Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1844: Break the battle

Ps: Even more at night!

Luo Xuan Shen Zun was suddenly tied with a heart-cooled, sputum blood flowing, his face is also abnormal pale.

The strongest in the world of **** have been sucking in air.

The Emperor is innocent and is the first strongest person in the world.

This is the idea of ​​everyone!

In the first world of the Hell World, the Master of Law, so lived in the hands of the emperor, and told them what is a shameless misunderstanding.

The deputy ally of the Hell Alliance, which was exported, was directly replaced by anger.

"Emperor, you should not be too much, here is the world of hell, not your heavenly world!" The deputy lord of the squadron shot the cold light, staring at the emperor in the battle, and the heart was again stunned.

The double blood is in control, it is really powerful!

Lin Fei can not care what the vice-president is, the emptiness of a long gun, the top of the gun on the throat of Luo Xuan Shen, blood and direct, "excessive? Who is too much, too much people are your **** alliance, including the top ten families, really I thought that if I had strong strength, I would like to control everything. I want to deal with my emperor. You don’t come up with the skills. I really want to let me let go!"

Hey! !

When the power of the surrounding space is running, everyone feels a space squeeze.

The top ten families, including the Hell League, once again feel the horror of the blood of the space.

Space solidification!

They also want to break into, especially the emperor in the law.

In the Hell League, the vice-presidents have a high degree of power. Apart from those who are powerful, he has almost the right to be absolutely killed, but this will not find a way to deal with the Emperor.

"It's still underestimating the **** of the emperor!" The vice-president said, "The formation is from the hand of Luo Xuan Shenzun. It is difficult to break open. Even my high-level goddess can't break open. It seems that only the first attack can be used. Try it!"

The deputy leader flashed cold and had a decision.

"Emperor, this seat will give you another chance. As long as you put Luo Xuandao friends and hand over 90% of the abyss, the seat allows you to leave the world of hell. This is your last chance!"

Everyone looks to the Emperor!

The vice-president is angry!

The Hell World was one of the powerful worlds of the year.

Time passes and it is still a powerful world.

The strength of the Hell League is extremely horrible, and the top ten families are also to bow their heads. An outsider of the Imperial Day, despite being the No. 1 in the Tianxuan world, is really nothing in the eyes of the Hell League.

Lin Fei sneered at it. "It is impossible to surrender the abyss and not dead fruit. I want the abyss to die, and take things for change. Otherwise, you will save the province!"

With great strength, you can fight the middle-level gods, and Lin Fei has nothing to worry about.

"Ten family orders, give this seat a long-range attack, break the law to ban!"

The vice-president immediately ordered it.

In the face of absolute interests, the top ten families have to be shot.

The number of undead fruits in this abyss is all in the hands of Emperor Tian, ​​which is related to the strength of the top ten families and the strength of the entire **** world.

The boss of the Hell League opened their mouth and they had to do it.

There are also some unsatisfactory!

For example, the Eastern family.

As a last resort, the top ten families of the gods and strong, have attacked.

Lin Fei is not fuel efficient.

The long ropes of the force of space will bind Luo Xuan Shen Zun, move back and forth, and smash most of the attacks. "You don't want this sect of the dynasty to die, even if you start!"

Luo Xuan Shen's strength is stronger, and he can't stand this attack.

"Zhang Mengzhu, stop working!"

Luo Xuan Shen mourns, his face is a painful color.

Shenzun attack has more headaches, especially now that he can't resist the attack of the workers. Most of the attacks fall on the body, and the consumption is huge.

Zhang Meng is the vice-president.

"Luoxuandaoyou, you can rest assured that your contribution to the world of hell, the Alliance of Hell will remember you." Zhang Meng's voice is cold, like the sound of nine secluded, "Do not stop, do it!"


A long narrow knife in the sky, through the obstacles of the force of heavy space, smashed in the body of Luo Xuan Shen Zun.


Luo Xuan Shen respects his eyes and the gods become fragments.

"This deputy ally is a good means. The first sect of the sect said that killing will kill!" Lin Fei was shocked. "The power of the high-level gods is really horrible, and the next step is to kill the lower gods. I want Be careful!"

The person who shot is the master of the chapter.

The people of the top ten families have returned to normal, and in the face of the Abyss Undead and a sect of the sect, the Hell Alliance must choose the Abyss Undead.

There is a chapter of the League leader in front, invisibly put pressure on everyone.

The attacks of the people were even more fierce.

One hour, three hours!

Half a day passed.

The arrangement of the array has become crumbling under the attack of many powerful players, as if it will be broken at any time.

Zhang Meng’s master also showed sneer.

Thinking again, the Zhang Meng master still decided to sacrifice a master of the tactics, but also to kill the Emperor, and must not let him leave here.

There is a resource in the Hell League to train a great master of the law.

Saying sacrifice is sacrifice!

Lin Fei in the array is very indifferent.

The eighteen honours of the sacred spirits reached their peak, which was used to deal with the high-ranking gods who were the masters of the chapter.

"I'm coming!"

The formation method gradually became unsupported, and Lin Fei saw a crack in the strip.

As another wave of attacks fell on the formation, the last force was consumed, and the formation was banned in an instant, and Lin Fei was exposed to many powerful people in the first place.

"Emperor, die!"

A lower-level **** deity immediately shot, came to Lin Fei behind, sprinkled a black shadow, the shadow of the darkness.

"You can't get on the table, go away!"

Lin Fei didn't look at it. He shot a shot and the black shadow flew out. He shot the lower-level gods and flew out. The power of space and the power of time worked, and the power of the blood around him spread.

The lower-level goddess of the hands is once again in trouble.

Lin Fei strode forward, such as the fish in the water, the long gun even stabbed, a lower level Shenzun was picked out. Almost no one is the enemy of Lin Fei.

The next step is invincible!

No one can take any advantage from Lin Fei's hands.

"Intermediate gods are giving me a shot!"

Zhang Mengzhu once again ordered!

The middle-level god-respected strong disdain for a junior shot, but at this time it is also seen that the lower-level gods are not opponents, they must be shot to deal with the heavens.

The emperor of the double blood is very bullish!

It is worth their hands to deal with.

"I come!"

A middle-level god-respected strongman in the Wang family took the lead, and the Wang family was also the existence of the old generation. The name was Wang Yuan Shenzun, belonging to the strong old man, and his cold eyes swept to Lin Fei.

"Fire Yuanshen!"

The huge flame broke out from the body of Wang Yuan, and the flames of the sky were full of flames.

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