Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1836: Impact on the 18th floor

Lin Fei and Dongfang Yijian made the first cooperation!

This is no way!

If you don't cooperate, it will be very troublesome for the two to pick the abyss and the efficiency will be very low. Oh,

Lin Fei is the main force, attracting the guardian of the undead, the power of space and the power of time come out, the knife and knife smash on the undead, completely provoke each other.

"A sword in the East, you can do it!"

As soon as he dragged the guardian undead, Lin Fei let the Eastern sword shoot.

"Unlimited speed!"

The Eastern sword is very conceited. I have never thought of the people behind it. The abyss is not so important. It must be lost. It is also known as the family arrogance, the heavenly arrogance of the **** world, and the situation of the **** world.

With the cooperation of two people.

It is also much easier to collect the abyss undead.

The Eastern Sword is also convinced by oral administration, dragging the guardian of undead creatures. He asked himself that he couldn't do this skill. It was so easy to do, and he was the guy in front of him, even though he was very unhappy with this guy.

At the end of the collection, the two retreat, allowing the undead to roar in the back.

“The first cooperation is enjoyable!”

It is a sword of the East.

This time, a total of 18,73 abyssal undead fruits were collected, and the Eastern Sword can also get about 4,000 or so abyss of undead fruit.

This harvest is very big!

"Can you continue?"

The East is a kendo. "Of course, I am afraid that you can't hold it!"

for the rest of the time.

The two groups kept sweeping the 17th floor of the abyss.

The Eastern Sword also realized that this time it was a good luck, there is such a partner, but unfortunately their family could not give birth to the blood and time of the blood.

If the family can give birth to this kind of blood. The next time the abyss **** opens, the Eastern family will get unimaginable benefits.

An undead tree was picked.

same. This layer of undead is also mad. The two people continue to encounter undead creatures. Every time they encounter, they choose to leave instead of fighting.

No need for this!

The abyss of the two harvested more and more undead fruits. First, when the East sword went down all the way, it won more than 70,000 abyss and undead fruits, and they were all obtained at this level.

Not to mention Lin Fei, enough to get 210,000 abyss undead, plus the previous abyss undead. Breaking through the number of horrors of 300,000.

The two men raided for one month in a row.

Every day in the dangers of crossing, the 17th floor of the abyss is not dead, sweeping out, there are some particularly dangerous not to go, but also make the two very satisfied.

"I can finally take a break!"

The Eastern Sword is still so conceited. In the past month, it has been exhausting enough, and the eyebrows are also exhausted.

Lin Fei is not the same.

"This layer is really dangerous. We feel pressured by this perfect combination. What's more, other people!" Lin Fei exclaimed. "You kid is good, and 30% is good enough for you to go back and cross!"

The Eastern Sword is also very clear. If there is no such help from Emperor, he would like to get 130,000 abyss undead, and he will not accept the loss. "I am 30%, but you have got 70%. And your message, I believe it has spread. Can you take away the abyss, or an unknown?"

Lin Fei smiled. "This has nothing to do with you."


Lin Fei has almost 500,000 abyss undead on his hand. This is the cost of future negotiations. It is not difficult to change one hundred gods.

"Now the 17th floor, except for a few dangerous places, there is almost no abyss undead, even if it is, it is very dangerous, I intend to go to the last floor!"

On the 17th floor, Lin Fei did not find clues to the godhead.

This is really hard to find.

Lin Fei decided to go to the next level.

"You are going to the 18th floor?" The Eastern sword was amazed.

"Well, it’s hard to come see it, how can I go see it!" Lin Fei said. "Don't you have this interest? Or are you afraid?"

The East is a kendo. "You are useless to use the radical method. The 18th floor is not a dragon pool. You dare to go, I dare to go, and I will be the first to the 18th floor of the family!"

The two found the entrance to the 18th floor.

A million miles away, it is a piece of black pressure, and there is almost no gap.

If you don't identify the location, you think it's the wrong place.

Hey! ! !

As soon as the two of them approached the periphery, the undead creatures that flocked came, and the mighty scalp was numb.

"A terrible entrance!"

"It's really scary!"

The two men were shocked again, scorning that the Emperor had nothing to do, but it was not used to toss people.

"I am going one step ahead, let's gather at the 18th floor!"

When a sword in the east bursts out, the infinite speed is also instantly turned on. The sword is flying and flying, and it is hard to break a hole, and the broken limbs are broken.

Lin Fei is not slow, directly open the invincible defense, so many undead creatures, the attack falls on the body, it is enough uncomfortable, not to mention the number here, people attack, it is enough to kill people.

Lin Fei has invincible defense and self-defense. It also makes time for a long river, hitting it layer by layer, but it can't prevent undead creatures from attacking, and attacks are falling on almost every moment.

The most terrifying thing is that the space here is sealed, leaving only the outer layer, and the power of the space is suppressed.

Hey! !

Divine power is constantly consumed.

Lin Feiqi went in tens of thousands of miles, and the Eastern sword was much faster. There were more than ten thousand miles. The speed of the people was dominant, but it was also very difficult. It was not so easy in the hundreds of thousands of miles behind!

"Come on and rush in!"

Lin Fei used the flesh to hit the undead creatures one by one. Any attack did not care, and rushed forward.

"This is too crazy, what treasures he wears on his body!"

Lin Fei soon surpassed the sword of the East. He saw the sword of the East sucking in the air and resisting the attack. Even if it is the gods, it may not be able to eat.

For example, the Eastern Sword is now wearing a lower-level Shenzun war suit, which is also taken by the family, prepared for this abyss hell.

Wearing a god-fighting suit, the Eastern sword is still very difficult.

He insisted on 50,000 miles, and spent most of his power. When he barely moved forward to more than 200,000 miles, he had to take out the space transfer symbol and send it back.

Can't stop it!

"I can't help it, the kid doesn't have to live!"

With such an idea, the sword of the East disappeared in front of the undead.


The momentum of the Eastern Sword disappeared, and Lin Fei was aware of the way for the first time.

"Go away!" (To be continued...)

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