Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2131: joint

Thirty-three holy worlds. ╪╪┢╪.[[. c"o<m[

Wanjian Villa and Shendaomen received the information from the elders.

After seeing the above information, the face was black on the spot, and the rest of the elders had the same expression.

"shameless bastard!"

"Old ancestors, please let us go and kill this shameless bastard!"

Just Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen were suppressed by the Lord of the Holy Spirit. They were badly hurt. If they did not pay a large price, they feared that the entire sect would be baptized.

For the hatred of Emperor Tian, ​​it is dissatisfied with all the world.

Now it is extortion.

This is a bully.

The contemporary lord is also hateful, an indifferent indigenous guy, who made them a big injury to Wanjian Mountain Villa, and wants to unload the other side to vent their anger.

The elders are watching the ancestors of Wan Jian.

This is the most powerful ancestor of Wanjian Villa, and the most powerful card of Wanjian Villa. Like the **** knife ancestor of Shendaomen, it is a half-step giant, just a stone's throw from the last step.

The half-step giant is very powerful, but there is still a certain gap with the giant.

For example, the right to speak.

That is a difference in heaven and earth.

"You are all confused!"

Wan Jian’s ancestors snorted and sharply swept over everyone. “Now we are not suitable for enemies, but not for some materials. How about giving him, not to mention, you can go down to the Shendi Mountain space and deal with it. Emperor God? Don't forget, tens of thousands of sword slaves and knife slaves around him!"

All the elders suddenly fell silent. ═.

"Tomorrow, the old man will go to retreat and attack the realm of the giants. Before the old man has not gone out, Wanjian Villa will not close the door!"

On this day, Wanjian Villa ancestors retreat!

After the next day, the knives and ancestors also closed!


Shendi Mountain space.

With a special person pointing, Lin Fei dared to catch the disciples of the big forces.

As for nothing background? Then I am embarrassed, and I will provide some strength bonus for me.

Five thousand sword slaves and fifty thousand sword slaves, where they passed. Black torrents, crush everything.

The loss of the last slave and the sword slave, Lin Fei replenished back and once again gathered the numbers. Today, there are 100,000 Emperor slaves on hand.

The Curse Master is another card.

In the Shendi Mountain space, temporary knife slaves and sword slaves are enough.

When they came out, there was no disadvantage, and the light formed the world of swords and the world of swords. It is enough to make people feel the horror like never before.

Lin Fei caught more and more people.

According to the size of the forces, a large number of resources were extorted. ╪w(ww..


All the forces of the Emperor Mountain are completely angry.

Especially after the news came.

"There is no reason for this, that Emperor, this is clearly not to put us in the eyes, we did not go to him, he is coming to the fierce, we can not count this, let outsiders see, I thought we were afraid of him!"

On a mountain peak of Shendi Mountain, thousands of people gather. Dozens of people are surrounded by a person, and it is obvious that these are people who are not very small.

The most fierce thing called now is the curse.

The mantra of the curse wanted to show some performances at the beginning, but the last one was defeated. The hatred of Emperor Tian was very big. Once I heard it, I was tempted to be there.

On the mountain peaks, there are also some old acquaintances.

For example, the devil is shining.

For example, the white night son.

For example, Chen Hao.

As for other Tianjiao, there are quite a few.

Those who can stand here are almost all of the same level of Tianjiao, and there are big background forces behind them.

Everyone did not react much to the mantra of the curse.

"Curse the son. You eat in the hands of Emperor Tian, ​​it is your own thing, don't pull us too." There was a tit-for-tat confrontation. "Now who doesn't know that the Emperor is ferocious. There is a knife slave and a sword slave. , sharp and sharp, who is going to die!"

The curse has always been used to pride, and naturally there are some unhappy people.

Han Fei is one of them, and is also the son of a half-step giant. He is also a powerful Tianjiao. With more than 30 masters in the family, the space in the Shendi Mountain is also full of emboldened.

"Yes, why should we listen to you!"

"In any case, we and the emperor have no hatred, no one will find us!"

Many people are attached.

The mantra of the mantra is gloomy, the cold light flashes, and the dark channel, "A group of fools, the morning and the evening will kill you!"

"Hey, a group of cowards."

The mantra sneered at them.

"I don't think I can say that!"

Chen Hao is also resentful of Emperor Tian. His father is the Lord of the Holy Spirit, but he is forced to retreat by an indigenous people. It is a shame. "The Emperor of Heaven is not a simple indigenous, but an indigenous people." In the hand, he has mastered the giant treasures. Now there are more sword slaves and knife slaves. All of them are comparable to the nine-star warlord. Who knows what kind of cards the Emperor of the Emperor has, and if he let the Emperor get the source, he is promoted to the giant. In the realm, we will live in the shadow of each other in the future. I would like to ask if you are willing!"

I have to say that Chen Hao is quite prestigious.

This said, everyone is changing color, as a member of the arrogance of the scene, they do not want someone to stand on top of their heads, now it is not so difficult to deal with the realm of the giant, let alone promote to the realm of the giants, they can not think of What is the way to deal with the Emperor.

"Miss Ben also thinks that this emperor must be eradicated, can not stay, otherwise the time will be a strong enemy of our arrogance!" The demon of the devil also followed the opening, a face of frost said.

Chen Hao’s words are not intimidating. The future will evolve in this direction and have to be prevented.

"I also agree with Chen Gongzi."

"Miss Devil and Chen Gongzi are talking about each other. Everyone must unite and deal with Emperor!"

"Many people are powerful!"

The sons of several Holy Ones are attached.

The Son who can become the Son of the Son of God, without a good deal, knows that the joint forces will deal with it, and the curse will be forced to flee.

"We have more people now, we must unite with others!"

Chen Hao invisible has a prestige, as a starting point, get everyone's support.

"You don't have to unite, come on!"

Hey! ! !

In vain, a storm of swords and a storm of swordsmanship, crushed toward the crowd.

"Not good, Emperor is coming!"

Thousands of people gathered gathered their treasures to protect themselves.

The sword storm and the sword storm are incomparable. When it is crushed up, the heavens and the earth are dark. The eyes are full of black torrents, and the long swords are chaotic. They will be tied into a horse's nest, and the corpses are everywhere, and there are countless deaths and injuries.

Not yet united, the power of thousands of people, about a third left.

Lin Fei was surrounded by a group of sword slaves and sword slaves, and stood idly by.

"I still want to unite and find a way out!" (To be continued.)


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