Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1331: Returning to the old enemy

Wan Guhai!

This place where the heavens and the kingdoms are to be jealous.

There are few people on the weekdays, even if there are people who are four-step realm, come in and try their luck.


On this day, several figures came out of the air.

These people are very embarrassed, and their bodies are more or less wounded. In addition, their eyes keep looking back, and there are panic in the pupils, as if something terrible is chasing them.

They flew over.

The back of the blue chased up, accompanied by the chill, a large piece of empty space was frozen.

"No, they are catching up!"

"Hell, these are the beasts, it is terrible, our attacks can not break their defense!"

A few people saw the ice blue monsters appear scared scalp numb.

They were originally a team, and now there are five people left in a four-step world. But in front of these ice blue monsters, they are vulnerable and vulnerable. The original ten people were killed by two-thirds, and now they are left. A few of them, if they had a life-saving treasure, they would die after the first wave of attacks.


Another four-step strong man couldn't help but be frozen into a sculpture, fell from the top, scared them to dare not to shoot, and hurriedly fled to the front.

"We are dead!" one of them shivered.

"They are so powerful, the cold that is released almost kills us!"

Only the remaining four people made a desperate voice.

They never thought that their four-step realm would encounter such a big trouble. The ancient sea was so terrible that they didn’t care much at first.

I regret it now.

If there is regret medicine, they will definitely return, it is a nightmare.

Hundreds of ice blue beasts are caught up, and the first few strengths are extraordinarily strong, and they can't stop the cold. Must rely on the body of the fairy, even if it is cold and bones, the power of the body will be frozen.

After a column of incense.

They are almost going to be caught up.

The mysterious magical powers can't stop the ice blue monsters from catching up. The treasures used during this period have dealt with a few ice blue monsters, which can only be destroyed and killed.

This is their real despair.

It is a long time for them to reach this realm. They didn't want to die at all, but they couldn't afford to deal with these ice blue monsters. Wan Guhai was indeed more terrible than they thought.


At this time, there was a wave of volatility in the void.

A white light flashed past, and a black young man appeared immediately, not far from them.

"Finally home!"

The young men in black stretched out. The sound fell in their ears.

Where did this person come from?

The four people flashed a faint color, and suddenly found that the ice blue beasts who were rushing to them rushed toward the black young people and made an angry voice.

"what happened!"

"These monsters are not directed at us, how can they kill others?"

They did not come up with reasons.

Suddenly, one of them stared at the black man and flashed a glimpse of it.

"Look. Does the man look familiar? It seems to be a celebrity!"

"Yes? It’s a bit familiar!"

"I remembered, this person is not the emperor who issued the assessment in the first two palaces. Didn't he disappear for forty or fifty years? Isn't that dead?"

These people have widened their eyes.

Regarding the things of the Emperor, when the troubles of the day were soaring, many masters on the list of the people were dispatched. Finally, I heard that Emperor Tian entered the Wan Guhai, and finally disappeared, and the rumors died in the ancient sea. It caused a shock to the heavens.

Suddenly it’s coming out now, not shocking.

"No, this is to be besieged!" Someone lost the voice.

At this point they reacted, and those ice-blue monsters were almost destroyed by the group. Hundreds of besieged the emperor was not besieged and died.

"Rely, you guys!"

Lin Fei is still worried about where to go back. He did not expect to appear in Wan Guhai as soon as it appeared. A long sigh of relief, just sighed that I came back, cold and cold.

Looking up, I saw an ice blue monster attacking.

Lin Fei recognized it at once, this is the ice beast. Among them, the ice beasts flying in front of them were the ones who chased themselves in the first place. Obviously they recognized themselves.


A large tract of cold air blows, and the void is frozen.

"Rely, I thought I was so good to deal with it last time!" Lin Fei's mouth swelled, stepped out, walked in the void, and walked into the cold air. Those cold gas just had to rely on it, it was shaken open, and a large piece of cold air collapsed. .

The leader of the ice beast was furious, and the huge body slammed into Lin Fei. The two wings moved, such as a big scissors, breaking through the limit speed of the heavens and cutting to Lin Fei’s body.


The ice beast was cut, and the silk did not move. Lin Fei punched him on the ice beast and flew out his head. The whole person moved and rushed again.

"You were very cool when you last chased me!"

Lin Fei is another punch on the ice beast.

"I still dare to chase me now, you are looking for death!"

Lin Fei smashed out ten punches in succession, each punching on the ice beast, and a large piece of ice was smashed.

"Look, you dare not chase me in the future!"

