Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1958: Dog biting dog, a pile of hair

This knife is extremely overbearing.

No one knows that there is another piece of destiny weapon hidden near the box.

This is waiting for someone to hook up!

The singer of the singer was slashed to the arm, and the second knives came again, splitting the body of the singer, and the Lord of the banned area was almost immortal.

However, when the Emperor of the Stars is to regain strength by force.

This area was banned.

Flying the emperor seems to have been expected.

The singer of the singer is unlucky.


The debris of the destiny weapon came again, and the body of the Emperor of the Stars was smashed again. After this break, the combination could not be restored and it was free.

Although the Star of the Stars is not dead, the body is scattered, can not be combined, similar to being suppressed, completely became a tragedy

"Hey, this emperor's thing, you dare to want it!"

The dream of a **** sneer, seems to have been unexpected, but my heart is relieved, "the secret record is not false, flying demons in order not to be taken away by the fate of life, but also really set another killer, It can only be said that the Emperor of the Stars is a fool, and the Emperor is not going to catch it. He does not know how to live and die!"

The debris of the destiny weapon shoots thousands of filaments, and the sturdy and sturdy entanglement of the sacred gods is pulled into the void, and the speed is so fast that the virtual emperor can't stop it.

At this time, the Emperor was angry.

After all, their owners in the restricted area are more than each other.

Dream one **** to do this. Undoubtedly, they are not in the eyes of the owner of the restricted area.

"Dream a god, what do you mean!" The virtual emperor punched the statue and screamed at the dream. It is necessary to give an explanation.

The Star of the Stars was suppressed, and despite the help of the restricted area, it was now banned, and the Star of the Stars was destined to be killed.

The dream of a **** is strong, but he does not dare to despise the owner of the restricted area.

"The Emperor does not know that it is banned here!" The dream of the Emperor sneered, "As for the annihilation of the Emperor, the Emperor will only be regarded as his own person. Will not be associated with you, the promise promised before Will not change!"

The dream of a **** is secretly complaining. Although he used the Emperor of the Stars, he seemed to have offended the Lord of the restricted area. He also asked the owner of the restricted area to help contain the ten statues.

The Lord of the restricted area is not a simple person.

The virtual emperor is not so good to say.

A fist blasted the statue and people burst out. The rest of the restricted area owners also headed the virtual emperor and went out of the battle circle.

This is what they have understood since the battle.

As long as they leave the area, the statue will not actively attack and they will be in safety.

For other people, this is not a good thing.

The Emperor Huang was withdrawn.

Ten statues were combined again, and the hidden fragments of the destiny weapon fell into the hands of the combined statue, blasting a very aggressive attack.

The dream of a **** was killed by a surprise.

Boom! ! !

The dream of the emperor vomits blood, and is broken by another piece of destiny weapon

"Finally the dog bit the dog!"

Lin Feiqing fortunately did not shoot.

A piece of destiny weapon is a cow. Now come another one, uninformed people come to one.

"Wait should be my chance!"

The destiny weapon fragments are very bullish, and Lin Fei does not want to consume too many divine points.

and so. Can only start with the fate of the stone.

It seems that the destiny contains the power of the destiny, even if it is a trace, it is also a great help to Lin Fei, you can explore the extent to which the destiny power is strong.

The Dream Emperor was concealed by the Emperor, and was attacked by two pieces of destiny weapons. Very embarrassing.

When the Dream Emperor was attacked.

The virtual emperor is hands-on.

I don’t talk to the dream god, but the wave is a big hand. Grab the box on the platform, and with the insights of the previous car, the Emperor did not dare to use the flesh and blood to grab the box.

What if you come again?

The arm that the power is condensed is different.

"The Emperor, you are shameless, actually count the Emperor!"

When the Emperor of the Emperor seized the box, he grabbed the box in his hand and did not have the debris of the destiny weapon. However, he had a lot of peace of mind and turned to the dream. "A dream can count us, let us contain the statue, why do I Can't count you, and, you forgot a bit, our Lord of the restricted area is one."

The Dream Emperor really ignored this point, and almost all of his teeth were bitten.

"The things of the emperor, you can't think of it!"

The debris of the destiny weapon struck, breaking the box in one fell swoop, a milky white stone, like the size of a fist, fell down, and there was even more entanglement around the stone.

The destined stone appeared from the box, and the power of the destiny smashed the void and plunged into it, showing a terrible side.

The Emperor of the Emperor looked at the destiny stone into the void.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the fate of the gods can only be mastered. Once they enter the void, they will move all the time. Any one of you will want to get the fate of the gods. "The dream of a **** reveals a trace of disdain, forcing back ten. The attack of the statue, the man retreated.

The face of the virtual emperor is even more ugly.

There is no trace of their destiny in them.

This statement undoubtedly tells them that the fate of the gods will sooner or later be the dream of the gods themselves, they can only look at them with a wink


When Tian Mingshi left, Lin Fei chased it up.

The system locks the fate stone.

"Good guy, this silky destiny power is really terrifying, rampant!"

The Tibetan Pavilion is here.

Several weapons were crushed by the stone.

Scared the rest of the weapons to hide outside.

Even the strongest three weapons, at this time also hid to the side, did not dare to touch the edge of the fate of stone.

Lin Fei has already come out of the space at this time, and the space of Dacheng has shown extraordinary benefits.

After all, the destiny must be suppressed in the system space.

Lin Fei must come out.

When it comes out, the invincible defense is turned on.

When it comes to the destiny stone, the counterattack of a trace of destiny power is terrible.

"Come in!"

The time is over.

The fate stone is very strong.

But it was also hindered by a moment.

And this is the opportunity for Lin Fei.

The system locks the destiny stone, and at the same time it is within the system. The tyrannical force of the system strikes, and the fate is received in the system.

Hey! ! !

The destiny is powerful and horrible.

Constantly smashing the surrounding space while smashing the suppression of the system space.

Lin Fei had early expectations, while increasing the output of divine points, while the time has been shrouded above, suppressing the power of the destiny, then the power of space, compressing the range of activities.

Only in this way can the fate stone be collected into the system space. (To be continued)

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