Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1346: Fusion of two worlds

"You really want the heart of the world? This is impossible!" The Kaiyuan community was angry. "Even if I am willing, the Iron League will not let you get the heart of the world. This is probably why you didn't kill me!"

The Kaiyuan realm thought that the Emperor would want the heart of the world. When he thought of the previous house arrest, he immediately understood it.

The magical existence of the heart of the world, apart from the landlord, outsiders do not know.

It's hard for ordinary people to find out, and it's useless to get it.

Being a landlord is not the same. If the two worlds are swallowed up, they can expand the world and bring great benefits to the people of the local world. Their own strength can also be improved, albeit a kind of help.

"I think you will take the initiative to say it!"

"Impossible, even if you kill me, I will not say it!" The Kaiyuan lord is because of the identity of the lord, he will be valued by the lord, once he loses the landlord, his own The strength is not the peak of the Emperor, not outstanding in the Emperor.


A big sword is coming!

Without warning, the Kaiyuan bounds ate a sword, and the body of immortality changed into a small range. If a sword comes again, it is estimated that it will fall.

"Stop, don't do it, just say everything!"

The Kaiyuan community vomited blood and was busy preventing the Emperor from continuing to shoot, fearing that he would kill himself.

"You are not saying that you will not tell me when you die, then I will kill you, and you will not say it anyway!" Lin Fei said in an orderly manner.

The Kaiyuan lord has never seen such a tyrant, and he is only a hard-nosed person. You are really hands-on.

In the case of surrendering the heart of the world and saving lives, the Kaiyuan community is definitely the latter. It is not cost-effective for the heart of the world to lose its life.

The Kaiyuan bounds did not expect it. The Emperor will be innocent.

"Emperor, you really want the heart of the world?" The face of the Kaiyuan community is very unsightly. After eating a few swords in a row, I felt deeply jealous.

If it is the Kaiyuan lord, if this is still controlled, the Kaiyuan lord is estimated to be frightened and weak, and even dare not say so.

"Opening the landlord, you think that I will not kill you, you will be fine, then you think too much!" Lin Fei smiled, "know the Lord. I remember last time he informed you to go to the ghost town, you are The college is resting, so I went to a ghost town for you, and met with the Lord!"

"Emperor, you pit me!" The open-minded landlord was so frightened that his face was white, "Is it not killing you?"

Ghost town, outsiders don't know.

The Kaiyuan border master knows that it is the place where he meets with the Lord.

I was not an Emperor opponent at the time. What's more, the Lord is less, the face is pale, and the Lord is very fierce and very few. This key is known to them. Without Emperor's shot, those people will not let go of themselves.

"I am going on your behalf, but the Lord does not believe it." Lin Fei smiled. "If you are not careful, you will be heavy. You will be the one!"

The Kaiyuan community is cold.

"You are now surrendering the heart of the world. I see that you are good. I will mix with me in the future, better than them, at least not killed by them, you think!"

Lin Fei knew that the Kaiyuan border master would agree.

If you don't pay, you can die. If you don't pay, you can live. If you are not a fool, you can save your life.

"I believe that you can protect me!" Kaiyuan bounds did not have any doubts about the Emperor's words, seeing the Lord in the ghost town, then the Lord must be hung up.

call out!

It is also a big sword, piercing the sky, and spreading the horror.

"If I used this sword just now, you think it!"

The Kaiyuan lord said nothing, and the pupils contracted. In front of this great sword, his own vulnerable and vulnerable, just want to kill him, people can destroy themselves, instead of standing now This.

This sword broke the last layer of defense of the Kaiyuan border.

Invincible landlord!

It was indeed a joke in front of the Emperor, and he still tried to fight against each other and even kill each other. From the very beginning, he was a clown, and they were not afraid of themselves.

"I promise you to surrender the heart of the world!"

The Kaiyuan borderlors also understand very well that if the Lord is dead, he will definitely be unlucky. If so, it is better to attach a strong existence.

"Follow me!"

The Kaiyuan community opened up a passage and went in.

This is the ability that the landlord will have, and can go directly to any place in the Kaiyuan world.


Breaking the last line of defense of the Kaiyuan border, Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not so easy to kill the realm of the Yuan Dynasty. It is not so easy. If someone is really looking for death, Lin Fei will want to get the heart of the world.

At the end of the passage is an underground world.

Deep in the ground, the magma spewed, and it was a red fire.

Two figures appeared on the magma, and the Kaiyuan bounds flew forward. Wherever they passed, the hot and high temperatures receded and opened up a path.

In the depths of the magma, a fiery red lotus flower appeared above the lotus flower, and a red elf was active, jumping up and down.

