Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2123: Grab the treasure

Whether it’s a curse or a swearing, or a big prophecy, it’s a must.

In addition to the usual way of fighting, the curse itself is naturally very taboo.

The power of the thirty-three holy world will be jealous of the curse, especially behind a giant who is infinitely close to the strong man of the world.

The mantra is also quite proud. It can kill a strong indigenous strongman in a sealed world. Although it is not a proud thing, there is a giant treasure on the other hand.

"Emperor, in the face of this son's swearing big prophecy, you will experience the true taste of death, as long as you are willing to hand over the giant treasures, and these defensive black towers, this son is willing to take your life, even allow You become the servant of this son, and anyone will tell you something!" The mantra of the mantra is so arrogant that he ignores all the forces around him.

The curse has its own emboldened spirit.

In front of his powerful father and even the powerful forces he created, the ordinary forces are ready to be destroyed without going down.

Sure enough, the words of the mantra of the mantra fell, many people showed anger, dare to speak, and at the same time a trace of jealousy on his face.

"How, chances are only once, the average person is still not happy!" The mantra continues, and the attitude of the other party is determined. "Allegiance to the son, offer your treasure, keep you safe!"

Lin Fei’s thoughts are all on mysterious energy, and my heart marvels at the magic of this power.

"The curse is combined with the treasure of the altar, which is invincible, and the power is extraordinary!"

This also made Lin Fei even more thoughtful, to get the blood of the curse. Clone a group of mantras.

"Ha ha ha!"

Lin Fei laughed and laughed, and laughter spread throughout the world. Zhongzheng Hongliang.

"Servant? You think too much!"


Lin Fei raided in front of the curse, and his fists slammed. The power of time is shrouded in the mantra.

"18 people, kill!"

Boom! ! !

For a moment, eighteen people were dispatched. Each of them is comparable to the ten-star warlord, and the sultry temperament is straight into the sky, and it is shocking.

"Curse, Refraction"

The mantra screamed, the black mist lingered, the barrier emerged, and a ray of light reflected the avatars. No attack broke the black fog.

The onlookers were instantly embarrassed, and the power of counterattacks was not diminished. The crowds repeatedly avoided, and the stronger ones were slowed down by the reflexive forces, and even killed on the spot, turning into a **** fog.

"Blood Day!"

Lin Fei did not think about relying on eighteen to create a ten-star warlord.

This is the killer.

The huge **** day is hidden in the void. Suddenly, he crashed into the altar of the curse. The huge impact force smashed the altar and flew out. Several onlookers not far away were hit into the blood on the spot. There was a bang, and the curse on the altar stood unsteadily, staring at the emerging treasure.

"The giant treasure. The son feels!"

The curse can see the extraordinaryness of this treasure.

"This treasure, this son is going!"

The curse's eyes became sharp and terrible. As long as you grab this giant-level treasure, your strength will certainly be able to go one step further. There is even a chance to reach the giant level, and to be proud of the thirty-three holy world.

The onlookers also breathe faster, finally seeing the giant-level treasures, or a treasure full of ancient flavors.

"The giant treasure!"

"The rumors are true, you must grab the hand!"

"This giant treasure must be mine!"


In the thirty-three holy world, a giant-level treasure, every time it will be born will be accompanied by a battle of blood and rain.

It would be harder to get a giant treasure.

At the moment, there is a giant-level treasure in a world of seals, and no one can sit still, it is definitely a jealous existence.


Greedy ** can be crazy and irrational.

What's more, now a giant treasure!

After certainty, there was a strong battle of the Emperor of the Emperor immediately, and the palm of the hand was photographed in the air, and the space began to oscillate. The whole world was almost black.

"court death!"

The mantra snorted, "cursing, burning fire!"

In the void, the black fire emerged.

The first to be the Emperor of the Emperor, the stalwart hand was burned into nothingness by the black flame, and I was burned into nothingness by the black flame.

"Everyone is careful, this is a curse."

The sharp-eyed person recognized it at a glance and was shocked again and again.

There were countless strong players in the parties who were killed. They were suddenly attacked by cursing fires, and each one was burned into nothingness, and the eyes were full of horror.

"A group of idiots, really laughed at the dead!" The demon is stunned and charming. "The curse is notoriously careful, but also dare to eat, and find the dead road, and under the yellow spring, not awkward!"

"The mantra of the curse is indeed true. In a short time, the curse will be cultivated to this level, and the curse will be cultivated. It is no wonder that the person will pay attention to the mantra." White night faded, "I heard that the cultivation of the curse Very difficult, not a stunned generation, I want to cultivate successfully, once the cultivation is successful, the fighting power is greatly increased, the curse is out, and all life is burned!"

In the sky, a figure of the body was burned into nothingness. The scalp of the person who saw it was numb and shocking. Even if it was used as a treasure, it would be difficult to resist the invasion of the curse.

This curse is not like a murderous son.

"The treasure of Emperor Heaven belongs to this son, who will grab, kill who!"

The mantra casts a cold and cold sentence, and the meaning of Sen Han is trembling.

"Tianluo network!"

In the sky, a black net appeared in vain. When the big net came out, the whole world seemed to fall into it.

"The treasures have a chance, I am the one who has the chance!"

A tit-for-tat sound followed.

"Chen Hao, you are so bold!"

The mantra glared at him.

It was Chen Hao, the son of a Holy One, who was just a saint.

"Curse, cut!"

The black atomizer is used as a knife to the black net.

As a target of attack, Lin Fei sensed the gaze of the road. The eighteenth was the first to encounter the invasion of the curse, and the massive number of destiny was consumed.

This also makes Lin Fei more want to get the blood of the mantra.


Lin Fei put away eighteen minutes, can not continue to waste the fate of the number of points, spurred the blood of the sky, hit the Tianluo network, this big net is indeed, still being hit by a **** seal a huge mouth.

"Soul man, pick up!"

Bloody days left a shadow, legendary void, and one hit the altar of the curse.

The curse is on the spot, and the dark fog is annihilated.

"Come back!"

Blood Heaven is made from two kinds of treasures. The power is so simple.

Hey! ! !

The whole space was turbulent, and then the sound was broken, forming invincible black holes, and the hurricane whistled. All the attacks were annihilated in the void under this collision.

Ps: It’s even more today. (To be continued.)

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