Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2254: Install a mystery

The virtual reality is dangerous everywhere.

Lin Fei is not very tempted by the treasures of the virtual and insidious secrets. I am afraid that there are, I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy it myself. I have been swept away by the top five forces. I may not have any good harvest when I go there.

When no one noticed, Lin Fei found a safe place to hide, and the little demon shielded all the breath of the Emperor, completely disappearing from the virtual reality.

Lin Fei is hiding, not idle, and has been observing the virtual reality.

"Netherest, ink, fire?"

Through the system, Lin Fei saw a group of familiar people in a certain position in the mountains. Those people gathered together and said that there were hundreds of people, all of whom were elites.

"Is the news of Dagongzi really correct, will the Emperor Heaven pass through here?" said Nether.

"It’s almost half a day passed, is it that Emperor Tian has changed direction? It’s not going through this!”

"If we don't pass this, we can't get it right!"


These people are hidden in the surrounding sky, the atmosphere is perfectly converged, and a lot of money is spent.

"You are a little bit safe!" In the crowd, there is a middle-aged man who is not eager to say, "Large and less said, then the Emperor will definitely pass by, everyone only needs to be prepared, I believe you do not want to There is a hat that is unfavorable in the eyes of the big and the young!"

Middle-aged people are sent by the big and the young, and everyone has to give face.

Before the qualifying has started, they may still be able to put their shelves on the shelf. Everything is not there. They fell from the clouds and finally managed to rely on a big tree.

The sanctuary is very realistic, they used to be the Lord. High on the top, lost the qualification of the Holy Lord, the original good forces have begun to push the three resistance. Some offended forces are superior. Look at them, don't rely on the big and small trees. What time to wait.

The middle-aged people said this, everyone dared not ask again, and waited honestly.

"Large and small, it should be a big fire, this guy really is like the outside world, his heart is small, he is nothing more than rejecting the other side, actually arranged here. Want to ambush Laozi!"

Lin Fei is now rich in money, can carry out simple monitoring of a place, the effect is not generally good, such as now, found a few acquaintances in the dark ambush.

After listening for a while, Lin Fei knew that the people they dealt with were themselves, and they were worried about their words. "The big and the young have invited the masters. It seems that they will advance toward this road. It should be concise. Out of the special avenue."

"Master. Are you dealing with them now, or?" The little devil swayed the small steel fork, don't look at the small steel fork. Power is not simple, can not be underestimated.

Lin Fei shook his head. "No need to scare them. Anyway, I haven't tried this function yet, just take them as test pieces!"

Killing a few of the strongest guys who took the first step in the world, it seems that Lin Fei is not very difficult.

"The owner is too sinister, and invisibly creates a mysterious peerless powerhouse. Interesting!" The little devil smiled, "I will help the host immediately!"

Lin Fei did not deal with them. I don't plan to let them go.

The middle-aged and the people continued to wait in secret, half a day later. Even he himself doubted it. Did the Emperor change direction?

"You guys are very interesting, are you prepared to ambush people!"

When everyone was waiting for the irritability, a tyrannical power of consciousness was swept from them, and immediately, a murmurous voice came from the ear, as if a demon appeared around.

"Who?" The middle-aged man squinted, and the huge gods followed and found no trace of the other.

"A passing!" is still a gloomy voice. "Look at your posture, the old man is very interested, just stop and look, you don't mind!"

The middle-aged people said that they were very mindful.

At this time, the middle-aged people had a chill in the bottom of their hearts. This place was specially selected. At the same time, the high-level array was arranged around it, which separated everything. Apart from those who are proficient in the formation, outsiders can’t see a trace of fame. Now the other side easily finds their group of people, the strength is at least the second step, or even more.

Nyingzi and Moyuan are the same in their group. They are all in the cold, they can find their position, they can't find the whereabouts of the other person, and the strength of the coming can be imagined.

"Predecessors, we are just resting!" Middle-aged people laughed and ambushed people? He didn't dare to say it when he killed him. Who knows what the other party will produce, just in case~

Through the conversion of the field of vision, Lin Fei clearly sees their expressions. This mysterious feeling is still quite good. The conversion of special energy, no one can find out their position, will only leave a world in their hearts. The impression of a foreigner.

"Oh, it was a break!" Lin Fei said, "Hey, it’s really a lie, and it’s not a red face. It’s quite a demeanor."

The middle-aged man was exposed, but he did not dare to say a word. His **** searched for a moment. There was no trace of the other party. In other words, the strength of the other party is very strong. You must know that the middle-aged person is also the first. The step-forcer, or the kind of peak, still could not find the position of the other side.

In the face of this kind of strong and angry, the middle-aged people put away their own posture and carry out the Yan family behind them. It is not a wise move, and it will attract a strong enemy.

"When you meet these people, this room suddenly remembers one thing!" Lin Fei said, "You are also lucky. If you change to the seat of 10,000 years ago, you will die. This place is the most hateful." People!"

The middle-aged people, including those present, felt a terrible killing moment in a moment, and the whole body was erected as if they were falling into the endless abyss, during which they could not resist half the strength.

"Thank you for the predecessors not to kill, what is the matter, even though it is good. We are obliged!" The transformation of the middle-aged man to this mysterious person. That is not surprising. Busy is nodding.

"I heard that the Lords of the top five forces have come. This seat is very interested in them. You bring these people to tell them about this seat. They say that the Avengers are coming and want to be nice with them." Hey!"

The middle-aged people are soft, and the people behind them are the same. Few people can keep their faces unchanged, and they are all scared.

"The Avengers!" The middle-aged man breathed a rush, and he couldn't believe it. He actually encountered such a cow.

Since that night, the Avengers launched an assassination of the major forces. The next day, they spread throughout the entire sacred world and dared to provoke the top five forces in public. This is what ordinary people can do.

"What, not happy?"

An invisible pressure is crushed.

Everyone is sweating cold.

"We are willing, one hundred willing!" The middle-aged people can't take care of so much, they can only feel bad luck, and they will run into the lord of the Avengers.

"Okay, you can roll it!"

Not light or heavy, such as Meng Dawei. (To be continued.)

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