For this guy, Lin Fei was not resentful at the beginning, after a long time, this guy caught up again, and did not teach the heart to be unbalanced.

The ice beast was going to take revenge at first, but it was expected that the other shotgun would be changed to a cannon. The strength was greatly improved. It was painful to fight. It was not a few rounds to be beaten by Venus, not a general grievance.

This guy is arrogant in the ancient sea, but this time it is a loss.

Lin Fei violently beaten a meal, and he was completely out of breath. He kicked the leader of the ice beast and kicked it. "Don’t attack me again, I will barbecue directly next time!"

The leader of the ice beast was screaming and shouted, driving hundreds of ice scorpions to besiege, or intending to retaliate.

Lin Fei is not ready to kill these monsters, they do it again, they are not going to be merciful.


In order to refer to the sword, a sword is thrown out and swept away from the ice beast.


Hundreds of ice blue monsters bombed and left, leaving one piece of ice blue beads. There is a cold chill.

In just a few decades, a sword has destroyed these ice blue monsters, and Lin Fei can't help but feel a sense of emotion. The swordsmanship that dominates the level is indeed extraordinary.

This sword was the first in the swordsmanship "The Extreme Sword" left by the ruler.

Lin Fei waved his hand and collected all the beads.

These beads are still very easy to deal with the ordinary four-step realm. But they are all good things.


Lin Fei took another step and disappeared into the void.

"We didn't look at it!"

"The leader of the ice blue monster is actually beaten by the Emperor!"

"It seems like a sword has killed hundreds of ice blue monsters, and that sword can't even see what is going on!"

The rest of the four people looked stunned. He had seen such a perverted guy, and almost let them destroy the ice blue monster, which is as simple as cutting the melon and cutting vegetables in the hands of Emperor.

If you see it with your own eyes. They have a hard time believing that this is true.

"Let's go!"

"There is a heaven in front, he must be ready to go out, we can leave the ancient sea with us."

"I heard that Jian Xian Bai Di and others are still outside. It seems that I don't really believe that the Emperor is falling, I am afraid it will be a big battle soon!"

They were busy chasing them up.

There is a mysterious force in the ancient sea.

Lin Fei can't sense the big world, and he can't display the power of the world and return to the world. You must leave the Wan Guhai.

There is a black wind, Lin Fei is very fast, all the way.

Wherever he went, the ice blue monsters that met him could not stop Lin Fei and were easily bombarded.

Lin Fei really wants to know the situation outside.

Although I am in a hurry, I have no choice but to hurry at full speed and strive to leave Wan Guhai as soon as possible.


Wan Gu overseas!

One person has been sitting on a star of no one.

It has been twenty or thirty years now.

I have never left since I sat on this plate.

His powerful gods have been shrouded in the export of the ancient sea. There have been some strong people who are disgusted with God. After being killed by this person, no one dares to show their opinions.

Fortunately, no one went in during the Wanping Haiping.

The place where the ruler should be jealous, unless it is near Shouyuan, otherwise, no one is willing to go in and find uncomfortable, maybe he will die inside that day.

This overbearing person is not someone else who was chasing Lin Fei’s Jian Xian Bai Di.

At the beginning, Jian Xian Bai Di was stopped by the ice blue monster. It took a long time to break out and find that the other party disappeared without a trace, and found the palace on the body.

The palace of the seat, Jian Xian Bai Di did not know that Emperor went to the palace. I dare not rush into it.

In desperation, Jian Xian Bai Di had to leave Wan Guhai, moved to a star, sat on top of it, waited for the emperor to come out, he believed that the other party would not be so easy to die.

Wait, wait, this is just a few decades.

On this day, Jian Xian Bai Di suddenly opened his eyes and left the stars, his eyes cast on the ancient sea.

"Hahaha, you finally got it!"

It turned out that just now, Jian Xian Bai Di sensed that the breath of Emperor Tian reappeared.

Jian Xian Bai Di smiled.

"When you come out, as long as you have gone out of the ancient sea, the people in the two palaces have not arrived, the old husband has killed you, and they have nothing to say, this position of the Billboard must belong to the old man!"

Jianxian Baidi smiled very happy. After waiting for decades, it was not in vain. It was about to usher in the most exciting moment. This time, Jian Xian Bai Di will never let Emperor Tian leave from under the eyes again.


"I sensed the world of the big world!"

Lin Fei all the way galloping, finally out of the ancient sea, the first time to sense the big world, as long as a thought can go back.

"Emperor, you finally got it!"


In the void, a beam of light rises into the sky, instantly transforms into a large array, firmly locks the void, and isolates all breath, a long-lost sound.

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