Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2127: I will ruin you.

Invincible Palace. Do you want to read the book? ≈≡∧∈≦≦≡≦w╬w╬w╬·1╋kanshu·c·c

Many powerful people apparently did not expect that this earthen emperor would hide another hand, and quietly and casually colluded with the Shenjianmen Wanjian Villa.

"There are too many people in the heavens, and they can't stop it. The son has first withdrawn!"

The curse is very reluctant, but it can't stand many people. The curse can't be eaten. If you don't leave at this time, you really have no chance.

"The curse is open!"

Now the mantra can't hang up with his teammates, and he will withdraw first.

A black portal opened, and the mantra broke the knife slave and the sword slave, and plunged in.

These days of great arrogance, Lin Fei did not think about killing them all. After all, it is not difficult for these guys to hold treasures and leave from the siege.

"Miss Devil, let's go!"

White Night is also the first time to encounter such an opponent.

Although Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen are not top-level forces, they are also forces that cannot be underestimated. They can keep everyone in silence, and the ability of Emperor Tian is not simple.

"it is good!"

The devil of the devil also had a headache. The Emperor Tian was hiding too deep. He almost got caught in the middle. Bai Gongzi greeted him. The demon blade took a silver light and flew out more than ten enemies. v≦要≠≠≮w┼w╬w┼·1╋k┼a╋nshu·c·c

"Eternal Shenzhou!"

In the white night, a warship was released. Several people went on to the warships. The warships burst into infinite power and crushed the enemy, which was torn apart.

"No need to chase!"

From the curse of the son to leave, and then to the white night they break through, are in the blink of an eye.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the sword slave and the sword slave stopped. The sword and the sword of the body were still in the sky, and they cut the void and formed a dead land.

"This curse warship is actually a giant treasure, the next time it is not so lucky!"

These big background disciples, Lin Fei secretly stayed.

When it was not necessary, Lin Fei did not want to confront the old forces for the time being.

"While you are gone, the people outside are not so lucky!" Lin Fei's eyes flashed coldly. Always kill some people and deter everyone.


Invincible outside the palace. I want to see the book ┞╬┢w`w/w^./1/k, a=n=s`h,>

The defense formed by the black tower is still not broken by everyone, except for a limited number of Tianjiao who use the secret method. The rest can only use violent means.

After the curse of the son was killed, everyone was full of confidence. As long as they were killed or captured, the defense of the district was not enough.


"Haha, great. The defense of the Invincible Palace has been opened!"

In vain, someone exclaimed.

The original defense is gone.

Hey! ! !

Not waiting for how long they are happy, a sword is shot, in the middle of a warrior's eyebrows, eyes wide open from the sky, in an instant, scalp.

"This ~~~"

The sword and the sword are constantly coming, and the whole world seems to be dark.

Puff puff! ! ! ,

The dense attack became the nightmare of the emperor. ≧? See the book w╬w╬w╳·1╬k┼a╳n╋s┼h╋u┼·c·c

No matter what the power. After being devastated, no one can stop the continuous attack.

"Damn, there are so many strong people in the invincible palace!"

There is a seven-star warrior, and the sound of a long sword dance on his hand has become extraordinarily serious.

No one has ever seen anyone, and everyone is feeling the endless danger of being hung on the body. This is absolutely not normal.

The first wave of swordsmanship and swordsmanship attacked the first group of people, and one of the Emperor's strongmen was shot on the spot.

At this time, the nearest place to the invincible palace. nobody.

"They are out!"

Everyone was on guard, staring at the invincible palace.

Hey! ! !

A voice broke through the air, and everyone saw a sky over the invincible palace. All are fierce and sinister, and the sword is stunned, or it is a knife. I want to read the book w-w=w, .·1^k`a-n/s^>

"How is it possible, a small invincible palace, why there is such a hegemonic sword and knife!"

"This must be fake!"

Everyone is completely calm.

The dense black shadow, scattered momentum. Even the ten-star warrior who was present at the scene felt a chill.

"Is this not the sword of Wanjian Villa?"

Suddenly, someone lost his voice.

"Yes, it is the sword of Wanjian Villa. At the beginning, I and the people of Wanjian Villa have started. They are such swords, exactly the same, there will be no mistake!"

"There is still this knife, it is clearly the door of the gods!"

There are always people who are screaming.

At the same time, an angry look, shot at the Wanjian Villa and the elders of Shendao Village not far away.

The elders of Wanjian Villa became awkward and couldn’t speak. "This, this!!!"

The elder face of Shendaomen is the same as that of Wanjian Mountain Villa. "Why do we have the swordsmanship of the swordsmanship here, and all of them are in the same realm, which is incredible!"

What is most unacceptable to them is that the number of the Emperor's Gates and the Wanqiang Villa's Warlord Powerhouse cannot be compared with those in front of them.

"You listen to us explaining that this is not the person of our Wanjian Villa, it must be mistaken!" Seeing everyone's angry eyes, the elders of Wanjian Villa explained quickly.

If this is true, Wanjian Villa will not be able to wash even if it jumps into the Yellow River.

Everyone didn't believe it at this time.

If one is still okay, at this time, the scent of a piece of film is clearly the sword and the sword of the Wanjian Villa and the Shendao Gate. Is it still possible to make a fake?

"Wanjian Mountain Villa, God's knife door, thank you for bringing people in, and now the rest is handed over!"

Lin Fei was surrounded by sword slaves and sword slaves and appeared in front of everyone.

"Emperor, you are nonsense!" The elders of Wanjian Villa spit out a blood on the spot, and the rest of the people's faces changed. "You are dirty, you are a little soil, nothing in our Wannian Villa!"

Lin Fei laughed, "Dare to besiege the palace, kill innocent!"

Explain that Lin Fei will not explain.

I am filthy you.

The knife slaves and the sword slaves are the knives and swords of the two forces. As soon as they are carried out, everyone’s eyes become more angry.

A knife slave killed a warrior and slashed it on the other side. The warlord hardened a knife and several sword slaves came out and killed the war emperor.

What a horror is the 50,000 sword slaves and the 50,000 sword slaves.

In this world of seals, it can be called a meat grinder. How much to kill? Lin Fei is in need of them to increase their strength for themselves, so that they can break through the level of the Emperor and become a giant.

"Elders, we are finished!"

The disciples of Wanjian Mountain Villa are dumbfounded.

Even if it is the arrogance at this time, I don’t know what to say. The dying eyes of the road cannot be ignored by anyone. The resentment and resentment in the eyes and their hearts are not so easy to erase.

The black-pressed knife slaves and sword slaves did not attack them.

In fact, they did not have the idea of ​​hands-on, each of them is the strongest of the nine-star warlords, and at the same time not afraid of life and death, what a horror.

They saw it with their own eyes, a knife slave who made a knife, was smashed half a body, never stepped back, and rushed up and smashed the other side.

After witnessing this scene, they did not have the confidence to shoot.

As for leaving, or forget it, the black slaves and the sword slaves, they did not have the confidence to leave. (To be continued.)


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