Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1978: Eighteen invincible gods were born

At the time when Bai Yifei’s Emperor’s Emperor’s sorrow was behind the scenes, the invincible Emperor’s body of Bai’s family had already fallen on Lin Fei’s hand. 》,

Others can be shameless, why can't they be shameless.

Lin Fei decisively brought back the body of the invincible Emperor, not to mention, the other party will take back the body, in case of psychological darkness, you can transform the invincible emperor into a beggar, even if it is a 30% combat force, it is quite horrible, you can suppress the gods Emperor.

In order not to increase the strength of the enemy, Lin Fei was shameless.

Even if the savvy of Bai Yifei Shenhuang, I would not think of doing it myself.

Lin Fei was originally prepared to be spare.

Soon, realize that the role of the invincible Emperor is not only used as a spare tire.

In the secret room.

"It’s broken again!"

"The Emperor also burst!"

"Nothing is right!"

Lin Fei had to frown at the explosion of a good test article.

Originally intended to create elite powerhouses, but they can not withstand the power, when the power influx, it directly exploded.

After tossing several emperors, Lin Fei had to accept the reality.

Elite building is not a trivial matter!

It’s not as easy as I thought, and the power can’t stand it.

In desperation, Lin Fei thought of the body of the white family ancestors, even if it was killed by the destiny, the body remained intact, which is also the invincible place of the invincible Emperor.

The most troublesome thing for Bai’s ancestors is the encounter with three powerful people.

In addition, the strong man can kill the invincible emperor of Baijia.

Switching to three invincible gods, you may only be able to hit the other side, but not on the spot. The destiny power itself is advanced and overbearing.

"The living emperor can't do it. Just use the invincible **** emperor!"

Lin Fei does not care to maintain a few strengths.


no problem.

Lin Fei thought very open and had an invincible emperor.

First of all. Lin Fei left his mark in the body, and when he became a shackle, it was better to use Hong Meng to separate it. It was also a unique existence.

When this thought came out, Lin Fei immediately asked the system to analyze whether it was feasible.

These sects are not ordinary life.

In order to improve Hongmeng's avatar, Lin Fei has invested a lot of money. If he inherits the body of an invincible emperor, he can save a big step. Step into the sky.

Fortunately, the system did not disappoint Lin Fei.

You can try it.

Lin Fei used a sacred point to analyze a set of feasible methods.

One of the worst Hongmeng avatars, the whole body is integrated into the body of the invincible Emperor. Change is a kind of win.

Lin Fei is not worried, the system is constantly analyzing, and there are some mistakes that can be corrected immediately.

The whole process lasted for a day.

Hongmeng is integrated with the invincible Emperor's body, which is perfect.

Hey! ! !

After the fusion, the corpse has undergone tremendous changes. The blood of the former controller is also integrated into this body.

Soon, a Lin Fei appeared in front of him.

"I have seen a friend!" Lin Fei was a hand in the hand.

Lin Fei laughed, "Ha ha ha. Great, the original Hongmeng has this kind of use!"

The successful integration of Hongmeng, the combat power is upgraded to the level of invincible Emperor. Every minute of power can be perfectly displayed, and there is no gap.

Actually. This is the new Hongmeng avatar, mastering the flesh and blood.

And before. Hongmeng is only a form of energy.

Now there are flesh and blood, different levels of existence.

"Hey, I am so smart." Lin Fei was proud of himself. "If it wasn't for the whim, I still don't know the real use of Hongmeng!"

Lin Fei used to use Hong Meng as a spare tire.

The strength is improving very quickly.

Now, in contrast, this way is faster.

"Did I go to find the body of a specific invincible emperor?" Lin Fei squinted, when the 18 invincible emperors, the scene is quite scary, you still don't say, there are three heavenly strong.

Lin Fei tries to transport the destiny power. Fortunately, this invincible emperor can also bear the power of the destiny. In other words, the fourth heavenly strongman appears.

Divine points and destiny points can be exchanged back and forth.

Lin Fei smiles even more brilliant.

The White House lost the invincible Emperor's body.

The first one doubts God's day.

However, they have left far and far, and the route is set by themselves. It is impossible for the Emperor to know.

Thus, dispelling the idea that Emperor is a suspect object, doubting other people.

After the news was passed back to Baijia, Bai Jialei was furious.

Several suspected forces were attacked by the white family ancestors, and the whole force swept through the **** scene, which shocked those forces.

Dare to be a white house, the foundation is still profound.

However, the body of the invincible Emperor of Baijia still did not find any whereabouts.

Undoubtedly, Emperor Tian of the Tianxuan world has drawn some hatred.

When everyone took their eyes back from the Emperor Tian of the Tian Xuan world.

Several restricted areas in the realm of the gods have gone wrong.

It is rumored that two destiny strongmen attacked the restricted area on the black windy night of a certain month, destroying the forbidden area creatures, killing the invincible emperor, and fleeing with the body.

If only one, everyone is shocked at most.

Seven or eight restricted areas have been killed by the destiny, taking away the invincible Emperor's body, it is not a small thing, but a big thing.

This is also the master of the restricted area of ​​the gods, the mind is restless, the four words of the destiny, still give them a lot of pressure, the restricted area is stronger, unless it is the top restricted area, otherwise, can not hold the fate of the strong attack.

The only thing that everyone can't figure out is when the Heavenly Powers are interested in the invincible Emperor's body.

Everyone is puzzling.

at the same time.

Someone laughs and laughs.

"I am so smart when I use the destiny to grab the bodies of the invincible Emperor. I am afraid that they want to break their heads and can’t think of it. I arranged for people to do it!"

In the secret room of the invincible palace.

Lin Fei looked at a body of the invincible Emperor, and was very satisfied.

Since the first test article was successfully researched, Lin Fei’s thoughts were out of control. Finally, the invincible No. 1 and Invincible No. 2 came out and cast their destiny into the restricted area.

Everyone will never doubt that the two gods are the two of the invincible gods left by the Flying Emperor.

Seventeen invincible gods and corpses.

Lin Fei began to get busy, transforming Hongmeng into an invincible emperor, and conveying the divine points. Of course, they can also cultivate themselves.

Originally suffering from a group of light will eat and avatar, and the troubles of the blink of an eye are solved.

Lin Fei’s pressure has been greatly reduced.

Hongmeng has become flesh and blood, although one-time integration with the invincible Emperor's body, Lin Fei has nothing to regret, at least invincible palace, Tian Xuan world, with 18 invincible emperors, or genuine goods. (To be continued...)

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