Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1851: God's power of time

In order not to make a difference, the two peaks of God's deity must be hands-on!

Don't do it!

The power of the two peaks of God is indeed not covered, and it is hard to kill a path.

There is a saying that is good, ants have more to bite the elephant, there are some nine-star gods in the king of the king, the combat power is still there, ten hundred, it is not to be underestimated.

The two peaks are more or less attacked by many, and some scars are left on the body, but it is not a big problem.

The weak king of the king went forward and rushed up, still making them quite uncomfortable.

When I think of the king of God with the gods, if they change to God, they dare not imagine.

At this moment, they are more like figuring out the secrets of Emperor.

They even suspected that these gods and strong men were brought out from the eighteenth floor.

In the whole **** world, except for the three Emperors, no one knows what secrets exist on the 18th floor. No one dares to ask, and the three Emperors have been outside for a long time.

When they have the chance, they don’t want to let go.

"It's too fierce!"

"Fortunately, Emperor Tian did not release the King of the Legion for the first time!"

"Yeah, yeah, otherwise we can't eat it!"

"It is still the two lords to give strength, killing the **** king is as easy as drinking water."

"It should not take long, the two lords will be able to take down the emperor, and the abyss on his hand will be found out!"

The top ten families are very quiet at this time.

All were scared by more than 100,000 gods and kings.

Even though they are big tasks, it has not been easy to see so many gods and kings gathered together and obey one person.

A fragrant time soon passed.

Then it is half an hour!

The black king of the pressure is constantly decreasing.

Lin Fei, who is imprisoned in the space, is not distressed by the reduction of the gods and kings, but is dedicated to refining the blood of the time.

Refining and refining one after another.


Lin Fei is now going out.

As for the use of the token, Lin Fei did not have this idea.

Really come out, there are a few people who will believe it.

Just don't take it!

A full hour!

The 100,000 gods and kings were killed by two-thirds.

The two peaks of God also have a trace of exhaustion, as soon as they see the Emperor who is protected in the center. Just biting your teeth, the big man is so tossed, what has happened before.

"Your men will die, see what else you have!"

The black wind lord smashed the Samsung King. The strength is not too big, so as not to attract a lot of silver worms, so the speed will be so slow.

"Haha, is there a way? You can know it when you try it!" Lin Fei was unmoved. "It is two big men, but still slowly solve my men, pay attention to the power fluctuations are not too big!"

Both the Blackwind lord and the Wolf-Eye lord shot a stern gaze and stared at the Emperor, and the movements on his hands were not slow.

Another half of the time passed.

The king of the gods has become scattered and has no ability to resist.

The two peaks of God can be killed by hand, and Lin Fei is surrounded by scattered gods.

The Blackwind lord smashed the stalwart king who was rushing up. "Now, in my opinion, you have no choice!"

Hey! !

When the Black Wind lord masters a big hand, he will take the Emperor Tianzhao. Any secrets will be solved.

"Sorry, you still can't!"

Another black-pressed figure appeared, blocking in front of Lin Fei.

The arrest of the Black Wind lord once again fell through and caught several powerful kings.

Yes, Lin Fei has released a number of Shenwang strong people, the number is not much, it is about 50,000, has been brought around, for this time.

The Blazers must vomit blood.

"Come again!"

The Wolf Lord is the same expression.

When is the king of the gods like cabbage?

Before killing 100,000 gods and strongmen. They have to vomit blood, and now there are 50,000 kings. Is this not a bully?

When they hesitate, the king of the gods first shot. Various attacks rushed, forcing them to have to do it. After all, they are not sandbags, standing still.

In the distance, the big lord's brow is slightly wrinkled.

"This will not work!"

The big ally leader shook his head, and the two kings appeared before and after, and the next wave would not be the king of the gods. No one knows.

Just now, the Lord of the Great League has been paying attention to the Emperor, and thought that the Emperor had a small space, otherwise how to pretend to be the King of the King, the result was nothing, as if it appeared out of thin air.

The big co-owner felt a little uneasy.

Before that, he was prepared to use the power of space to seal the exit and not allow the Emperor to send people out.

"You must do it yourself!"

The main form of the big cohort disappeared and appeared behind the emperor. The pale palms came out. "You are very capable, but unfortunately, you are not a person in the world of hell!"

No one would have thought that in the case of the two league leaders, the big league leader also started!

The people present were not stupid, but they also saw clues.

Everything is still because the Emperor is too mysterious!

The big co-owners have no choice but to shoot.

Fortunately, here is the world of hell, no one will spread things out, the anger of the Hell Alliance, no one can afford, let alone the first ally of the Emperor

Within the system.

One part of the time is refining the blood.

In order to achieve the fastest refining, Lin Fei completely rushed out, and the power of God did not kill.

The speed of refining and chemical production is also rapidly increasing.

The time and blood of the original card in the king's kingdom, with the re-education of a part of the time, finally broke through the bottleneck, and the power of time changed again.

In the eyes of the big co-owners, Lin Fei’s eyes were full of glory, and a rush of time jumped out.

At this time, there is no doubt that there has been a huge change in the past.

When the time came, the heavy force of time, swaying in all directions, the palm of the hand that fell on Lin Fei, was also blocked by the force of time, becoming abnormally slow.

Hey! !

The long river of time is drawn to the big lord behind him.

"The power of your time has actually entered the level of God's honor!" The great league leader exclaimed.

The power of his space belongs to the level of the gods, but it is also very terrible. If you are promoted to the royal kingdom, the strength will change dramatically.

"good eyesight!"

The power of time on the long river sways out in a circle.

The face of the black wind lord and the fangs who are still killing the gods are changing, and the influence of time has been exerted on them, and the attack speed is slowing down.

"How can this be!"

Before, they can force the Emperor, that is, the blood of the other side stays at the level of the king.

Can this be? How to explain it!

The power of God's respect for time, they are also very difficult to resist.

In the blood force, time and space are exceptionally rare blood forces, and it is even harder to break through!

Hey! !

A space wall was blocked in front of the wall, and the hand extended by the Grand Alliance was also taken back. (To be continued.)

[Author reminds you! , there are faster, clearer chapters of the novel, URL]

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