Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2095: The Lord of the Holy Day is separated

"Hey, it’s a lot of avatars. It’s not going to be a siege. It’s a bit big!”

Lin Fei likes this kind of siege.

If you can't do it alone, there will be more.

Originally thought it would be a tough battle, until after the fight, Lin Fei found that the Tianyuan dragon was not as difficult to deal with, but it was very good.

When Tianyuan Dragon died, Lin Fei’s entire face was laughing.

The tens of billions of strength of the Tianyuan dragon, which is unreachable and powerful, was eventually killed by himself.

With a strong output of 34 billion yuan, Lin Fei has the capital to fight against the Tianyuan dragon.

Now that the Tianyuan dragon has been killed, Lin Fei believes that his fighting power can be broken to reach 366 to 37 billion.

Lin Fei believes that he has mastered this realm of strength and has a certain degree of strength.

Even if the Lord of Heaven now splits himself to kill himself, Lin Fei is sure to kill the other side easily, instead of being lucky.

"Someone is coming in!"

Lin Fei's brow suddenly wrinkled, and there was space fluctuation in the space of Shendi Mountain.

"It's them!"

The invincible system is covered.

Lin Fei’s face was overcast. “I said how there would be feelings of uneasiness. It turned out that they came. It must have been done by Tianlong. Apart from him, how can the Lord of the Holy Trinity come in?

Hey! ! !

The space in the Shendi Mountain space is fluctuating.

A sigh of breath appeared, and the atmosphere of the world was swept away.

"Oh, what happened!"

"This breath ~ ~ terrible!"

The strong people of Shendi Mountain felt a sigh of breath.

The Nightmare Warlord and the Dark Night Warrior pupils all followed a contraction.

"They ~~~"

The two kept sucking in air.

At this time, with their strength, they become very small in front of those people.

"Don't they come to the adults?"

The two now count on adults to suppress them.

"Shen Di Mountain space!"

"How many years have passed, I did not expect to come again!"

"This king smells a long-lost breath!"

There are thirty-three figures in the Shendi Mountain space. The location is different, but everyone has a smile.

That is a kind of greed.

Thirty-three tyrannical sects and sacred sacred space. Everyone is in danger, and in their eyes, they have turned into a series of endless mountains, and at the same time they have the power of endless stalwart.

"Emperor. The king has found you!"

"I also found you!"

Soon, there were a few breaths of laughter.

"The Lord of the Holy Trinity is coming!"

Lin Fei’s heart is secret, cursing the heavens and not covering his skin.

At this time, Lin Fei was locked by thirty-three gods, and the surrounding voids were also banned.

Hey! ! !

"Imperial Emperor. Don't you come out and see old friends?"

When the thirty-three figures appeared, they surrounded Lin Fei’s position.

Lin Fei came out of the cave and appeared in front of the Lord of the Holy Land. He held his hand and smiled. "I said that the crow at the door today called out early in the morning. It turned out that the predecessors came!"

After seeing them, Lin Fei's invincible system covered them and began to analyze their combat effectiveness.

Relative to the last projection, this time the Lord of the Holy Spirit. Far more powerful than the last time, vaguely giving people great pressure, Lin Fei knows that they are not projected, and it is very likely that they are separated.

As for why the avatar can come down, Lin Fei is not a fool, and there is a vague guess in his heart, basically there will be no mistakes.

"Let's go, you are a little god, see why we don't come to see us in five bodies!"

boom! ! !

One of the Lords of the Holy Day, his eyes flashed. With a sigh of relief, the huge pressure is like a sea of ​​oceans.

"The horror of the Lord of the Holy Spirit, every avatar has 20 billion upward combat power, especially the ten avatars. The combat power has reached 30 billion power output, this is to kill me!"

Lin Fei had anger in his heart.

At the same time, the Tianlong and the Master of Heaven will hate it.

"Ha ha ha, you have a small avatar, dare to put Ma Wei on me? What are you!" Lin Fei laughed, sound like Hong Zhong, every word fell. The heavens and the earth are a shock, and the pressure of Wang Yang collapses. It is not yet close to Lin Fei, and it is dissipated.

"You a little god, dare to resist?" Another Lord of the Holy Day was violent.

The presence of the Lord of the Holy Spirit, although the power is infinitely suppressed, but much stronger than the original, can sweep all the strong men in the seal world.

They hate the Emperor of Heaven.

Now, when you see the Emperor of Heaven, you will inevitably have to collect the Emperor, and the more miserable you have, the more happy you are.

"Hey, congratulations to the player for the 7 billion power bonus!"

Lin Fei’s heart is overjoyed, this power is coming too.

"My total strength has finally reached 40 billion!"

With a power output of 40 billion yuan, Lin Fei Ling drove above them, and the thirty-three Lords of the Holy Day became the power bonus in Lin Fei’s eyes.

If it is all gone, it will be enough.

"I really want to thank you Tianlong, and sent me a lot of experience!"

Lin Fei suddenly hated the Tianlong not so big.

If the dragon can come up several times like this, Lin Fei doesn't mind pretending to be a grandson.

"Ditian Emperor, you actually grabbed Tianyuan Wanling and Tianyuan Lingyu!"

In vain, there is a scream of the Lord of the Holy Spirit, and then immediately closes his mouth, wishing to give himself a slap, how can this be said.

"Really is the **** of heaven!"

"There is still a breath of breath!"

"Things must be on the Emperor God!"

In the eyes of the Lord of the Holy Spirit in the sky, the blazing light shines.

Lin Fei suddenly faced the recent initiative of a holy day, breaking their siege.


Lin Fei moved in a space, raiding in front of the other side, the invincible punch with the taste of the world, a fist hit the chest of the Lord of the Holy.

"Can you kill me too?"

The other party’s eyes are disdainful because he is the Lord of the Holy Spirit, even if it is a avatar, it is also invincible.

boom! ! !

Without warning, the power of the Holy Land, with a total of 23 billion yuan, was blown into pieces by Lin Fei.

"You are the second!"

Lin Fei rushed to the second Lord of the Holy Day, and it was also a fist hit on the other side. The power of space and the power of time came out together, and they did not give the opponent a chance to resist.

boom! !

The second Lord of the Holy Day was murdered.

Lin Fei also received a power of 2 billion, and the two masters of the Holy Day contributed 2 billion troops to Lin Fei.

The rest of the Lord of the Holy Spirit is separated into silence.

Tianlong, who has been paying attention to in the void, is also dumbfounded.

A punch hit the Lord of the Holy Day? (To be continued.)


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