Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2118: Coming

Boom! ! !

After the existence of giant-level treasures in the seal world, the major forces of the Holy Trinity World began to dispatch troops and arrange the strongest masters to enter the Shendi Mountain space.

On this day, in the vortex of the Emperor Mountain, several strong temperaments tore open the void and appear in the space of the Emperor Mountain.

These scenes are powerful and distorted around the space.

At the same time they appeared, a ray of light was opened, and the face was rarely exposed to the dignified color.

"How come there is no attack!"

"Is it the wrong place!"

"No, we must have come to the Shendi Mountain space, as if it is different from the expected situation!"


Several people face each other.

Obviously, I did not expect this to be the case, and I was shocked.

The indigenous native of the seal world has a giant-level treasure on hand. When the treasure comes out, it plunders everything, and it is fierce and arrogant. Several pioneers are still very taboo.

"Search around!"

Several figures have been scattered.

After a short time, gather again.

"no one!"

"The entire Shendi Mountain space, without any living body!"

"You can report it!"


Invincible palace.

Lin Fei smiled, "Pioneer? Interesting!"

Nowadays, the entire Shendi Mountain space, Lin Fei has arranged a large number of real investigation equipment, as long as you want to see what, the system will immediately go to the corresponding place.

Even in the invincible palace, Lin Fei can know the situation of Shendi Mountain space.

"Wait until my 50,000 sword slaves and knife slaves are cloned, by then~~~"


Hey! ! !

After Pioneer determined that there was no danger. The power of a ** came to the space of the Emperor Mountain.

A tyrannical knowledge covers the space of the Emperor Mountain.

More than a dozen strong temperament, standing in the sky. The knowledge of the gods covers the entire space of the Emperor Mountain, and the situation of the Emperor Mountain space falls into the field of vision. Suddenly, the faces became hard to look.

"The Emperor's **** is too shameless!" an old man yelled.

"This guy is damn, even the demons of the Shendi Mountain space, and even the population of the city, have been removed, leaving a bare space for the Emperor Mountain to us!"

"The heavenly spirits of the earth have been plundered!"

"What good things are gone!"


These strong people feel that they are shameless. Now, compared with the Emperor of Heaven, it is simply a small witch.

"I can't think of the seal world, but this kind of best bastard, interesting!" A woman in black, squatting and squatting. Hot, flirtatious, throwing people down, said with a smile.

"Small monk, take away your ‘天魔**’, be careful that I will get angry and marry you, don’t think that you are the person of the Tianmeng Palace, I will be polite to you. The Tianmo Palace is useless in front of me!”

The burly figure, the tiger's back, the burly man in the animal skin suit, staring coldly at the black woman not far away.

"Xiong Man. You guys with well-developed limbs and simple minds have the ability to marry me. Miss Ben wants to be there for a while, you are the ones who are demon!" The black woman continued to smile. The cold killing of Morihan is to make people secretly jealous.

Some people next to it. Silently, some are gloating.


"The Devil's Palace? I didn't expect them to come!"

Lin Fei was lying on the sofa, with a lot of food in front of him, while eating and watching.

As expected, the investigative equipment does not bring any breath, even if the monk is the strongest of the ten-star warrior, I can't imagine seeing it.

Such investigative equipment is also not cheap. Fortunately, Lin Fei consumes.

"The warless predecessors once said that the Tianmo Palace is the biggest force in the ninth holy world. They have one of the top ten extremities in the Tianmo Palace. "The Devil's Eighteen Heavens", it is rumored that Tianhui Palace used to be a genius. This martial art practiced to the eighteenth heaven, and achieved the strongest of the thirty-three holy worlds. I did not expect that the disciples of the Tianmu Palace would be women!"

"The other burly man, who should be the demon door, is one of the great forces of the eleventh holy world. The body is a beastly beast, and it is also a simple force!"

Lin Fei had an understanding, and now they corresponded one by one, and suddenly had a vague outline.


"Little slut, you are looking for death!"

The bear was screaming loudly, and the sound was like a Hongzhong. Not far from the mountains, there was a bang, a crack, dusty, heavy palms, and a black tornado, and the wind whistling.

The people around have gone backwards.

"The bear is not a genius of the demon door!"

"I heard that Xiong Mang just killed the wicked man of a ten-star warrior in the world of twenty-eight heavens!"

"While Xiong Man is very powerful, but it may not be the opponent of the devil!"

"After all, there are ten top-level exercises that have been circulated in the Temple of Heaven."


The attack of Xiong Man is very overbearing, and a tornado whistling away. Wherever it is, whether it is space or the earth, it has turned into powder.

This is the fighting power of the ten-star warrior.

"The power is fierce, but it depends on who you are dealing with!" The demon smirked and smiled, and there was no movement, and he went straight to the bear.

Someone immediately exclaimed.

"This is the shadow of the devil!"

"I didn't expect the other party to make a shadow of the devil, and cultivate it to this step!"

The roaring tornado, one after another, the black devil of the devil, stepping on the gentle steps, one by one to avoid coming, killing in front of Xiong Man, slender fingers and slightly curved, shooting three strong winds.

"The devil is pointing."

Xiong Man’s face was dignified, and he took out a weapon of a mace. He walked in front of him and there was a giant bear figure behind him.

Hey! !

Three times in a row, the afterimage fell on the mace.

"Little bear, you can't do it!"

Xiong Man was hit on a big mountain. The whole mountain was torn apart. There was also a hint of jealousy on the fierce face. Only he knew that the demon was terrible.

"Little slut, today is awesome, let's walk!"

The bear turned and walked away, and a few breaths disappeared without a trace.

"Miss Devil, the style is still there!"

"Where are the barbarians of the demon door, why bother with them."

Many people agree.

The devil's face is still full of smiles on his face. "I heard that the indigenous people in the seal world are very interesting. Miss Ben takes a step and sees the indigenous one!"

Leave a graceful back, the devil is leaving the crowd.

There are several people who swallowed their throats.


"I am an indigenous, afraid that it is their main offense!"

Lin Fei is very cold on the hat of the indigenous people.

Of course, I don’t have a cold for these people in the city.

"The demon disciple of the devil's devil, the combat power is strong, especially the performance of the show, it should be the "Ten Devil 18" in the top ten exercises, the bear is too aggressive, but also in the face of the soft demon power, still eclipsed A big cut!" (To be continued.)

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