Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2120: Siege of vomiting blood

"It’s incredible, the seal world has such an incredible array!"

"This is definitely a giant matrix!"

"In addition to the giant-level method, other formations can't resist the attack of the ten-star warlord!"

"A suspected giant-class treasure is worthy of madness. Now there is a suspected giant-level method. Can it be this indigenous emperor, and the inheritance treasure left by the giant strong?"


In a short time, everyone’s hearts flashed through various thoughts.

The vast majority of them are based on their own treasures.

In the face of interests, everyone's minds are almost the same.

"Let the Qingdao friends, I will help you!"

A suspected giant-level method is worthy of madness.

In the crowd, a middle-aged man came out again, calling the other party's name, waiting for the other party's reply, and a treasure on his hand was sacrificed and blasted on the black tower not far away.

"I will help you too!"

"An indigenous people in the district, but also a good invincible force!"


In a moment of effort, more than a dozen strong people have attacked.

Several black towers were connected in one piece, blocking the attack of a **, and there was never a manifestation of exhaustion, which could make everyone angry.

"Miss Devil, what do you think?"

Tianmo Nishang feels that this Emperor is interesting.

Others have good things, fearing that they are hiding in their hands, and they will not take them out at a certain moment. In contrast, this indigenous person seems to be afraid that others will not know the same.

Going the other way?

Even the bright demon of the devil, can not think of what medicine is being sold in the other gourd.

"The formation is good, absorb the power between heaven and earth. Form a special defense, this level of formation. In addition to the giant-level powerhouse, outsiders can not refine!"

"Yes. It is also considered in the next!" The white man smiled. "This should be a giant who is good at arrays, but only one time can't think of that one."

From the Heavenly Devil's Palace, the demon is not ordinary. Naturally, this black tower is the hub of the array. If you want to break the giant-level power, you must be a giant-level strongman, otherwise there is no play.

"The seal of the world's indigenous people. May give us a lot of accidents!" Tianmo Nishang laughed, "This is not white!"

"It really isn’t white!"


"Yes, yes, the defense of the Black Tower is really powerful!"

Lin Fei is very satisfied with the defense of the Black Tower.

"It's a penny and a piece of goods. The absorption of energy between the heavens and the earth can form a special defensive force. Unless it is a giant-level powerhouse, you can break the black tower defense!"

There is a free test article to test the black tower defense, Lin Fei is more satisfied than anyone. In my heart, I saved a worries.

According to the unnamed predecessors of the war, the world of seals was sealed by the strong men of the world, and the power coming from them was at most the top ten warlords. The giant-level energy fluctuates greatly, and the seal world cannot withstand energy fluctuations. The final result is that the seal world begins to appear unstable.


The number of people besieging is increasing.

Thirty-three holy worlds. Every world has a force to come in.

It is not difficult to come to the heavenly world from the Shendi Mountain space. In addition, the treasures of Heavenly ancestors were refining, and the power limit was also opened. So that the power of the Emperor level can come down.

In the past, more than ten people started to work. As time went by, more and more people started to work, and more than ten people became hundreds of people, three or four hundred people.

Every attack is full of horrible destruction.

Hehe Heita is invincible and has blocked his power.

"Can't attack!"

"The black tower is weird and seems to absorb the power of our attacks!"

"It’s a ghost!"


The sharp-eyed person exclaimed.

By the way, no one can block the joint attack of hundreds of strong people.

In the world of seals, it really happened. Let everyone join forces to attack. The defense of the Black Tower is as stable as Mount Tai, and the thunder is not moving.

After exclaiming, some people stopped and screamed.

"The giant matrix method is definitely no doubt!"

"The Emperor of Heaven must have been passed down by the giants!"

"Come in, destroy the indigenous, and capture the inheritance of the giants on the other hand!"


After the stormy attack is not effective, anyone understands one thing.

This indigenous emperor, with the treasures of giant powers on hand, is undoubted, even richer than imagined, and anyone, including the forces to get treasures, will step into the sky.

** is endless.

Especially in the face of a seal world, an indigenous strong, ** is infinitely magnified.

No matter how big or small, you can't sit still.

"Everyone attacks the Black Tower together. As long as you break a black tower, the defense will definitely be greatly reduced. By then, you will be able to break through the invincible palace."

A strong master of the array method, the finger black tower drank, and sacrificed a set of flags, the flag fell into the void near the black tower, and lived in a void.

"The wind master shot!"

"Everyone is together!"


"Little devil, this is okay!"

Lin Fei saw a master of the formation of the law, and he subconsciously wanted to go out and kill the other side, so as not to destroy the black tower.

"The owner does not need to worry, the Black Tower is a 10 million unit of mysterious energy exchange. This is the basis of the detachment of the ordinary law. It belongs to a brand new defensive tower. It is understood by several self-righteous masters of the formation. They are destined to be busy. One!” The little devil dismissed, “As long as they attack more fiercely, it is equal to providing energy to the black tower. The black tower can transform various attacks and form special energy to support the black tower to display defense!”

Lin Fei was completely relieved.

As long as the Black Tower is not broken, Lin Fei has nothing to worry about.

"Let you have a chance!"

Since there is no need to worry about anything, Lin Fei is lazy to deal with them, and spends a lot of life, even if the local tyrants can not afford to consume.

Lin Fei is smart!


Boom! ! !

Invincible over the palace, people gradually got more.

More people joined the siege.

Especially after the news spread, especially after seeing the black tower's terrorist defense, they were out of control and joined the attacking team.

This attack is three days.

In the three days, the black tower did not move, and the number of people besieged reached 3,000. It almost contained the first-class power of the thirty-three holy world.

At the beginning, everyone was so angry that they were ready to break the invincible palace.

After a long time, every strong person is not tired, and the medicinal herbs are served one by one. The black tower is still as stable as Taishan, and everyone can be mad at it. Some of the former highly respected masters of the tactics are dumbfounded. Shaking his head, blocking the void, and isolating energy fluctuations, isn't that okay?

Masters of the array must be mad at the blood.

The same is true of other people. It is shameless to conceal the indigenous emperor. It is purely a tossing person to get such a black tower. (To be continued.)

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