Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1342: Kill

The pro-green snake Langjun personally used the top secret technique to summon the ancient strong to match.

The power of this grasp, everyone is smelling the wind!

Emperor has a big trouble!

The result is that they are at a shocking level.

Emperor Tian actually blocked it, and it really blocked it. It looked very relaxed, but it was a catch of Qinglu Langjun, and it was already pinched into blood.

The result of the spike!

But now I can't pinch the body of the Emperor?

"Emperor, too strong!"

"The progress is too fast. Don't forget that when the robbery was over, the emperor was already invincible. After decades, the body will definitely become stronger!"

"To the strong flesh, no wonder the sword fairy Baidi will be killed, and it will be the same for us!"

The upper and lower strongmen of Tianhui City are in extreme shock.

The incomparable strong snake Lang Jun can't help but enter the heavens. This is definitely something that cannot be imagined today.


"Split three hits!"

The blue-colored Lang Jun’s pupil flashed a stun of color, and the palm of his hand was taken back, and the color was dark and oily, and the terrorist attack was again displayed.

This is the secret attack after the fit.

Belong to the secret of the combo!

When everyone saw the sky, three green shadows flashed past, one after another, with horrible power, and even they could only see the green shadow.

The specific trajectory, they can not see clearly.

That is to say that the attack has transcended their scope and reached an unmatchable level.

"Emperor, see how you block!"

After Lin Fei became a giant. The physical defense is invincible, and people are like mountains. Stand still, don't hide. Laughing and joking, "The Emperor does not need to block, your attack is in front of the Emperor, it is tickling, it is really no power!"


The first palm was shot on Lin Fei's body.

A powerful force is crushed down like a large grinding disc, but this crushing power is on Lin Fei's body, and it can't exert its power at all. I only see Lin Fei's clothes shaking.

"Not very good!"

The next two attacks attacked the overbearing shot.

Lin Fei still didn't move, so he collapsed. The face never changes.

For Green Snake Lang, this is impossible.

This is an ancient mystery!

"Why is this how the body of the Emperor can be strong enough to withstand the ancient mystery of the Emperor, why is he not as good as himself!"

After the fit, the blue lang is full of confidence.

There is even the idea of ​​calling the celestial demon king.

Killing the Emperor, it is the first step of the blue Lang Jun, nothing more than showing strength, so that the demon king knows that his strength is not as simple as you think. Moreover, he has cultivated a top secret technique of the Qing snake family.

But now all this has been ruthlessly hit in the emperor.

The powerful secret technique can't exert its power in front of the emperor. There is nothing more unacceptable than this. Anyone will be hit hard.

Green Snake Lang Jun realized what it was after three days.

Emperor is such a person!

Green Snake Lang Jun did not reach the point where he could not bear it. He turned and smothered. A few breaths waved the giant hand, and attacked again and again, in another way.

Close combat!

"Green snake Lang Jun. You are looking for death!"

The two quickly made a punch and the overbearing force exploded in midair. Turn into a circle of smashing out, seeing the demon city to be destroyed.

A hand appears in the sky. Aiming at the Tianxiong City, the heavens and the earth are caught together, and they are blocked in front of this force, forming a cage.

The power of the leak was blocked by the wall.

The demon kings shot!

The demon kings will not allow the demon city to be destroyed. This is tantamount to destroying the rules. The influence is too great. Under this strong man, the power is enough to kill anyone.

"Green snake Lang Jun, you are so courageous, is this going to destroy the demon city?"

Between the heavens and the earth, echoing the cold voice of the demon kings.

After the green snake Lang Jun had a punch, his face was more gloomy. Just now the punch hit him, and the power of hegemony in the body also appeared chaotic, proving that he was not as powerful as the heaven.

"Hey, the demon king, do you want to intervene in the Emperor and the Emperor's day? We are the elders of the Qing government, the head of the house is dead, and the vitality is greatly hurt. Today, in any case, the emperor must kill the emperor and avenge the tribe! ”

Qingzi Langjun does not allow Emperor Tian to continue to live.

This kind of person is terrible.

It’s too hard to kill the emperor, unless it’s a crackdown, and for a long time, don’t let him have time to grow.

The green snake Lang Jun will not leave the emperor, as long as he leaves today, the next day is the day of the Qing government, the inheritance of the Qing government, will be cut off in his own hands.

Lin Fei does not intend to let go of the green snake Lang Jun, a top secret skill, the strength is so strong, if this time did not kill the green snake Lang Jun, the ghost knows whether it will secretly kill the Holy Heaven Academy.

This guy is crazy, no one dares to despise.

Lin Fei must solve him.

Green Snake Lang Jun is really worried that the demon lord will stop himself and open the door again. "The emperor wants to open the ring of life and death, and fight for life and death!"

