Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2137: Cursed curse

Eight times the effort. ┞.<<. c<om

Whether it was forgotten or Zhang Wanyan heard the words of Lin Fei, the whole person was relieved.

At this time, they have cold sweat on their backs.

They have never been afraid, but in front of the Emperor, they were afraid for the first time. They were afraid of the ghosts of the gods, and the lethality was too great.

"Hand over the treasures of your body and stand on one side!"

There are knife slaves out and ask them to hand over treasures.

For the enemy, Lin Fei will not be kind.

I am not mastering the system, but more mysterious energy can transform mystery. It is estimated that they will become the soul of their lives.

The surrender of Tianya Mountain and Poseidon City declared that the space of Shendi Mountain was once again completely in the hands of Lin Fei.

Although some of them were dissatisfied, Lin Fei’s approach was simple, and those who disobeyed were killed on the ground.

After killing a part of it, the rest are honest.

Lin Fei became a demon in their eyes.


The power of the Emperor Mountain was quickly annihilated.

Lin Fei didn't catch the prisoners. He chose to kill all of them. From the realm of the giants, he went up a little, and the forces of the entire Shendi Mountain were swept away.

There are also some forces that have escaped into the realm of the gods.

Lin Fei did not go to deal with them for the time being. The most important thing now is to occupy the space of Shendi Mountain.

The source is important. ┞┡┠┟═╡.<.

The Emperor Mountain was also heavily guarded, and the system began to monitor, but when there was a power invasion, the sword slaves and the sword slaves killed them.

For a time, no one dared to enter the Shendi Mountain space.

In an important position, Lin Fei has arranged for heavy troops to stop, and he will be killed when he raises his head.


The news passed back, and the thirty-three holy world was a sensation.

Everyone is silent.

With so many forces going on, I ended up planting it in the hands of Emperor Tian. What is this? A seal world, when will such a master come out.

The four top forces have been rushing to the head, and some people have rumored that the top four forces have heard roar from time to time.

One news came back. The major forces are once again dumbfounded.

For the first time, the intervention of Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen has already made everyone unhappy.

Subsequently, the two Lords of the Holy Day brought people to Wanjianshan and Shendaomen to settle accounts. They bite a large piece of flesh and blood from their mouths and barely let them go.

They haven't figured out why the people of Wanjian Villa and Shendaomen will appear next to the Imperial Day, and another unacceptable news came.

Emperor Tian is suspected to be a man of cursing the palace.

The news spread and everyone was not indifferent.

Who does not know the power of the curse, the merits must be the ten major exercises. Compared with the top ten exercises, the curse is even more bizarre, and it is impossible to prevent it. No one dares to go to the curse of the curse, because the revenge of the curse is very crazy. ═┝.

It’s not good news to make such a message now.

Soon, all kinds of gossip spread.

"Emperor is the man of the curse!"

"Emperor is the illegitimate son of the cursing giant."

"Emperor is the chess piece arranged by the curse!"

These news have been raging.

As for those who want to ask a clear understanding, there is no one, who dares to ask. The Lord of the Holy Day is restless, and the Emperor is the chess piece arranged by the curse.

No one is sure.

Can the emperor cast a curse in the curse, a face-to-face attack on Lin Yijian of the Flame City, then how to explain it.


If other forces are okay, but this power is a curse, it is not that they can exert pressure at will.

In addition, the lion's opening of the Emperor of Heaven also shocked everyone.

When I saw the precious and ordinary materials on it, I was confused. What does this emperor want to do?

About the things of the heavens, continue to leave the world in the thirty-three holy world.


Thirty-three holy worlds.

In a dark abyss.

This place is floating in a huge city, the endless black wind whistling, and the huge birds are flying across. Swallowing the black wind.

At the same time, a huge Heihe River surrounded the city.

This night has a horrible name called Man River.

The curse river is a river of congregation, a strange thing born between heaven and earth. Every once in a while, a secret technique will be born. The secret technique of the entire curse is from this curse.

Today's curse, all the giants are gathered together.

No way, the curse has a big event.

The guarding power of the cursing palace is also strengthened.

In the gloomy palace, a group of ghosts fell on the throne.

Every group of ghosts is a giant.

These giants have been uncomfortable recently.

Still being the emperor is the curse of the palace.

Now the disciples of the entire curse are guessing that this emperor is the illegitimate son of that giant, and the curse has always been very strict with the mastery of the curse.

In general, the spell will not flow out.

It’s really going to flow out, and it’s hard for outsiders to succeed.

"Whoever you admit it, the following Emperor is the illegitimate child of one of you!"

Sitting in the most seat is the palace owner of the cursing palace, a white coat, a sharp gaze sweeping on everyone, and my heart is not angry, it is a fake, such a big thing, he is the master of a palace, he does not know this kind of thing. .

When I mentioned this, the palace owner was angry with a stomach and really wanted to take this sin.

The curse palace is involved in the vortex center of the thirty-three holy world.

Everyone thinks that this is the curse of the palace. The Lord of the Holy Land is full of unhappiness. If you curse the palace and eat it alone, it is too overbearing. It is too ugly to eat, and you are not afraid to support yourself.

Even the Lord of the Holy Day brings the words, let the cursing house release the quota, don't eat it by yourself.

This makes the curse of the palace palace hard to say.

Although the curse is very powerful, but the Lord of the Holy Spirit and even the big forces are offended, it is not a dare. After all, the curse is not the glory of that era.

Right now, we must figure out who the Emperor is.

The giants are silent.

I am illegitimate, they really don't.

"The palace owner, this is what they deliberately hurt us!" There is a giant, "Don't be fooled!"

The main face of the curse palace is sinking and roaring. "Fart, what hurts, who can explain why the emperor will curse the fire, why is it paralyzed? These are the secrets of not passing, as long as the explanation is made, this palace thinks Is farting!"

Everyone is silent again.

This is a worry.

The giants secretly smashed the emperor for a half and a half. Before they were still laughing at Wanjian Villa and the Knife Gate, the blink of an eye, the black pot fell on their curse.

The most terrible thing is that Emperor Tian killed and destroyed the people of Flame City and Sky City. This is a beam of arms. This is also a headache.

"What, nothing to say?"

The master of the curse palace stood up. "Do you usually have a cow? Now I want to find a way for the palace to come out. Whether it is the Flame City or the Sky City, it is not vegetarian. Those of the Holy Ones have opinions! "(To be continued.)


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