Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1833: Sorrow

The Eastern Sword is in the world of hell, and it is also a rare and powerful arrogance!

Because the Eastern Sword is a master.

The most important thing is to master the 'speed'. When the speed reaches a certain limit or even breaks through, it will become a unique existence.

Undoubtedly, the Eastern Sword is such a existence!

Hey! ! !

The shadow of the sky is almost invisible.

No one knows how fast this sword is.

This is also the reason why the Eastern sword is so prestigious in Tianjiao.

Although it has not yet entered the realm of deity, the sword of the East is terrifying, and with its own speed, killing is always a sword, especially after the explosion of 'infinite speed'.

Unlimited two words!

No one will ignore it.

Unlimited speed!

It is the existence of transcendence speed!

At any time, there is the possibility of a breakthrough. The East Sword can explode ten times the existing speed with the 'infinite speed', and can easily hit the lower-level gods.

In the world of hell, few people are willing to offend the sword of the East.

No one will know when the other's sword will be stabbed in the eyebrows. There are already several lessons from the past, and everyone has a deep understanding.

However, at this time, the Eastern Sword felt a weakness.

≥ long ≥ wind ≥ text ≥ learning, ● √.n↗et let his ‘infinite speed’ shot, the other side can block, it seems nothing, which makes the Eastern sword unimaginable.

No one can consistently block their attacks.

The speed is beyond the capture of the gods, there is no trace of existence, by feeling. I can't avoid it at all, and many self-righteous gods respect. They are all injured because they despise ‘infinite speed’.

The speed of the Eastern sword reaches the limit of ten times the 'infinite speed'.

The sword method has also become awkward!

"The speed of this person has reached the limit. The most important thing is to cultivate the 'infinite speed', which is really terrible!"

Lin Fei knows the existence of 'infinite speed'.

This is extremely difficult to grasp, but there are still people who have mastered it.

"Fortunately, I have invincible defense, otherwise my thoughts can't keep up with people's speed!"

Invincible defense has been open!

This is also the only way to resist Lin Fei!

The speed of the other side is better than that of the enemy. If you don't open the invincible defense, I am afraid that I will be stuck in a hole.

"Long time!"

Lin Fei rarely encounters such a powerful opponent, and he is stronger than the gods he encountered before. The **** world is also a powerful Tianjiao.

Time goes by, the power of the raging time. Press down the speed of the Eastern sword.

This is the only thing that can crack the speed.

"You are the time to control, not right!" The East sword shook his head. "You are not only the time controller, but also the space control, the blood vessels!"

The only taboo of the Eastern sword is the time master, because they can suppress their speed.

"Guess it." Lin Fei laughed. "Come and try my knife now!"

An empty space hit!

The Eastern Sword is self-sufficient with infinite speed.

I finally met my opponent today.

The strange knife of the other side forced the sword of the East to be used with one heart and two, and the infinite speed slowed down.

The power of space is also unpredictable. It is also very difficult to resist.

Although the speed of the other party is not fast, it can be affected by the power of time. There are some deviations in thinking, and the knife is different. Also let the Eastern sword gnash your teeth, very helpless.

The battle between the two is more than half an hour.

The two sides did not break out of the strongest strength. Limited to this place to prevent undead creatures from appearing. It’s a big trouble at the time.

Lin Fei was also unable to defeat the Eastern sword for a time.

The power of space and the power of time are not in the same place. Lin Fei needs a long time to resist the attack of the other side, and the power is also limited.

Wang Ming and Mu Cheng opened their eyes.

Everyone knows that the sword of the East is very powerful, and the big brother in the Tianjiao exists.

After seeing it with their own eyes, they understand the gap with the sword of the East. People want to kill them. They don't need much. A sword can do it. They can't stop each other's sword.

This gives them a sense of powerlessness.

The power of the Emperor is once again beyond their expectations.

Can fight with the sword of the East, spread out, the whole **** world will be shocked.

"do not fight!"

Suddenly, the Eastern sword flew out and took the sword and stood up.

Lin Fei also stopped. "Actually, you don't say it, I don't fight anymore, no need!"


The two suddenly burst into laughter.

For the Eastern Sword, it is very difficult to find a younger generation of opponents. The other two major forces, he is not sure to win, unless he is promoted to the realm of God, open 50 times ‘infinite speed’.

Lin Fei is also not sure to kill the Eastern sword. The 'infinite speed' is too strong, unless his spatial blood and time blood are raised again, he will be sure.

"You are the strongest opponent I have ever seen!" The East Sword stared at the other side. "Since I can't beat you, the abyss is not dead, I won't intervene again. If you are willing to sell to us, we will sell it to us. The Oriental family will definitely buy it with sincerity!"

In terms of the interests involved, the Eastern sword still thinks very open.

Lin Fei rarely sees a kind of arrogance like the sword of the East. He knows how to choose and laughs. "You are also one of the most powerful opponents I have ever seen. Unlimited speed, well-deserved reputation, your request, I will consider it."

The Eastern Sword did not expect the other party to agree immediately, it is impossible. I really want the other party to agree, but he will doubt it.

"Let's see you next time!"

The Eastern sword turned and left, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

"Adult, nothing!" Mu Cheng flew over.

Although the two are not long-handed, it will be half an hour, but for them, this kind of battle will never be forgotten.

"You are a great sword in the world of hell. It is really amazing!" Lin Fei looked at the direction of the other party's departure. "Now we have to change places, fearing that there will be immortals soon."

Mu Cheng and Wang Ming still follow Lin Fei.

Lin Fei did not refuse.

Lin Fei also had his own thoughts when he could tell the disciples.

Here in the world of hell, you can cultivate one or two hands down, and you will be one of your own forces in the future. His abyss does not want to be maximized, but you can start from it.

Wang Ming and Mu Chengdu have gone out, and the family squad disciples will certainly not let them go. It is the safest next to the emperor.

"Now, let's go find the undead tree, you have to be careful!"

Lin Fei reversed time and space and removed them, but it was also confined to the abyss hell. This also gave Lin Fei enough time to collect the abyss undead. (To be continued...)

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