Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1348: My game, my turf, my rules


A place where the void is seven.

Upon receiving the news, Yun Tiancong Xiandi was furious, and several of the world’s leaders could not help but the Emperor’s day. Instead, they were beaten by the flowers.

The Iron League is in charge of some of the world.

The distribution of interests is in the Iron League, especially in the weak world, and almost all rely on the Iron League to live.

Especially those who are in remote places, they dare not violate the words of the Iron League.

The emperor is not interested in merging two big worlds. This kind of thing is not allowed to happen. There will be two, and who will convince them in the future.

Yun Tiancong did not expect the strength and rumors of the Emperor, the five world leaders could not help the Emperor.


Yun Tiancong slammed down and the three ships went empty.


Dadutian World merged with the Kaiyuan world. Except for the beginning of the five worlds, no borders appeared.

This place itself is in a remote position, not a big world, not many people concerned, and, in addition, Lin Fei is fierce, who dares to find something.

The integration of Dadutian World is progressing rapidly.

Lin Fei has a certain control over the two worlds. As for the Kaiyuan border, he is standing by.

The integration of the two worlds, the people of the vast world have gained a lot of benefits, the heavens and the earth have increased significantly, and the landscape of the mountains and rivers has begun to change, which is different from usual.

People in Dadutian World are even more enthusiastic about Lin Fei.

The fusion of the two worlds is not something that anyone can do.

Starry sky. Lin Fei has been sitting cross-legged and motionless.

"The calculation time, the people of the Iron League should also come!"

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes. The corner of the mouth is tilted up and a smile is hanged.



Three warships rushed out of the void on this day. Appeared in the sky, the warship pressure began to radiate.

It’s coming to the public.

"You five landlords. Arrange to come over, it seems that you are really afraid of the Emperor!"

Yun Tiancong stood on the deck of the battleship, and stood in front of him with five borders, the atmosphere is not strong, all are avatars, his face is not very good-looking.

These five world leaders are the wave-breakers who were scared to escape and they waited.

Yun Tiancong Xiandi is not in a low position in the Iron League, and the five leaders do not dare to come, for the sake of safety. They arranged for the avatar to come over, and the loss did not hurt.

"Adult, it is really a man who is too strong, we are not opponents!"

Speaking again, they still have a kind of grievances and helplessness.

The lord of the world, dare not the deity to come in person, but to arrange the avatar, showing how taboo on the emperor.

Yun Tiancong waved his sleeves, if the five world leaders are their own people. I have already slapped them with a slap in the face, but they are good friends, and they are important to give them face.

"Hey, Emperor Tian is strong again. It is also limited. The Emperor is personal, you naturally do not have to worry about anything!" Yun Tianchong revealed a cold mans.

Yun Tiancong said so. The five border owners still think that they are not insured.

The ferocity of the emperor could not be erased in their hearts for a time.

"Adult, it’s coming soon!"


Three black warships are coming.

Emperor Tian of the plate sat open his eyes. I noticed that they appeared.

"It’s not a **** alliance, it’s like pulling the wind. I’m afraid that others don’t know the same!” Lin Fei stood up and smiled.

"It is time to communicate with the Iron League."

With the current strength, Lin Fei is not so jealous of the Iron League.

The third level of great swordsmanship is successful, and there is a horrible killing card. Lin Fei is not worried, and perhaps they are worried.

"Emperor, you are so bold, you dare to violate the rules of the Iron League."

The deafening sound came from the stars, like the spring thunder blooms.

Three warships flew over, and the warships were full of people, and they were soaring.

When Yun Tian Cong Xian Emperor came up, it was a terrible pressure, crushed, because his strength was cultivated to the second level, facing a landlord, he had the confidence to say such words, and he represented iron and blood. This huge organization of the League.

Lin Fei held his hand and smiled. "What is the Iron League? Who said that I must join the Iron League. It is nothing more than your own wishful thinking. Don't regard this Emperor as they are, they will only serve you. This emperor is the master of the world!"

Lin Fei’s voice is equally overbearing.

You come on behalf of the Iron League, and it depends on whether I accept it.

Yuntian Congxian Emperor thought that Emperor Tian was a wise man. In the face of the Iron League, as long as they bowed their heads and gave up the integration of the Metropolis, they naturally did not dare to do anything.

But this can be said that the sky will not be light.

"Emperor, the outside world rumors that you are lawless, it seems not fake, in front of the Iron League, you dare to say this, you are the first person!"

"Thank you for complimenting." Lin Fei laughed. "In this case, I need to correct one point. The integration of the two worlds is the opinion reached by the Emperor and the Kaiyuan community. You can question it!"

The first to be shocked is the five world leaders, showing a look of surprise, almost unanimous, "How is it possible!"

The Kaiyuan borderlors had to deal with Emperor Tian at the beginning, how would they be willing.

Yun Tian Cong Xiandi did not know much, but he would not think that the Kaiyuan Boundary gave way to the main position and was willing to be swallowed up.

