Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1556: Don't like guys in black robes

"My two disciples!"

Ankang was killed by a punch, and the safari master had a stiff face. Before the end of this, another disciple, Qingfeng, was killed and killed, and he died under the chaos and killed alive. [.

This made the safari master almost squirt a blood out.

Losing two disciples in succession, how can the safari be mastered and accepted, if the disciples under his own door can benefit from the platform, their status in the sect will also be improved, and now they are destroyed, they are the bastard. .

On these two disciples, the safari master paid a lot of effort, and now he was killed by the wicked boy. Everything is equal to nothing.

"Virtual afternoon master, I really look down on you!"

The virtual afternoon master knows this result well, even without thinking about it. This is already doomed and will not change.

Although it is not his own shot, but there is a hint of color on his face, which can make the old enemy fall a head, it is undoubtedly a bad breath, the two bloods are dominant, it is estimated that it will be distressed for a while, the blood is not found to find it.

"This is a matter between disciples. If you die, you can only say that the skills are not as good as people. Do you think this is not the case?" The virtual afternoon dominated the faint road, ignoring the safari's gaze to kill.

"Well, you are waiting, I will be anxious today!" If it is not on the mountain of God, the safari master will definitely go in and ask for the life of the kid.

The virtual afternoon dominates or ignores each other.


The void is on the stage.

The remaining few people took a breath of cold air and sweat on their foreheads.

"no problem!"

"We have nothing to say!"

The six people, you see me. I see you, very bitter. Interacting with each other.

Ankang dominated and Qingfeng dominated and died, they realized the strength of each other. In particular, it is impossible to hide the mystery of the body and the mystery of the gods. This kind of talent is the most terrible.

In giving up a qualification, or paying for their lives, they chose the first one.

The last unfortunate thing was the unforgettable door. The two disciples were eliminated. They were lucky, lost their qualifications and could survive.

This is their greatest luck.

Lin Fei randomly collected some of the masters, and the rest of the things did not worry. After Xiaolu’s hand, Lin Fei believes that if those people are not crazy, they will definitely not shoot.

In fact, they really didn't have the courage to do it.

It’s not cost-effective to pay too much, it’s not as good as clearing two between them.

This can give the outside door to the stimuli, the angry eyes have been staring at the virtual afternoon, which makes the virtual afternoon master is very helpless, and the trade with the wind has no trace, it is worthless.

For example, now. First, the safari master was completely offended, and he killed two disciples, or **** disciples, after that. Take advantage of the situation to let the disciples lose their qualifications.

The virtual nobility also feels pressure, I believe they will not give up.


"Congratulations to you!"

The void is scattered.

The five will hand over the masters of the collection, and things like counting will not be needed. There are five people left, each of whom is eligible to enter the platform.

The elders of Tianba looked at Lin Fei’s eyes differently.

After all, a guy who is suspected of being a **** person. Regardless of whether any of the sects are very interested, it is too difficult to have space in the blood. Once you have the blood of the space, your future achievements are limitless.

When everyone came out, the other four people left first.

Standing with the other side is too stressful, as if facing a beast, or staying far away.

"Young man, you are very good!"

This kind of rare blood, Tianba elders will look at each other, this kind of strong want to go, very easy, people want to assassinate you, it is very easy.

There was a space killer in the territory.

The killer's strength also dominates the realm of eight stars, but it is very famous in the endless territory. As long as he kills, almost no one can survive. The most powerful achievement is to kill the nine-star master. time.

Later, the killer did too much, and was attacked by various forces, but it also cost a lot of money. Everyone was moved.

The physical constitution of the blood, it is quite terrible.

In the endless territory, the space is enough to rank in the top 50.

Such a person, Tianba elders are also particularly optimistic.

"Thank you!" Lin Fei calmly said.


Come out from the void.

Lin Fei split and felt that there was a killing on his body. He didn't have to look at it and knew who the killer came from. He didn't care about this killing.

"The quota is out, you can go out!"

The elders of Tianba said to them.

The people of Tianlangzong and Liushengzong leave with joy, and as long as they are qualified to enter, the people under them will gain something.

When the people who are unrequited are leaving, they show their killing intentions.

Needless to say, the safari master, "When you are best blessed, don't be touched by me!"

If it is not the eyes of the Tianba elders, the safari master may actually shoot.

Lin Fei smiled. "Oh, you said something wrong. I should give it back to you. I believe you will understand!"

