Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2148: too dark!

The curse of the burning of the bears became a roadblock.

The curse that was scattered all over the tiankeng, the people were helpless. The forces in the vicinity of the tiankeng suddenly fell short, and the bones burned by the curse did not exist. The scene was terrible.

Whoever sees the fistula, there will be something called fear in the bottom of my heart.

The curse of the era of the curse is really not what they can resist.

. . .

"so horrible!"

"The Emperor of the Warlord could not stop the attack of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Fortunately, I rely on it!"

"This emperor is terrible!"


The people who are lucky enough to escape again are full of fear on their faces.

The same is true of Tianjiao elite disciples.

They have never seen such a wide range of curse fires appear.


Don't wait for them to calm down.

Powerful, with a dangerous and screaming, skyrocketing.

The sword slave and the knife slave were dispatched.

As soon as they appeared, the tactics unfolded, such as the black torrent, enveloping everyone and forming a huge encirclement.

A knife slave with a long knife stepped out, facing the crowd, cold and cold, "I have said that if you don't want to die here, you will immediately smash, file the rebel, kill innocent!"

The voice is not heavy, and the people present are clear.

"I can't think of it, we are surrounded again!"


"If you want us to get rid of it, just rely on you, you are not qualified to say, let's go!"

Among the forces in the field, there is a force. A half-step giant headed, sneer. Promote the giant treasures on your hands and prepare to evacuate the space of the Emperor Mountain.

The movement in the tiankeng. Although the half-step giant did not see it, the instinct came out.

Do not leave at this time, but when.


When the giant treasure was urging, it opened a road, which is also the bottom of the half-step giant.

The rest of the people wait and see.

After all, the power of the Emperor, they are obvious to all, before they are sure of the situation ≡ _ style_txt; before they will never mess.

"Curse. Paralysis!"

"The spell, weak!"

"Curse, gravity blessing!"

. . .

Before this half-step giant went down to the tiankeng and saw the power of the cursing army. At that time, the position was narrow and the hands and feet could not be used.

It’s not the same outside.

The giant-level treasures are in hand, I really don't believe that Emperor Tian can leave them.

When the curse of the sky came, all of them came to the half-step giant. Innumerable, countless, although the giant-level treasures block a part, still some of them fall on the half-step giant.

The spell fell on the other side. The effect starts immediately.

The half-step giant slowed down, the mind began to be affected, and the giant treasures began to appear flawed.

The knife slave and the sword slave did not pay much. Breaking through the defense of giant-level treasures, they came in from outside. The Emperor of the Warlords fell down and became a corpse.


Less time. After killing hundreds of sword slaves and knife slaves, the half-step giant screamed and was cut into pieces by chaotic blades.

A half-step giant has fallen!

"The ants can really kill the elephant!"

The half-step giant died, and the rest of the half-step giants shuddered.

"Not falling, just like them!"


The siege outside is naturally the order of Lin Fei.

When the curse fires out, the giants are smothered by the gods.


When the giant **** knew that he was dead, Lin Fei gained a lot of energy bonus.

"This time, no one can stop me from collecting the source tree and adding the source!"

Lin Fei laughed.

The previous attack of the curse fire, blessing the source of energy, the power is extraordinary, who is coming.

. . . .

The entire thirty-three holy world, the attention of the giants such as the giants, all fell into a silence.

Whether it is a giant, or a saint, realize that one thing, under the limitations of the wild world, they want to get the source and become powerless.

A terrible curse that could not be resisted, killing their gods and ignoring them, during which a breath did not hold on.

The terrible of the heavens has raised to a rare level in their hearts.

"This time everyone will be disappointed and return!"

"Who would have thought that there would be a local snake below, and the dragon snake should be honestly lying on its back!"

"To deal with? Who will deal with it!"

"Fortunately, this seat has not gone down, and this day the Emperor Tian is really not good."

"Large move, this is definitely a big move!"


"The palace owner, this curse is too horrible!"

The giants of the Manchu Palace are paying attention to the movement of the Emperor Mountain.

When the curse came out, all the giants stood up subconsciously, staring at the burning curse.

"This seat dare to say that this kind of curse is completely above our curse!"

"Emperor mastered this kind of curse, and the giant gods were separated and sent to the emperor to send food. No one can stop this curse!"

"The palace master, we must get the curse on the hand of Emperor Tian, ​​even if it is a curse, it can also let us curse the overall strength of the palace, and enhance a large section, then who will dare to swear our curse!"

"Especially a curse, this high-level mantra, if it is displayed on our hands, the giants must shun the house, people are scared!"

The ideas of the giants have become the same.

Can become a giant, and soon understand, unless the Emperor came to the thirty-three holy world, no one can suppress the Emperor.

In this case, it is better to take another route.

Well, they cursed the palace to cast spells, and there are also unknown spells in Emperor Tian. The level of spells is obviously stronger than their curse. It should not be difficult to communicate with Emperor!

The curse has no heart and smiles in the heart. "I can't think of a short time, the city is changing, and the emperor sings a big drama. I am afraid that everyone must change one way now!"

In the face of the interests, lose a small amount of God's avatar, then what can be considered.

"All of you have similar ideas. It is not too late. You must negotiate with Emperor Tian as soon as possible. In the view of this palace, it is better to let the Dagongzi go down!"

. . . .

This will be the thirty-three holy world.

Everyone is an idea.

Hard to work, then change the way, such as buying the source from the hands of Emperor.

Losing a sensible avatar is irrelevant to the giants. If it is a loss of one after another, the loss can be large, and it takes a long time to repair the gods.

Another way has become imminent.

This is tantamount to a downturn.

Knowing that this is not a good thing, who can't find a way to resist the curse, especially if the body can't go down in person, they have no way.


When they have not made arrangements yet.

The forces that have been arranged have returned the information.

Their people were captured again.

There is also a list of redemptions.

The powers of the crowds thundered and then became dejected.

"It's too dark!" (To be continued.)


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