Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1323: Into the uninhabited

The people of the four great families sit on everything on the mountain of God.

Because there are four strong men behind them, each of the strongest in each family has the qualification to share everything on the mountain.

All of this is built on strength.

Every time there is a mountain, the four family members will sit on the mountain of God, and arrange the top masters of the family to guard all the way, to ensure that outsiders are prevented from entering during this time.

Seeing that one step of the Emperor’s young people tried to break in, they warned that such things would happen several times a month. After all, there will always be some young masters who are not afraid of tigers, trying to provoke the authority of the four families. Obviously visible, they are generally killed by them!

Unfortunately, this time I faced Lin Fei.

"Oh, the four big families, a big tone!"

In the memory of Lin Fei’s search, there is not much information about Shenshan. Rosen Xiandi is only one step of the Emperor, a city owner, with limited knowledge.

For the four major families, Lin Fei really did not look in the eyes, so he flew forward, ignoring their words.

The eight black people were sneer.

"Old eight, you went to destroy the kid!"

Lao Ba is a step-by-step sword fairy. With eight step swords, he sits on the outermost periphery. Except for the four major families, there is no one on the mainland of the sword.

Every Xiandi sword fairy is very precious.

"Broken the word sword!" The black armor raised a handful of small willow swords, triumphant, and used his swordsmanship to prepare a sword to understand each other.


Lin Fei launched the world projection, and Wan Jianshan covered their hearts.


Eight black people fell from the sky.

All have no breath!

It is too easy to deal with them with the world projection.


"Not good, someone broke into the forbidden place!"

There are masters sitting in and out of Shenshan.

When the eight black armies fell, the strong insiders knew the first time, showing anger, dare to start with the four family members, is looking for death.

"kill the intruder!"

The four families of the forbidden land have moved.

Dare to break into here, that is to challenge their authority. In the face of this situation must be killed, so that everyone knows.

"it's here!"


Lin Fei walked leisurely.

The world's projections opened the way, and there was no excitement. No one could hold a breath and was killed by the second.

"No, this guy is making a world projection. Brothers are not opponents!"

"Quick withdrawal!"

The people of the four major families who usually glory and glory today show their fears.

A young man in black with a sword.

The age does not look too big.

However, with the projection of the world on hand, killing them like killing chickens and killing dogs is hard to bear. In a short time, I don’t know how many people died.

"Go to the master!"

Someone has already flew to the mountain to ask the master.

Lin Fei is doing my job. The world projections are pushing forward, and those who dare to come in don’t mind being killed on the spot.


On the mountain of God.

Some of the strongest of the four great families are observing the secrets of the above.

"You adults, it's not good. You have come to a powerful master outside, and you can use the realm of the emperor to display the world projection. Many of us are dead in that person!"


The Jianxian strongman who watched the watch turned out to be angry.

"Who is so bold, everyone in our four family will dare to kill!" A burly man stood up. He is a stone family, called the cracked mountain sword fairy.

This person opened his mouth and murdered the sky. The cultivation was to kill the sword.

"Chushan brother, an outsider in the district, is not worthy of anger, not as good as you and I will meet each other for a while, telling him to know the power of the four great families!" Another handsome young man stood up. This person is a sword family, the famous sword thirty-three.

"Good!" The cracked mountain sword immortal. "Don't kill a few people, everyone will forget the power of our four families!"


Lin Fei has entered the uninhabited territory.

No one is willing to resist with the projection of the world.

The people of the four big families are not fools. They know that they will die, and no one will be so stupid, and they will see it. As long as they don't attack each other, the other party will not expand the world projection, so it is just right, now the top is down.

Shenshan is getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.

The range of Shenshan is round. Beginning to appear in the block system, the people of the four families considered very thoughtful, not only arranged the master to sit in the town, but also arranged a large array, the two-tube family really no one can break in.

"The cracked mountain sword fairy is coming!"

"The sword is thirty-three!"

As soon as the two appeared, the four family members were relieved. Both of them were two-step swordsmen. They practiced a powerful mystery. The combat power was unfathomable and the heart was strong. It can withstand the projection of the world projection. .

There are so two shots, the other side is only a small step, Xiandi, not yet hand in hand, how to clean up how to clean up.

"Hello, you are not afraid, you dare to come to the forbidden land of the four major families!"

Lin Fei did not care, and put away the world projection.

"Get out of the way, you can live!"

The cracked mountain sword fairy and the sword thirty-three laughed.

