In the sky, a white jade hand suddenly appeared, and it was caught in the void. The power of terror was sent into the depths of the void, and the world of the demon was restored to calm.

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