Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1830: Forced to ask

Eastern sword!

The young family's young Tianjiao is more powerful than many of the gods in the family. It is also recognized as a young arrogant in the world of hell.

The Eastern Sword is famous in the world of Hell. It is also very hazy and conceited. It is clear that some are strong.

More than a dozen families are united, who is not convinced by the young Tianjiao, and only the sword of the East can suppress everyone and let them be convinced.

"Oriental brother, do you want to go back to the fifteenth floor to check!" A Tianjiao stood up, he is the shepherd's shepherd's enemy, can be seen from the name, this person is also very strong, "Dare to grab our abyss No fruit, no one can protect him!"

"As long as the big brother of the East, let's go back!" And Tianjiao stood up again.

"Move our stuff, kill it!"

The prestige of the East is very good.

"People who grab our things must die." The East sword proudly said, "But don't worry about this time, the fifteenth floor of the abyss is not dead, we are all searching for 7788, the people behind the scenes will definitely come down. At this level, life and death are not what we have to say!"

From this point, we can also see that the sword of the East is very clever.

In fact, the Eastern sword is very calculated, and it is also famous in Tianjiao.

No matter who the person is, the East Sword has the confidence to clean up the other side.

"We are waiting for the guy on this floor!"

"I have to look at Laozi, who is so courageous, even our top ten families are not in the eye!"

The 15th floor of the abyss hell.

Lin Fei does not know that the search for the abyss is not dead, will bring such a big impact.


Finally, I went in from a valley and found that there was no abyss and undead fruit on the undead tree, and I ran for a while.

Mu Cheng was once again disappointed, this is already the thirteenth empty run.

"This layer should be swept away by people!" Wang Ming took the initiative to say that, along with the emperor all the way down, I feel that this person is very easy to get along with, not the pride of Tianjiao.

Lin Fei was not very disappointed. He had already drunk the soup. It was normal to be drunk in advance.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this abyss is not dead, there will be people to save it for us!" Lin Fei said casually, but let Wang Ming and Mu Cheng startle, this is to start with those days?

"Adults, they should be family elites, each one is Tianjiao, each one is the next level of God's fighting power, we are not to avoid its edge!" Mu Cheng said, my heart is also somewhat afraid.

Lin Fei doesn't care if Tianjiao is not arrogant, and even the most powerful Tianjiao can still be worse than himself?

"Nothing, let's go to the next level, you can't go!"

Lin Fei does not intend to search on the fifteenth floor.

This layer must be swept away by people.

Can break into the next layer, is definitely a master of the family elite, that is, Tianjiao, Lin Fei is interested in learning with them, the most important thing is to see them come up with a wonderful method.

Hey! !

Don't look for it, go straight to the entrance, it's fast!

Even so, it took more than a day. It is really too much undead. If there is a mighty appearance, Lin Fei will also feel a headache and the time will be long.

At the entrance, Lin Fei was also attacked by undead creatures, hiding the entrance, and had to wait, Lin Fei shot and killed, and barely made a way.

"Let's go in!"

The 16th floor of the abyss hell.

As soon as you enter this layer, the repressed breath rushes to the surface.

Hey! ! !

Various undead creatures rushed up.

Lin Fei took the two men and kept moving. The danger was like a ring, leaving the terrible exit. As for Wang Ming and Mu Cheng, they were already scared and pale.

It is terrible that all the lower-level gods are strong.

"Okay, safe!"

Putting down two people, Lin Fei clap his hands.

The two returned to God and wiped the cold sweat. "This is terrible, no wonder that every time I rushed up, there is no one other than Tianjiao!"

If they are not relying on Lin Fei, they will never come to this level in their lifetime.

"People are coming!"

The Eastern sword has been sitting on the plate.

I haven't been looking for an undead tree in the past few days.

Out of such a thing, the Eastern sword must be dealt with, and any force that has gained so many abyss and undead will have too much impact.

After the undead of the export caused a commotion, the Eastern sword stood up and the light flashed through the eyes.

"They are on the east!"

The Eastern sword flew past, and the Tianjiao behind it kept up.

Can come at this time, except for them, there seems to be no one, from the fifteenth floor into the sixteenth floor, it is not easy, they also pay a huge price.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is most appropriate to pursue them.

They did not think that Lin Fei, who had come over, did not pay any price, and it was not a group of people that everyone thought, but a person.

The sixteen layers of undead are more violent.

Lin Fei did not leave far, suffered a few undead creatures, the next level of God respects the force, it is not easy to deal with.

"Our friend is here!"

Just killed the last undead creature, Lin Fei stopped, his mouth raised, showing a smile.


The two are puzzled and didn't want to come over.

Hey! ! !

Suddenly, there was a broken voice in the distance.

In less than a moment, they appeared in their sky.

"Mu Cheng, it is you!"

"Wang Ming, how come you!"

When people first arrived, some people sipped them. Obviously they recognized the two men and recognized them. Naturally, it is not necessary to say that they are the arrogance of the Wang family and the Mu family.

At this time, there are more than twenty people standing in the sky, emitting terrible momentum.

Although everyone is the peak of the gods, they have been able to explode the power of the gods, and the momentum can naturally oppress the two disciples of Wang Ming and Mu Cheng.

Being scorned by this, the two sweated back, and they still had some inferiority in front of the disciples.

Wang Jia’s Tianjiao and Mu’s Tianjiao saw that their family’s fellow disciples came in, and they were quite confused. They naturally asked what they were doing.

"Mu Cheng, you said, how did you come in!"

The Mujiao’s Tianjiao is called Mu Quan. It is also a very overbearing person. He does not look down on his sideline disciples, and Mu Cheng is one of them. He will only pick up the name of the family and the tiger.

"I~" Mu Chengzhen did not know how to say it.

"I am what I am, you are a side disciple, don't make things clear today, don't blame me for disciplining you in public!" Mu Quan sneered, "The 16th floor of the abyss hell, you can come up, you say, the abyss is not dead, is Not being taken away by you!"

A powerful power swept Mucheng.

Today, Mu Quan does not want to give you any other ideas, so you must figure out what is going on.

"Say it!"

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