Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2116: The opportunity for mass production is coming.

In addition to the strongholds of Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shengdaomen, Lin Fei was a little interested, and the forces that emerged afterwards could not stop the endless engulfment of **** days. △¢

Along with the increase in the amount of flesh and blood, the power of Blood Seal is also increasing. The quality surpasses the level of the Emperor and reaches the level that the legendary giant can possess.

With just one face-to-face time, you can plunder everything without endless swallowing.

Later, Lin Fei learned from the little devil's mouth that the blood-stained seal is a treasure of growth. As long as it can plunder all living things and energy, the blood-print can continue to grow and reach an incredible degree.

The most important thing is that the **** day is really overbearing.

This is Lin Fei’s personal experience.


On the **** day, Lin Fei disk sat.

The wave of power has gradually become the upgrade experience of Blood Heaven.

"Master, you are now the strongest of the ten-star warlord level, and the system also won the ten-star battle king genetic map, whether you need to clone the ten-star warlord strong!"

When Lin Fei thought about it, the little devil couldn’t help but hear the sound.

Lin Fei is a glimpse. "Can this be?"

Since the devil's function has been lost, Lin Fei's army on hand has become dispensable, when cannon fodder? Power is not to force, can only be placed in the invincible palace, to do the most common security work.

Lin Fei is still very concerned about the Legion.

Suddenly heard the words of the little devil, Lin Fei began to move around again.

The ten-star warlord is stronger than the ordinary god, and the combat power is extraordinary.

"Well, this is another role of the invincible system, it will be opened in the advanced mode." The little devil seriously. "Is the owner willing to open this mode!"

"I am willing!"

Lin Fei didn't think about it, and promised to open a new model.

Face more and more powerful enemies. Lin Fei must use any power on hand to strengthen his own strength.

undoubtedly. This new model is very exciting for Lin Fei.

"Player Lin Fei agrees to open a new model!"

“Hey, the new mode is on!”

"Hey, initialization!"


Lin Fei has nothing to worry about now.

Outside the whirlpool, the **** day is motivated, the power of space and the power of time are shrouded. They can kill each other in the first time and be caught off guard. Except for the ten-star warlord, the strong ones are not good, and the rest of the strong can't stop the blood. The devour of the day.

Lin Fei never felt that the invincible system was an ordinary system.

The more I arrived, the more Lin Fei felt that the invincible system still had some secrets that he did not know.

undoubtedly. This time, Lin Fei can see the new secret of the invincible system.

And this model also makes Lin Fei look forward to it.


I am afraid that it is more powerful than the original gods.

Now Lin Fei lacks the strength of his hand.

Although he is very powerful, especially after killing the ten-star warrior, the combat power soared, and finally took the last step to reach the level of the ten-star warlord.

It can be said that a few ten-star warlords, Lin Fei is not the same thing.


"Hey. Initialization is successful!"

"Hey, the clone mode starts!"

Lin Fei’s mind immediately had a message about cloning.

At first glance, Lin Fei was shocked to be a man of heaven. This clone mode is simply too powerful. It’s not like a force.

"This is really too powerful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaim.

After learning the information about the clone, Lin Fei did not know what to say.

This is more powerful than the original devil's exchange of the Legion. after all. At that time, the Emperor's Legion was a one-time consumption.

The clone army is different.

They are living people. Once cloned, master all the scholastic and mysterious objects of the living objects. At the same time, cloning can also swallow the growth of flesh and blood.

As long as people can imagine, this will be a horrible picture.

Lin Fei was shocked because of this.

"So, can I clone Wanjian Mountain Villa and even the two ten-star warlords who are at the holy knife gate?"

Lin Fei is the one who sees the strength of white clothes and knives.

The little devil nodded. "There is no problem in theory. On the premise, the owner needs a lot of materials and at the same time consumes a certain amount of mysterious energy!"

"Mysterious energy? What is this?"

Lin Fei is dumbfounded, how come a mysterious energy.

"Mysterious energy is actually a unit of energy that transforms into a natural life energy. The master, if you want to clone a strong person, must transform the mysterious energy."

Lin Fei sighed with relief. "As long as it is a destiny energy, there is no difference anyway. I don't know how much mysterious energy can I have after the conversion of my destiny energy?"

"Master, please wait!"

Now the entire Emperor Mountain is under control, and the plundering energy of every day is a massive number.

Lin Fei really does not worry about the use of destiny energy.

"Back to the master, after the conversion, the owner has a total of 500 million units of mysterious energy."

Lin Fei blinked and suspected that he had misunderstood. "Rely, it is impossible. How can it be 500 million units of mysterious energy? This is too ridiculous, are you wrong?"

