Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1320: Your challenger

There are hundreds of places on the mainland of the sword.

There are a total of nine places that are famous.

Everywhere, a unique sword method is recorded. Anyone who learns one of them will inevitably become a master on the continent of the sword.

Jianshen Mountain is open every 100 years. Each opening will last for a hundred years.

On the mainland of the sword, a large number of masters will gather on the Sword Mountain.


"Is this the Sword Mountain?"

In the void, a black man stands on the white clouds, and the white clouds under his feet are condensed into a group. The heart can change without any movement.

The black man searched Lin Fei after the memory of Rosen.

In the distance, the Shenshen Mountain is like a few swords inserted on the earth, standing like a sword.

This place is called the Short Edge Jianshan.

One of the most important ones was the sword, which was cut off by a man, leaving a flat platform, about the size of a hundred feet. Anyone who wants to observe the secret law of the sword god, no one wants to go to the platform.

"Jiansu Mountain is very big in the influence of the sword!"

Lin Fei observed for a while and found that all the experts in all directions came to Jianshen Mountain.

The strength is low, and there are several Jianshen mountains around the distance.

As for the strength of the tyrannical, directly rushed to the platform, trying to closely observe the mysterious magical power of Jianshen Mountain on the platform.

There is a battle on the market on that side of the platform!

Lin Fei observed it for a while, and found that the realm of the shots was not high, the sword was very strong, and often it could explode super-strong combat power.

This is very rare in the heavens and the world.

"Does every palace have such a starry continent?" Lin Fei secretly thought, "Who is leaving such a star continent?"

Lin Fei used to search for the memory of Rosen Sindi, and there was no such thing as a matter of the heavens and the world, a blank, pure indigenous native of the sword.

"Forget it, I am still going to study the secret law of the sword god!"


Lin Fei greeted his nearest Jianshen Mountain.

"A heavy sword!"

Lin Fei's powerful gods deliberately searched and saw the records on Jianshen Mountain clearly.

This sword **** mountain is not a secret law, but an explanation of the sword, and the people next to it sit down. Look at the relish.

Lin Feigang read a few words and realized that the person writing this article is very extraordinary. The understanding of the sword is far from being comparable to Lin Fei. ,

"Scan, analyze!"

Lin Fei opened the system and scanned and analyzed the articles on Jianshen Mountain.

On the mainland of the sword, Lin Fei did not think about staying for too long. The understanding of the sword was directly thrown into the upgrade system for full analysis.

The system quickly got results.

“This is an article about power.”

The upgrade system is analyzed, and the first sentence comes with such a sentence.

Lin Fei slowly looked through the analysis of the materials, the profound articles, through the specific analysis. Presenting in front of Lin Fei is not so boring before.

"This should be a deeper grasp of power!"

Lin Fei's article looks down and verifies the words of the stone man. The practice of strength must gradually change from shallow to deep to truly understand the power of mastering himself.

"So, my strength is the first stage, and there is still a certain distance from the second stage?"

Analyze this result. Lin Fei could not accept it.

The words of the stone man once again come to mind.

Perhaps ~~~ my strength is indeed too outer.


After Lin Fei thought about it.

The heart began to calm down. Since the power of oneself belongs to the first stage, it is safe to come and study this power.

Lin Fei’s daily task is to observe the record of Jianshen Mountain.

Through the systematic record analysis, the understanding of the sword is getting more and more profound.

Ten days.

Lin Fei thoroughly analyzed all the swordsmen outside the platform. The original accumulation of the sword became more and more profound, and the understanding of the sword was no longer superficial.

This is a kind of accumulation!

Lin Fei’s promotion in power is too fast.

Now finally have time to accumulate knowledge.

"Now you can go to the platform to watch!"

Ten days to digest everything on this mountain of Jianshen. Lin Fei is the fastest, but not everyone else can compare.

On the platform of Baizhangkuan, there are dozens of people in it. If you don’t have the strength, you will not be able to board the platform. If you don’t get it, you will be driven down.

"Go down!"

Lin Fei’s arms skyrocketed and directly caught a middle-aged person on the outside of the platform.

"court death!"

Although middle-aged people are watching, they have been paying attention to their actions. Seeing a young man's own hands, a flash of cold light in his eyes, **** together, the sword is empty. Give this guy a lesson.

The sword was on the arm and was directly shaken by the arm. Lin Fei’s soaring arm was caught on the neck of the middle-aged man. The terrible force pressed him to move, and he lost it. Lin Fei sat in the original position and watched. The above record.

This small move still attracted the shock of many swordsmen.

The young master who emerged!

It’s so easy to take a position, but it’s a step by step, and it’s also a small name on the mainland of the sword.

