Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2260: Variance

Outside the stone gate.

The five saints opened their eyes and stared at the lines on the stone door. They finally showed a hint of joy and closed their eyes again. After another day or two, the stone door could be completely opened.

The lines on the stone door, along with the invasion of the blood color, outline a complex pattern on the stone door.

In the territory of the virtual and secret, there is looting everywhere. It’s not that you die or live, especially the top five forces. They are hot and violent. They kill people when they see people, and they don’t escape from their lives.

When the last line is covered by blood color, a strange pattern appears on the stone door.

"Awesome pattern!"

"never seen it!"

“A little unusual!”

They all opened their eyes, and there was a trace of doubt in their eyes. They didn't recognize the pattern on the stone door. The only feeling for them was extraordinary.

"This should be the wild land of the year, the earliest time, one of the races!" The blood prisoner stared at Shimen and spit out a little information.

On the stone gate, a special race emerged.

"Take him what to do, let's go in and see!" Luo Xing couldn't help it. The first one came up, and his hands were pushed against the stone door. The loud bang, the original stone door was finally pushed, and the stone door fell.

Luo Xing first rushed into the stone room and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Time spar, this is the time spar!"

Luo Xing's reaction shocked the next few people, and they all rushed in. They were all scared by the scene in front of them. One of the crystals, Huaguang, and a trace of invisible force shrouded.

As they broke into the stone room, Lin Fei received new information.

"Master, Shi Jie began to show a slight change. It seems that they are caused by the intrusion!" The little devil shouted, "I can guarantee that they will be unlucky!"

"They are unlucky. I am still secretly admiring a good play behind it!" Lin Fei followed and laughed. "Don't stop. Be sure to monitor every movement of the stone room every moment!"

Lin Fei’s previous guess was correct, and there was a problem in the stone room.

After a brief shock, the five top saints stared at the time of the spar. This thing is precious, and it is still the top thing that can't be met.

If they did not see it in the classics, they would not recognize it.

"Let's find the right place. This place should be the tomb of a top-ranking strongman. In order to keep the body from being washed away by time, the time spar is arranged, and the time for keeping the grave is not moving~" Bai Lang blinked, "Don't say there is There is no avenue Yuanxin, just these time spar, we will get a big harvest!"

"There are thousands of time spar here. We have five people, and each person can have more than 200 pieces." Wan Tiejun is very excited, which means that it is immediately divided.

Everyone has no comments.

After they checked the stone room and determined that it was not dangerous, everyone stared at the time spar above. Any time spar is very useful, whether it is to create treasures, or the rest. It is a first-class use.

After no comments, the five of them collected time spar. In the face of the third step, it is still easy to dig down the time spar, totaling more than 1,200 time spars.

When the last time spar was dug down, time began to flow again.

The little demon was also monitored for the first time. The pattern in the stone room was banned and began to change. He actually passed the idea of ​​five top saints.

"They inspired the body inside the stone sarcophagus!" said the little devil. "The body inside the stone scorpion, vitality began to recover."

Lin Fei sighed softly. For them five people, he is not a good impression. Everyone is a generation of old people. They are suffering, he is very happy to see.

"Open the stone sarcophagus, maybe the treasure is inside!"

Luo Xing collected the time of the spar, and the hot eyes cast on the stone sarcophagus. The light of a stone wall made people harvest a lot, and the treasures in the stone sarcophagus were not maddening.

"Open!" Luo Xing third step strength, invisible power flocked to Shijie, to open the stone cover in an instant, the stone cover gently moved, and returned to normal.

"Let's come together!" Bai Lang also came up to help.

The two third-step strong hands started to uncover the stone shovel and landed heavily on the ground.

Digging the graves, they are not the first time to do it. Every grave left by the strong will have good things. Besides, the sarcophagus in front of the eyes reveals mystery everywhere. It is definitely a top-ranking strongman before life, and the worst is the fourth step. That is what they need to look up. presence.

After the opening of the stone door, Lin Fei first saw the internal situation.

"Is this the avenue Yuanxin?"

Inside the stone sarcophagus, it is not the imaginary bones. Instead, it is a soft and bright thing that is suspended in the sarcophagus, and at the bottom of the sarcophagus is a skeleton.

Lin Yuan’s heart, Lin Fei has never seen it. However, after seeing it at first sight, he knows that this thing is very unusual. “Is the vitality in Shijie, is it from this group?”

"Yes. This group of avenues really has vitality, but it is very weak!"

Lin Fei squinted, he did not believe that a group of avenues will have vitality, then another explanation is that the owner of this skeleton should not fall.


Lin Fei’s mind came up with an amazing idea.

"Right, yes, can arrange this kind of means, it must be the time when the mainland is broken, those top-level powerhouses!" Lin Fei thought quickly, and understood a lot of things in a flash.

This is a trap.

The white waves reached out and grabbed the energy. The energy of the boulevard came out, and the avenue of Yuan was also brought out. It appeared in the eyes of everyone. This is a blue presence.

"Avenue Yuanxin!"

"The well-preserved Avenue Yuanxin!"

"The owner of this group avenue Yuanxin must be a tyrannical existence in the year. It must be the fourth step or above. Only they have the strength to retain the complete avenue Yuanxin!" Eyes.

"Too perfect, we finally have the opportunity to break through to the fourth step and arrogate the whole holy world!" Bailang followed, and the whole person was very excited.

"The fourth step, how many years have passed, if the complete wild land is still there, we want to break through the fourth step, it is not difficult, now we really need to refine the avenue of other people, who makes the avenue The fourth step is needed to be able to consolidate successfully!” Wan Tiejun said with emotion.

After everyone’s feelings, Luo Xing reached out and grabbed the Yuanyuan heart and prepared five people to divide it. On this occasion, no one dared to swallow it. Once that was done, it would be attacked by the other four people. Undoubtedly, there is no good negotiation.


Before waiting for everyone to let go of their excitement, Luo Xing made a tragic cry after catching the avenue of Yuan Yuan. The circle of the boulevard was rounded up as a blue light, pouring into the body of Luo Xing. (To be continued.)

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