Safari dominated the nose and groaned, "Hey, let's walk!"

The emptiness dominated and came down, whispering, "You have to be careful with this guy, his mind is very small, and there is a sad door!"

Lin Fei nodded, "Thank you!"

When things got here, the deal between the two was completely completed.

The virtual afternoon do not have to be responsible for anything.

"Well, you come with me, I let people open the entrance!" Tianba elders are also very good, and my heart is also pondering, is a person who can recruit this space-blooded body.

It is a pity that such a potential master is in the hands of the first-class sect.


Opening the entrance is not very cumbersome.

It’s nothing more than a place where everyone opens a ban, and no one can’t open it. Everyone must be shot together.

Lin Fei is also excited.

I paid a lot of money, not for this moment. Lin Fei tried to calm himself down so as not to reveal any flaws. He does not want to have problems at this critical time.

"Everyone goes in one by one!"

Lin Fei is in the last place, and he is not in a hurry.

The first few are very excited to fly in.

Lin Fei was soon turned.

Just go in. Things are done.


When Lin flew forward, a sturdy breath came down in vain, and the overbearing gods locked in Lin Fei.

"Young people, how do you see this seat is a bit familiar!"

I saw a gold armor appearing in the open space.

The elders of Tianba wrinkled, "I don't know what you mean!"

Jin Jia’s eyes have always been on the black robe, and he said, “I feel that this person is familiar and asks the last sentence. What do you think this seat will do?”

The elders of Tianba do not like this infinite master, the background of the people is big, the master of the darkness, and the dark dominance is one of the super hegemons. Mastering a war fortress, his hand is arrogant, this is a warlord under the door. .

Being one is not afraid of dark domination, but not willing to go to offend, it is not good for them to be one. On the contrary, it will be taken advantage of others. This kind of thing is not something they are willing to see.


Jin Jiazhuo said, "Shenshan recently did something that should not be done except for a horrible black robe. Just passing this place, I will recognize it, is it the old acquaintance!"

"Look at it. Don't make any trouble!" The face of the elders of Tianba is still to be given.

"This seat is clear!"

Lin Fei is not calm in his heart.

"Rely, who is this guy. Nothing dominates.... Yes, it seems to be the warlord of darkness. Is it because the night emperor dominates!"

These days, I caught the eight-star master and knew a lot of things.

One of them really has a good grasp of the darkness, and Lin Fei therefore knows who the infinite is.

"I knew this before, I just went in the first one!" Lin Fei complained. "I used a special method. The breath and the gods have changed. It is totally different from the past. The innumerable ruler does not necessarily look out!"

The infinite master of the gold armor is indeed passing by, seeing the black robe only came down.

The things that the night emperor dominated, they spread inside, which made them unable to hang on their faces. They were always looking for the black robes. There are some clues. I know that there is a person without a trace, and there is great doubt. Recently, the sound disappeared and disappeared.

Infinitely, the gaze of the eyes has been glanced at the other side, and there has been no speech. Suddenly, a palm is shot to the other side, and a torrent of torrents is set off.

"No amount to dominate what you are doing!"

Infinitely, he laughed. "I don't really like people wearing black robes. I hope he won't wear black robes in the future!"

Just glanced up and down, the infinite mastery determined that this person is not the same thing, the gods and breath are not the same, but can not understand the black robe, gave the other party a palm.

Cough and cough! !

Although the Tianba elders shot, they still could not stop it.

The infinite master who threw the next sentence left.

"This bastard!" Tianba elders are very dissatisfied. ,

"It's okay!"

Lin Fei’s mouth was bloodshot and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. “Thank you for the elders’ shot, I can still hold it!”

My heart is open.

"Bastard, this is lying in the middle of the gun!"

Lin Fei used to wear a black robe. Who would have thought that because of the trouble caused by the black robe, it was inexplicably smashed, and if it was not quietly removed some of the power, it would be exposed.

"Would you like to restore your strength and go in again!" The elders of Tianba were quite dissatisfied with the incompetent ruler.

"No, I took the healing remedy, and I can recover soon!" Lin Fei didn't want to cause trouble any more, and the rumor rejected the good intentions.

"good luck!"

Lin Fei took out a few medicinal herbs and ate it. His face was better, and he plunged into the entrance.

"Shentai, I am coming!"

Lin Fei is very uncomfortable because of the infinite amount of things, because he is about to enter the Shentai, and he will throw the things before him. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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