"Do you think we will believe it?"

Lin Fei smiled. "Kai Yuanxiong, you come out and tell them, what the **** is going on!"

Kaiyuan Xiandi got out of Shengtian College and appeared next to Lin Fei. He saw the Emperor Yuntian Congxian of the Iron League, his face was very unnatural.

"Kaiyuan, you said this is what happened!" Yun Tiancong's sharp eyes shot.

Kaiyuan Xiandi was very jealous of Yuntian Congxian, and now he shot his eyes sharply. His body was somewhat unnatural. After seeing the emperor next to him, he could not help but take a deep breath and hardened his scalp. "Tiantiandaoyou said Yes, Kaiyuan World is indeed what I let out, because the two worlds have not developed much. Under the leadership of Emperor Tiandao, the two worlds have become a world. Whether it is for me or the indigenous people in the world. help!"

The eyes of Yun Tian Cong Xiandi just in fact were warning the Kaiyuan Emperor and told him to speak.

As soon as this was said, the people of the Iron League all changed color.

When will the Kaiyuan realm speak for Emperor Tian and say so grandiose.

"Kaiyuan, you traitor!" Yun Tiancong Xiandi sighed, shooting two horrible swords.斩向开元仙帝.

Kaiyuan Xiandi’s face changed greatly, “Emperor, save me!”

Yun Tiancong Xiandi’s power reached the second stage. This attacked the mighty horror. It was not something he could resist. The undead body had been badly hurt and could not stop the other’s killing.

Yun Tiancong Xiandi could not accept the words of a Kaiyuan Xiandi, actually helped the Emperor to speak, and suddenly became unfair. It was said that the Iron League was bullied.

It is imperative that the other party be killed and that Emperor Tian loses an excuse and cannot stand it.

The sword is recruited. Kaiyuan Xiandi felt great pressure and subconsciously sent out a cry for help.

"Oh, in front of the Emperor's eyes. You dare to kill!"

Lin Fei shouted and grabbed with one hand. The palm of the hand zoomed in and grabbed two swords. Forced to pinch, pinch the two swords, disintegrated the killing.

"You are too much for the Iron League. The Kaiyuan World is mine, not yours. I am willing to give it to anyone." Kaiyuan Xiandi died and died.

In order to deal with Emperor Tian, ​​take his own knife, Kaiyuan Xiandi a heart is cold, almost killed himself.

Kaiyuan Xiandi directly tore their faces.

Lin Fei's heart is funny, Yun Tiancong Xiandi shot, the most hopeful thing, Kaiyuan Xiandi is also the peak emperor, for the big world, is not a small force.

This shot is equal to his side.

Yun Tiancong Xiandi really wanted to kill the Kaiyuan Emperor, and Emperor Tian reached out and grabbed his own sword. He immediately knew that the outside world was not false.

"Emperor, you are doing the right thing to do with the Iron League!" Yuntian Cong was shocked. "How is this possible? How big is the genius of the Emperor, the physical defense is so strong, just now it is the second-order power."

A Kaiyuan Xiandi, Yuntian Congxian Emperor wants to kill and kill.

Emperor Tian has now become an opponent.

"As you think, if the two worlds merge, no one can stop it." Lin Fei said, "If you are interested, immediately leave this starry sky, as long as there are three words in front of the emperor, killing innocent!"

"Good, good, good!"

Yun Tiancong Xiandi said three ‘good’ words in succession. “The Emperor personally shot and suppressed you and brought you to the Iron League!”

The master of the Fengyun list, Yuntian Cong Xiandi is still not very convinced.

"You are dealing with Kaiyuan Xiandi, and others prevent the two worlds from melting!" Yun Tiancong Xiandi once again ordered that Kaiyuan Xiandi became a traitor, then it was the enemy.

"Emperor friends, they have to shoot!"

Kaiyuan Xiandi’s face changed slightly, and he is now. The strength has not yet recovered, especially the body that is not dead. In the face of so many strong players, it is difficult to prevent it from being suppressed.

"Just they, huh, huh!" Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"World Storm!"

Lin Fei sacrificed the world storm and swept straight away. A large hurricane appeared in front of the people of the three warships.


When the five world leaders saw the world storm, they went straight and did not dare to stay.

Booming ~~~

The world storm has swept the past!

Yun Tian Cong Xiandi just prepared to shoot, his heart shocked, his face followed by discoloration, recognized. "How is it possible, this is the world storm, not good, they can't stop it!"

From the beginning, Yuntian Cong Xiandi did not regard the Emperor as one thing.

The five world leaders ate a big loss and dared to say there.

On the three warships, all the strong ones were used to deal with the Emperor’s men. At this time, in the face of the world storm, a strong man’s body shook and fell, falling into the endless starry sky. .

A few breathless, the strong on the three warships, lost two-thirds, in addition to the four-step strong, the peak strong, barely support, the rest have fallen.

"Emperor, the Iron League and you are not dead!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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