The little devil shook his head. "No mistakes, the conversion of mysterious energy, there will be a certain rate of consumption in the middle."

Lin Fei is speechless.

This consumption rate is too great.

I can't imagine it.

Lin Fei had to accept his fate. "I don't know if the cloned man will have any change in combat effectiveness. Also, what materials do you need to clone?"

Now, Lin Fei can't wait to clone a batch of hands.

"All kinds of materials can be cloned with the mysterious energy. If the master wants to master the terrorist strength, he will need to plunder and plunder!"

Lin Fei thought of a question, "I really want to know, the invincible system, I am the first owner, or the lucky one!"

If this is the case, Lin Fei will not think about it. But today is different.

"The owner's question is within the authority of the answer. Can answer!" The little devil did not refuse this time. "The owner is not the first owner. It is the ninth lucky one!"

"Then I can know what kind of existence of the invincible system?" Lin Fei asked, "Where is the end of the system!"

"The owner's question, beyond the authority to answer, the system does not answer!"

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

I haven't had a deep level of this problem.


"It's still a good job to clone a few!"

The materials of the Shendi Mountain space, Lin Fei are plundered in seven seven eight eight, all in the system space.

Three-dimensional appearance appeared in front of Lin Fei.

A genetic analysis map appeared in front of Lin Fei's eyes and analyzed these genes. It was the gene of the Emperor who was killed before.

"This should be the gene of white clothes, it is really powerful!"

Lin Fei blinked.

"If Bai Wuyi knows that his own genes have become my cloned object, his face must be very ugly!" Lin Fei laughed.

A genetic analysis chart, which has strong and some weak.

"First clone a hundred white clothes, right, when you clone, can you modify the appearance?" Lin Fei did not want to clone the men. It’s all white and it’s very uncomfortable.

"Yes, Master." said the little demon. "The owner wants to change it. It only needs to be set in advance, and the cloned ones will be like this!"

"Great!" Lin Fei grinded up. "It's so good, as long as it's a man. It looks like a fierce and sinister look. At the same time, it must be a tall man. The tiger's back is a bear, and when you look at it, you can make people feel cold. The more horrible the better!"

Lin Fei does not want to be surrounded by a group of beautiful men.

What is it?

Ugly is not the same, he is definitely a beautiful man.

Lin Fei was so small that he could come up with this method.

"Master, you better give this slave a name!"

Lin Fei didn't want to, "I have a sword slave!"

"Hey, cloning a hundred sword slaves will consume 100,000 units of mysterious energy, as well as a number of materials, whether they are cloned!"


"Hey, the clone starts, reminder: Because the owner is a ten-star warrior strong, the cloned sword slave can only be the nine-star warrior!"

"After an hour, the clone is complete!"

Lin Fei was sent out by the system.

"The nine-star warrior is also ok!"

One hundred, the sword slaves who master the skills, Lin Fei is very satisfied, and the combat power can catch up with the ten-star warrior. What is not satisfied with this.


"Mysterious energy does not need to worry, but it is a variety of mineral materials, too much consumption!"

Lin Fei was awkward.

"Fu old, no magic emperor, you immediately go to seal the world, give me a variety of minerals, how much is needed, send it in the shortest time!"

Fu Lao and Supreme Emperor are puzzled, but they immediately leave the Shendi Mountain space and go to the seal world to collect minerals.

"Destiny energy is still a weakness!"

Now there is another clone mode.

This is equivalent to another mouth, and Lin Fei does not worry about the collection of the fate of energy.

“Is there a large collection of destiny energy?”

Lin Fei asked the little devil.

If this problem is not solved, it will always be a big problem. Now it may be nothing. Once a large number of people are created, the mysterious energy is indispensable. Even though there are 500 million units of mysterious energy, Lin Fei does not have to insist on how long. .

"Some, the owner can redeem the advanced energy tower, covering the energy tower with a certain range, which is 50 times faster than the current absorption rate!"

Lin Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you say it early!"

Raising the speed of fifty times, it is simply a red/naked plunder.

"Master, you didn't ask!"

After hearing about the price of this advanced energy tower, Lin Fei couldn't help but swallow his throat. "Nima's, this is too pit!"

It turns out that the price of the advanced energy tower is no longer a destiny energy, but a mysterious energy. Every advanced energy tower needs 10 million units of mysterious energy and 500 million units of mysterious energy. At this time, it is nothing. Ten advanced energy towers require 100 million units of mysterious energy.

This is really a headache. The only good thing is that the cloned sword slaves do not need to consume the destiny energy from the system. They can absorb the destiny energy from the heavens and the earth.


In vain, several tyrannical forces tore open the whirlpool of the sky, and the **** days of the seals have oscillated. (To be continued.)

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