"That is the heart of the world. They have no fixed form. They are ever-changing. God can't detect their existence. Only our landlords can discover it!" The Kaiyuan leader waved his hand and the red elf flew over. Appeared on his palm, illusion.

Regarding the heart of the world, Lin Fei is still clear.

This thing is ever-changing, it is really difficult to capture, and you may not see it in front of you.

Lin Fei is self-sufficient and arrogant. In the face of the heart of the world, he may not be able to catch it. Only when the landlord personally goes there can he see the heart of the world.

"Incorporating the heart of the world, the integration of the two worlds will take a certain amount of time. The people of the Iron League will surely come to stop you from consuming the world of the world. Are you prepared?"

No one is willing to surrender the heart of the world.

The Kaiyuan borderlors were not willing, and he was still worried about one thing. In the event that he did not succeed in the end, Emperor Tian was killed by the Iron League, and even he himself would be unlucky, and the end is almost exactly the same.

"You are mixed with me, without my consent, the people of the Iron League don't want to take your life!" Lin Fei laughed, there is no idea what the Kaiyuan lord is thinking, "The people of the Iron League really dare to come, I will make them embarrassed and regret to offend me!"

"Give you!"

The Kaiyuan community has produced a hundred seals to seal the heart of the world.


Lin Fei waved his hand to open the passage, and entered the Dadutian world with the Kaiyuan border master. He entered a desert and saw the heart of the world of Dadutian.

The hearts of the two worlds are not much different and are relatively small.

The heart of the world of Kaiyuan World is constantly struggling. It seems to be aware of the danger, to break free to leave, but to be blocked by the seal, and the heart of the world is a happy one.

"Swallowed it!"

Lin Fei can communicate and drive the world with the heart, rushing over, a black whirlpool, swallowed the heart of the world.



This devour, the heart of the world was swallowed up.

The Kaiyuan community feels that it has lost control of the Kaiyuan world.

A big open world, the beginning of the bombing began to move, flying toward the big capital, the bridge of the world outside was broken into pieces, and the things in the middle were crushed.

This move, the strong people in the Kaiyuan world have changed color, do not know what happened.

"Don't worry, this is the world that the big world devours."

The icy cold voice echoed over the entire Kaiyuan world.

If it is in peacetime, everyone will certainly stop this, but in the face of the violent death of the iron, they do not have the courage, the power of the Kaifeng world is dead, and they are all swallowed by annihilation, and the four-step emperor is also It’s hard to escape this end.

Now they are just shocked!

The violent hand is like a fanatic, and for the world of the world to devour the world of Kaiyuan, it is a reaction, there is nothing in their eyes.

Just follow the footsteps of the big commander.


The integration of the two worlds is very big.

Several nearby worlds know first.

"Tianna, is the Kaiyuan world, actually wants to be swallowed up by the big world!"

"The Kaiyuan bounds must have an accident!"

"Quickly report to the Iron League, you must not let the vast world of the heavens controlled by the Emperor devouring the world of Kaiyuan!"

These are the small constituencies nearby.

If the Kaiyuan borderlors are really swallowed up, then soon, the small worlds around them will be swallowed up sooner or later, losing their position as the leader. They are just the peak Emperor.

The fangs of the emperor’s eyes stunned them. There are suspicions that the Kaiyuan borderlors have an accident.

They sent out messages and went straight to the world of Dadu, and they could stop the heavens by their joint efforts.

Halfway, these small landlords received a reply, asking them to suppress the Emperor, but they must not kill the Emperor, which made the small world leader very surprised.

Later, I realized that Emperor Tian was immediately the top 100 masters on the list, and they were arrogant, but they did not dare to kill each other.

It can only be suppressed now!


At this time, a warship shuttled through the seventh heavy void, such as a black shadow, a fierce beast composed of a hurricane, and the battleship crashed into a crash.

"Bold and daring, is this day to fight against our iron-blood alliance?"

On the battleship, a middle-aged man with a hooked nose, a palm on the table, quietly in the battleship.

This person is not someone else, but is the uncle of the Lord, Yun Tianchong.

The Lord lost sight of a month, and lost the position coordinates. Through the clues, the Lord disappeared in the ghost town. After some investigations, he discovered that he had a relationship with the Kaiyuan.

Yun Tiancong took people to Kaiyuan World to investigate the Kaiyuan bounds.

They believe that the Kaiyuan realm will not be disrespectful to the Lord. The Kaiyuan lords are fascinating. In the Iron League, in many borders, he is really nothing.

They only got off and they received an amazing news.

The Emperor of Heaven in the world has swallowed up the Kaiyuan world, which made the entire Iron League angered and immediately ordered that Yuntian rush to suppress the Emperor. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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