Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2154: Shocking equipment innovation

Tian Xuan World.

People are hiding.

Especially in the invincible city, the traffic is very busy.

There are people who dress up.

Everyone's purpose is the same. Before I thought of solving the Emperor, everyone could only let go of their honorable identity and had to come to the invincible palace. ......

Everyone is waiting for five days.

In five days, the above forces came in seven seven eight eight, gathered in the invincible city.

No matter what, for five days, no matter who went to visit, the result was the same. The Emperor of Heaven seemed to disappear, and there was no trace of it.

Using God's knowledge to investigate, no one is going to do it.

The invaluable mage in the city, plus the knife slave and the sword slave, no one can despise.

Once they started to come, they would definitely be able to bite a large piece of meat on everyone. After half a word, they couldn’t tell, and they believed in the loss.

The sixth day.

Outside the temporary courtyard of the Tianmo Palace, there was a rapid knock on the door.

When the disciple of Tianmo Palace came back, he held an invitation letter in his hand.

"Who sent it!" The devil is also coming.

"The people from the invincible palace sent it!"

The elder Chen Hu took over and opened it himself, sweeping the above content. "Interesting, the Emperor of Heaven finally came out."

Tianmo Nishang also took over, "Chen Chang, Emperor Tian disappeared for five days, can't stand the pressure?"

That is to say, the devils are all empty and weak.

Emperor can't be that kind of person.

Chen Hu smiled. "Whether it can't stand the pressure, since he made an invitation, we always have to go through it in person, and we can see the Emperor, what medicine is selling in the gourd!"

"Italian guy's invitation?"

"See you in person at the Invincible Palace!"

"At last, I waited for a good news. We thought that the emperor would continue to be a turtle!"

One by one, the forces received an invitation letter this morning.

Everyone finally smiled.

This is the end of the event.

They do not believe that Emperor can endure.

After all, everyone is behind the amazing forces, and no one can underestimate the power. Moreover, everyone is here at this time.

Not to mention them, the top forces are still arranged to pass people.

Any one of them can erase a first-class force.

The forces on the hands of Emperor Tian sounded good, but if they got to the top. There is no such thing as a countertop. Just a giant strongman can easily drop the Emperor Tian from the cloud.

Really positive crushing means.

When the invitation comes out, everyone wants to know how Emperor Tiantian will solve this big trouble. ......

The twilight is coming.

The darkness envelopes the heavenly world.

For those who are invincible, tonight is a good day.

The Emperor of the Emperor finally could not bear the pressure. They will meet a group of people in the invincible palace hall.

Many forces secretly slap their hands, in any case, they must force the Emperor to hand over the original fruit. If it is possible, if you don’t mind, then you will force Emperor Tian to hand over the branches of the original tree. That’s not a good thing.

"Old party, long time no see!"

"We haven't seen it for hundreds of years, and your strength has gone up one step, so congratulations!"

"You are here too!"

Invincible palace entrance.

A wave of people have appeared.

In the usual thirty-three days, the world is not easy to appear in the lineup picture, but it was staged at the entrance of the invincible palace.

Some of them have acquaintances. There are also some old rivals, but at this time, everyone is unassuming, and their faces are full of smiles, as if they are really old friends who have not seen for many years.

"The curse master used to ban the air, the sword slave and the sword slave used to attack the cover, a wonderful match!"

"The people who cursed the palace saw this scene, I don't know what it would be!"

Everyone sneaked into the invincible palace hall.

They first saw a fully armed curse mage.

The all-in-one curse mage, arranged side by side, occupying the entrance to the invincible palace. The scene is very spectacular.

In addition to them, the other is the knife slave and the sword slave, the same is armed to the teeth, murderous. Very shocking.

"Everyone is watching, the weapons of the swords and slaves~"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

"That is the branch of the original tree!"

"Absolutely not wrong!"

If a person shouts out, maybe coincidence, when other people are exclaimed, their eyes are shining. They can't calm down each other.

They noticed this detail.

"The emperor's guy actually used the branches of the original tree to make weapons, which is incredible!"

The demon stunned and exclaimed, "Is he also a master of refining?"

The source is dry and the best material.

Most people have heard the origins of the original tree, and no one has ever seen a weapon.

"Chen Chen, the weapon that this material refines, do not know what quality can be achieved? Is there a giant class!"

The Devil's Palace looks at Chen Hu.

Chen Hu’s eyes are dignified. “That’s not the giant level, it will be infinitely close. With such weapons, it’s even harder to deal with it, killing half-step giants, and even don’t need Emperor Tiandi to do it yourself!”...

"Infinitely close to the giant weapon!"

On the other side, the man who cursed the palace could not move his eyes.

Their eyes are also on the branches of the original tree.

With their eyesight, nature can be discerned.

"There is also a curse mage, the scepter in his hand, it seems to be built with the origin of the branches!"

The curse of the whole person is unusually excited and excited.

"Three uncles, what do you think!" Curse asked a middle-aged man in gray robe next to him.

"The Wizards!" The curse can't squint, and the face is full of incredulity and incredible. "The application of our spells takes time every time. If I didn't guess, the Emperor made a weapon to help the spells." It may even help boost the power of the spell!"

The curse of the curse palace cannot be listed in the top ten exercises, but it is also infinitely close.

Unfortunately, their inheritance is incomplete, and there are defects in some places, such as the time of casting a spell. For a master, the influence of the time of the spell can be great.

If Emperor Tiandi overcomes this problem, it is definitely the gospel of the curse.

"Master, this time we have to contact the Emperor anyway!" The curse could not stare at the weapon of the Master of the Curse. "This will be related to the future of our curse!"

The cursing thunder nodded, "All for the curse!"

The rest of the forces are also dumbfounded.

When everyone tried to intimidate the Emperor, the people quietly refine the weapons that are infinitely close to the giant level, giving them a visual shock.

If you still hold the background before, don’t take the heavens as one thing, try to squat in the heavenly world, then see the equipment innovations of the cursing mage and the sword slaves, they realize that this Emperor is getting more and more Hard to deal with.

At least in the lower bounds, no one can help.

In turn, they need to worry about whether they will be killed by the Emperor. (To be continued.)

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