"The tone is not small, I still want to kill us, I don't know who will be killed by waiting!"

The two felt that the other party was too arrogant.

The masters of the four major families have come, and they dare to look like lawlessness.

Lin Fei shook his head slightly, and no one believed in the truth.


Lin Fei's whole person burst out, 20 times the limit speed of Tiandao, **** point on the eyebrows of the two, the ancient power of terror is crushed away.


The two men widened their eyes and fell from the sky.

The two are very strong, but in Lin Fei’s eyes, it’s really nothing, the speed is not as good as their own, the attack is not as good as their own, is it a dead end?


The two masters died, and the four family members were so scared that this person was terrible. Just a little bit, they killed two masters. This person is too perverted.


"Chu Shan Jian Xian, the sword thirty-three are dead."

As soon as the news came back, these two-step swordsmen, who were still watching, jumped up. All were shocked, how long it took, how could it be all dead.

"That guy is too fast, it seems to break through the limit speed of the heavens, we can't see the action at all!"

These swordsmen have changed color.

When the speed reaches the limit, it is also an advantage.

"Everyone goes out together and must not let him go to the mountain!"

One of the gray robes stood up. It is the people of the four big families who are in the blue family. In this group of swords, it is the most spoken right.

The two swordsmen were killed in a blink of an eye, and the blue family realized that they had come to a master.



There are twenty swordsmen appearing.

Everyone is murderous, they want to see who is so courageous, dare to kill their four families. Don't you know that the four big families can be headed down in one sentence?

They saw a young man.

Young people in black.

The body is not strong enough to associate with the previous scene.

"Who is you, why come here!"

Lin Fei turned a blind eye and he came to the door. Didn't he know what he wanted to do? Sure enough, it is stupid enough.

"I am the Emperor, I am very interested in your mountain, I want to go up and observe. If you do not want to die, it is best not to shoot, this is the Emperor's advice to you!" Lin Fei faint.


"Why haven't we heard this name!"

"Dare to put the sky behind, this heaven is so arrogant!"

The people said with a slap in the face, the words behind them, they are not irritating.

"A big tone, on the mainland of the sword, except for our four big families who dare to say such things. No one dares to say such a thing, it seems that you are ready to challenge our authority." Blue surnamed grey robe people cold channel, "you Shooting together, speed will kill him!"


A strange sword meaning, from the void, a two-step emperor into the void, at a very fast speed. A sword stabbed on Lin Fei’s chest.

"Is it impossible to get in!" Lin Fei blinked.

The two-step sword fairy realized that it was not good, and immediately broke into the void, and a fist slammed up and hit him on his chest. The power surged and the whole person exploded and turned into a blood fog.

"too weak!"

Incorporating a large number of gods, Lin Fei’s body is terrible.

"You come!"

Lin Fei’s arms skyrocketed and he was killed in front of the two swordsmen. One person slaps, and there are two more **** fogs in the sky.

The sword was rushing, and Lin Fei’s palm was so bad.

The fairy sword stabbed on the body, the silk did not move, and the backhand slaps the other party's body, one hit a standard.

"You are not going to kill the emperor, hurry up and die!"

After being chased by Jian Xian Bai Di for so long, Lin Fei was a smoldering temper. There was a big family at the moment, and each of them showed such superiority. Lin Fei didn't mind teaching them.

The swordsmen of the four major families did not think that this would be the result.

The two-step swordsman, who was slap in the palm of his hand, was shot dead, and was punched in a punch. They saw their scalp numb, which was fierce and horrible.

They are swordsmen.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than 20 swordsmen, half of the number in the hands of Lin Fei, the rest are relatively quick response, to avoid the result of the fall.

"When on the mainland of the sword, when did such a master come out!"

They have taken a breath of air.

When Lin Fei stepped forward, they took a step back and no one dared to shoot.

"Why don't you fight?"

Lin Fei suddenly became boring.

The rest of the swordsman turned all eyes, you are so eager to this extent, we still have a hair! They will not want to do anything if they die.

They didn't stop it anymore.

No one can stop this guy at this time.

They have never seen such a ferocious guy, the power of bare hands is so high, their attacks are vulnerable in front of each other, and they are broken in a dozen.

In this case, they can only let the heavens and the gods, and at the same time pass to a few top swordsmen, in addition to their shots, it is difficult to win the other side.

Lin Fei boarded the mountain.

The master of swordsmanship, the four secrets of the Emperor!

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