Many strong people change color again.

Green Snake Lang Jun is planning to fight it out today.

"Tian Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a long time, your progress is amazing!"

Lin Fei's mouth with a faint smile, life and death? I like it more than anyone else. Today, I have to kill the Green Snake Lang Jun.

Suddenly, the voice of the demon kings passed to the ears.

"The demon king has won the prize!"

"Qingdao Langjun wants to live and die, do you want to promise? He should also cultivate a top secret technique, that is to deal with your killings!" Tiandejie said, "If you are not sure, I can stop him." !"

This is already showing up!

A green snake Lang Jun, the demon king did not really care about it, but the heavens are the masters, the talent is outstanding, the strength is extremely fast, and it is impossible to cross the realm in the future.

Investing is a must.

"The battle between life and death will be a life-and-death battle. The person who died must be him." Lin Fei smiled. "It is best to be a little better. Free from accidents!"

The conversation between the two was in one breath.

"Mr you!"

Boom! !

The demon king waved his hand and a large platform appeared out of thin air. Contains horrible power and stays in the sky.

Green Snake Langjun first flew up.

As long as it is on the stage of life and death. Green Snake Lang Jun is sure to kill the Emperor, and the life and death is a treasure of the landlord.

As long as you are on the death and death stage, you must die one person, otherwise no one can get out.

The strength is stronger, and it will not break the life and death!

As for what outsiders intervene, it is impossible to take root. No one can attack through the death platform. To ensure fairness, few people in general will go to life.

Lin Fei then flew up and stood in a place on the death and death stage.

After the two went up, there was a strange force on the stage of life and death, which blocked the life and death stage, and the gods could not be released, confined to this life and death stage.


The tall green snake, Lang Jun, laughed and raised his hands, as the shells blew past. Rolling up the void and breaking it.

Lin Fei was not slow, and he greeted him directly. The boxing was punched together. The power of overbearing was blocked, and the aftermath of the wave continued to cut.

Now a four-step demon comes in. In an instant, it will be smashed into pieces.


Both of them are big and big, without any defense. In their eyes, defense is not needed. Every time you fight, the aftermath is raging.

This fight, do not know how many times to shoot, all are strong against.

The strong outside, can not be calm.

In the case of such a strong person, it is definitely looking for death. The speed of the two is getting faster and faster. Everyone sees a blue shadow and a black shadow moving back and forth.

"Green snake Lang Jun, you can't do this power!"

The blue shadow flew out and reached out and grabbed it on the stage of life and death. Then it stopped and slowly raised his head. The mouth overflowed with blood and stared at the Emperor. "You are really terrible, and this emperor has displayed a top-level Secret technique, still can't help you, you are the most terrible, most potential person I have ever seen, you deserve the most powerful secret technique of the Emperor!"

Qingzi Langjun slowly stood up, and the tall body was blasted in vain. A blue torrent flooded like Wang Yang.

On the blue torrent, a face is revealed.

"Emperor, let you see the most powerful secret of the Emperor - endless destruction!"


The green snake Lang Jun turned into a blue torrent, such as a blue bag rolled over, wherever it was, the void was gone, leaving a huge black hole.


The blue torrent was directly on Lin Fei's body, and a mighty force of corrosion invaded it. This is to ruin everything.

"Ha ha ha, Emperor Tian, ​​your body is very tyrannical, the emperor's demon body is not as good as you, but your body is stronger, and it will be turned into a pile of blood under the secret attack of the Emperor!"

This is the biggest card for Qingzi Langjun.

The mystery that corrodes everything, the person who has seen this secret technique has already become a pile of blood.

"Just this?" Lin Fei laughed, "hahaha!"


Lin Feiqi had a sword in his body, like a star and a moon, piercing from the blue torrent. In an instant, the blue torrent was riddled with holes.

"One sword is coming!"

I really smashed the sword and flew up. Lin Fei got out of the trap, and a sword swept over the other side. A large swath of torrents turned into powder and disappeared into the sky.

"Come back!"

This is equivalent to the undead body of Qingzi Langjun, and the power contained in it is better than the ordinary in the body.


The blue torrent continues to blow up and is torn apart.

"The Emperor's strongest supernatural powers, why can't I use it!" The blue torrent was re-created as a green snake, and the face was waxy white, with a stunned look in the eyes, and suffered a huge blow.

No one can survive under this secret.

Emperor can't!

Why is that!

"Green snake Lang Jun, everything is over!"

Lin Fei gently said, a sword of smashing, the sky came, the second sword shot, a sword without traces, released in front of the green snake Lang Jun.

"This emperor, don't be reconciled!" (To be continued.)

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