"Kid, get out!"

The middle-aged man was thrown out in public, feeling that his face could not be hanged and flew back.


Lin Fei took a picture of the past, and the fast people couldn't catch it. A slap in the palm of his hand flew out, stumbled over a mountain and left a cold voice.

"If there is another time, it will kill you!"

The sound of Xiao Xiao’s voice made everyone feel shocked.

The guy who sent the inconvenience, Lin Fei used the system to scan and analyze everything on the sword god.


It's time to change a place.

Five days later, Lin Fei stood up and turned into a streamer and left for the next Jianshen Mountain.

These days have benefited a lot.

Every time there is a Jianshen Mountain, Lin Fei starts to observe from the periphery, and then to the core position to observe, no one gives way, it is directly hands-on.

Gradually, Lin Fei has a certain reputation on the mainland of the sword.

Everyone knows that there is such a young man in a black robe. Every time he shoots, he solves the battle at a very fast speed. He has never revealed the sword.

Solving troubles by the flesh alone makes many people marvel.

Sword fairy. Not only cultivated swordsmanship, but also cultivated the body of the body, they have not seen what the black man is practicing.


A sword mountain.

Two places in Jianshen Mountain.


With the upgrade system, Lin Fei looked at the records of Jianshen Mountain on the mainland of the sword for less than a year, and all of them were digested and fully utilized.

The secret swords recorded on the Sword Mountain were recorded.

"Now the last three places are in the mountains!"

Lin Fei left from another Shenshen Mountain. Go to the next Jianshen Mountain, and the last three places of Jianshen Mountain are the three most important places on the mainland of the sword.

"The next place seems to be the North Sword Mountain!"

Lin Fei turned into a streamer.


In the virtual space, Lin Fei's avatar is working with a large group of fierce "shou jiao" hands, which is a sword that is directly blasted, until the other side of the body, the most powerful power.

Countless mysterious magical powers look down. And digestion, Lin Fei's sword is rising every day.

For example, the first form of this invincible sword method - a sword and blood.

I used to go straight in the past.

There have been days of change.


The simulated beast was shot and killed.

The bottleneck that was originally stuck suddenly broke away.

Lin Fei already knows that his strength has entered the second phase from the first stage, ahead of the expected.

call out!

With a sword out, Lin Fei can feel the change of this sword. Compared with before, the power has improved a lot.


North County Jianshen Mountain!

Not long after, Lin Fei saw a Jianshen Mountain standing between the heavens and the earth. Spread the unmatched sword meaning, covering a million miles.

Lin Feigang stepped into the scope, it was the sword's intention to press down, the body slightly sinking, not to change the color of Lin Fei.

This sword is not inferior to Tianwei? How can it be?

Incorporating a large number of gods, the ordinary swordsmanship can not cause anything to himself, but in this place, only one Jianshen Mountain caused such a large pressure. Lin Fei met for the first time.


Lin Fei used his knowledge to find out that within a million miles, it was divided into several stages. The closest to Jianshen Mountain is still about 50,000 miles, followed by 100,000 miles, and then to millions of miles, each stage. There are people.

"I can go in again!"

200,000 miles away. A middle-aged sword fairy looked pale and tried to move forward. He walked for about 10,000 miles, and a sword was rolled up. The whole person was torn apart and fell from the sky.


Lin Fei rushed straight in.


The sword is swaying and the impact is on Lin Fei.

One hundred and eighty thousand miles.

One hundred and fifty thousand years!

One hundred and thirty thousand miles.

One million miles!


Lin Fei's speed is not diminished, and he is invincible in the flesh, so he rushes forward. In a blink of an eye, he rushes to a million miles.

The subtle swordsmanship has been able to break through the blood holes in the body.

This is a million miles.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Lin Fei rushed forward again.

"Who is that guy, don't kill!"

"It's too fast, it seems to be a million miles away!"

"Don't he know that he has to adjust to a million?"

"800,000 miles!"


Lin Fei rushed from a million miles to 800,000 miles, then rushed to 600,000 miles, and soon to 500,000 miles.

At this time, some of the former swordsman strong turned around and found such a dark horse, you see me, I see you, actually do not know such a person.

"Chong 300,000 miles!"

"200,000 miles!"

"Fifty thousand miles!"

The person who was overtaken, the stunned look, who is this young man in black, so arrogant.

"Duanmu Prince, your challenger is here!"

In the place of 80,000 miles, an arrogant young man said faintly.

Duanmu Huangzi is currently a strongman closest to Jianshen Mountain. A royal family from the mainland of the sword, young and very talented, is now a stepping stone.

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