Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1984: We must understand the Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty

Lin Fei’s explanation of the godsend is very simple.

Tian Xuan World has indeed become the land of the gods. Lin Fei also tells everyone that you don't need to worry about the gods, just like peace.

During the period, Lin Fei’s little leaked a little, saying that they would not show up for the time being, and the management of Tian Xuan’s world was still in his hands.

God-given Emperor, they were once again shocked, realizing that the younger brother had deep ties with the people of God.

Lin Fei’s words also let them relax. If the gods let them choose, they will not be able to choose for a time. Now they leave Tianxuan World. The people in Hell’s world will never let them go. They will definitely squander the roots. .

Fortunately, the younger brothers said something, they continued to stay.

Because of the **** world, three people are practising on cultivation.

at the same time.

In the other five sub-worlds, we began to discuss the Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty.

It is not a good thing to have such a neighbor.

Especially the master of the world of hell, Mu Jia.

Since the Mu family entered the world of hell, with the strength of the hand, it has crushed the killing gods of the **** world, and the people who resist will kill seven or eight.

The only dissatisfaction was that the killing gods took the opportunity to escape the world of hell.

"You, Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty is mysterious, do you have any good suggestions?"

The Mu family has established a sacred dynasty.

Can take down the world of hell, deter other forces, the overall strength of the Mu family is still very strong.

At this point, the tops of the gods are gathered together.

These high-level people are grouped together by the forces of all parties, and they together stand strong and powerful.

The Mu family’s destiny is called the Mu enemy. A very domineering name, the Mu enemy enemy does have a proud capital. Also ranked in the top 20 on the destiny list, it can be seen that the strength is strong.

Now the Mu enemy is not in a good mood.

Next to the heavenly world. There is a Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty. Also killing a destiny, it is very strong. Until now, the Mu people did not guess whether the Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty was the one who was in control.

This makes the Mu enemy very uncomfortable.

So convene high-level people to discuss how to treat this Tian Xuan world,

In addition, there is one more thing, that is, the godsend emperor they entered the heavenly world, and the emperor is together, and the emperor is notoriously difficult, the original Mu enemy sitting to see the emperor was Going out, the blink of an eye is abrupt. Emperor Tian actually has a backing, what is this? ’

Mu Muen is very worried that Emperor will let the powerful of the gods attack the **** world.

"His Highness, the Emperor is not afraid of it, but it is the Tian Xuan God, always covered with a veil, at least we can not go to offend the Tian Xuan Shen."

This is the Lord and the one.

There is a foreman who has been killed by the destiny, and everyone is afraid to find the gods.

In addition, the main battle group, at this time also kept quiet.

The reason is also simple.

The destined strong man fell into the sky of the heavenly world.

It is not allowed to be considered by everyone.

The Mu enemy is very clear about what everyone means. At least temporarily it is not appropriate to offend the Tian Xuan Shen.

"His Royal Highness, they are coming!"

After the end of the noisy.

Someone will report it immediately.

"Who?" asked the enemy.

"The night of the world, the **** of the night, the Xue family of the Moen world, and the river of the **** world, and finally the stone king of the world of heaven."

Mu Mu enemy immediately attached to it, showing a dignified weight.

"I will meet them personally!"

These four. There are big heads, and the power of the gods is very strong, especially in the era when the gods are standing. Mu people need allies, powerful allies

The greatness of the four sub-worlds came together. It is not really a small thing.

"You are coming here, my place is full of glory!" Mu people are very powerful. At the same time, the imposing manner contains an invincible hegemony.

It is possible for the Mu people to come out and meet in person, and they really value them.

"Ha ha ha, let the emperor come out to meet us, we really have to be flattered!"

Soon, the four men sneaked in.

The Mu people commanded to send food and drinks.

After everyone chilled, they immediately entered the theme, they are not coming to play.

"Mu Huang, I don't know how you look at the Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty?" The first thing to talk about is the master of the Styx dynasty, the master of the river, the strongest of each generation is called the emperor.

The Styx family is not a human race, but a special race.

Born born from the family of the River, they belong to the innate immortal, very powerful, and the head is not small.

The Emperor of the River in this area is very cold, especially a pair of eyes, always shooting a cold gaze, if not a familiar person, can not keep this kind of eyes.

The Mu enemy does not like the Emperor of the River, this guy is too cold, like a viper, uncomfortable.

"It's very mysterious. We only know Tian Xuan Shen. I don't know the specific situation. If I really want to know, I might know some from the Emperor's mouth, but the Emperor Tian is not easy to get along with. I want to know from his mouth that it is not difficult. "The enemy of Mu said very directly,

"According to Mu Huang, the situation of Tian Xuan Shen, you don't know too much?" This time it was the master of the night Luo Dynasty, the night cold god, the natural purple pupil.

"No way, after Tian Xuan Shen killed the destiny, no one dared to stay outside. I want to know the specific situation is difficult. Could it be that the night cold friends know?"

The night cold **** shook his head. "The virtual emperor can't afford to see me."

The Mu people do not believe that they can get any useful news. Now who does not know that the Tianxuan world is not good to provoke, people have a sacred seat, and within a billions of miles, hostile people are killed.

In response to this sentence, everyone would not dare to go.

Going is 100% life.

There are even more rumors that within the billions of miles, there are invincible emperors sitting in the town, and going in is killing.

The Mu people have guessed some situations. The four big men should want to know about the Tian Xuan world. The focus is on the Tian Xuan Shen Dynasty. It is worth noting that they will win the alliance.

From the killing of the destiny, the powerful side of the show is enough for everyone to pay attention to.

As five of the six sub-worlds, they also have their own ideas.

"We don't know now, it's better to go directly to the world of Tian Xuan!" said Xue Teng, "I don't know when I get there!"

"You are not afraid to be chased by the gods of Tian Xuan Shen!" Shi Huang sneered.

"The Tian Xuan Shen dynasty should not be so ignorant of the number of rituals!" The sacred sacred test of the sacred river, "unless they offend our five gods in one breath!"

Mu Muen enemies actually have ideas, such as going to the Tian Xuan Shen dynasty in person, and solving the matter of God-given Emperor. If they don't solve it, there is always a worry.

This worry is very likely to cause big trouble.

"Since you said that you want to go, what do you think of Emperor Mu?" Xue Teng looked at the enemy. (To be continued...)

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