Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2267: Absolute secret

"Hey, I know that this guy is not honest, it is a guy who can survive all the time, full of belly is a sinister trick!" Lin Fei sneered at the bottom of his heart, from the beginning, he did not believe this guy. ∷∷,

Set up a bureau to murder yourself, think of beauty!

Qi Lin thought very well. If it wasn't for the quick response of the spirit, the killings not far away would be enough for his life. This place, he remembers clearly.

Waiting for this kid to go to the middle of the game, it will definitely be very interesting. Qi Linmei thinks, he does not think that the other party can find the location of the trap. As for the discovery of the trace by the other party, it is purely a coincidence, Qilin does not stop. Tell yourself that this kid has no strength to see through everything.


When the good thoughts are still echoing in my mind, the intense pain is like the embarrassment, and the voice of the other party is heard from the ear. "You know that you are not honest, you want to set up a bureau to kill me, this is the first to destroy you!" ”

The boundless pain swept through.

Under the numerous times of magnifying, the color of the soul fire is getting lighter and thinner, and Qilin’s consciousness is beginning to fall into the endless darkness.

"Don't kill me, I served, I served!" In the face of death, Qilin did not dare to think about why the other party could find the murder trap. Now he just wants to survive, it is such a simple one. thing.

"If you don't want to die, let go of your mental strength!"

The sound came again.

Qilin was discolored when he was disguised. No one knew better than him. What would happen if he let go of his mental strength? Before he considered it, the boundless pain continued to spread.

Death is infinitely close!

"It seems that you are still going to die!"

"No, no, I am willing, I am willing!" Qi Lin shouted, he could not guarantee that the other party would really kill himself, he ~ can not afford to gamble!

Qi Lin let go of his mental strength, and the other's big hand removed the power. He seemed to be back from hell.


As soon as the mental power is turned on, a force of tyrannical destruction enters the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge. Before he prepares, the power of destruction is automatically arranged into a special mark. Huaguang flashes and disappears in the spirit of the sea, but he clearly feels At the end, there seems to be a force in manipulating himself, Qilin knows. He was banned from control. Moreover, it is still a very overbearing ban.

"Mix ~"

Qi Lin still has no sorrow, pain from the depths of the spirit of the sea, a huge virtual shadow emerges, it is Lin Fei's look, holding a long whip, long whip in the spirit of knowing the sea, Qilin issued a tragic cry One more than a fierce one.

Hundreds of whip down. The fire of Qilin’s soul is almost nothing, no need to doubt, just need a few more whip, he can completely disappear.

"Don't fight, I said everything, don't fight!"


Lin Fei is very clear that dealing with such people, it is necessary to give the other party a fatal threat, the other side of the spirit of the sea condensed whip and even the shadow, all the little devil's hand.

Every time I beat Qilin, the little devils performed perfect calculations, no more and more, just let the other side be on the verge of infinite death. The feeling of death feels once crashed, let alone once or twice.

Qi Lin has experienced several death crises, even if he has a temper, he has no temper.

So, there is Qilin’s words.

Don't bow your head!

The most terrible thing is that the other party can study the imprint of controlling his mental strength. Even in the past, it is not the secret of the biography, but it is now on the young boy.

"Don't you think you have to say something?" Lin Fei let go of the fire of the soul, don't worry about the other party's escape, only need a thought, and even the other side has a bad thought about himself, the other party will not have a good end, not to mention the present The other party can't stand any toss.

"My name is Qi Lin. Now I am a young master. The young master told me what to do. I will do whatever I want. I will never dare to play any tricks!" Qi Lin turned into a villain and became respectful.

"I don't care about you, is it called Qi Lin? From now on, you are still honest, and you will not treat you badly, just see how you did it!"

Lin Fei doesn't care what the other person thinks. As long as the other party does a good job, the use of this library is still very big. At this point, he does not deny it.

"Young Master, the front is the killing of a sixth-step strongman in the war of the year. It has not dissipated until now. I just wanted to use this killing to deal with the young master, and also ask the young master to forgive!" I have accepted my life, and the mark of the other side is very mysterious. I can’t find it in the depths of the sea. It is not any kind of prohibition that he has said so far.

"The sixth step is strong? Isn't it true that the strongest is only the fifth step?" Lin Fei could not help but say.

Now the whole sacred world is the strongest but the third step. As for the fourth step, there are, yes, there are, there are many, no one knows, but there are not many, there are only a handful.

Now that there is a sixth step, Lin Fei is really shocked.

Qi Lin snorted, "The fifth step? What!"

Waiting for Qilin to continue, he said that he had a whip in the depths of the sea. Qilin realized that he had made a mistake. "That, wrong, wrong."

To deal with such people as Qi Lin, Lin Fei feels that he should slowly pick up the other party. For a long time, he is 100% honest. "It seems that you should be the one who survived the war in the past, talk about the time!" ”

Lin Fei is not in a hurry. This place is really bad. Now everyone has gone to the virtual and dense environment. Who will come here, let alone, really come, and I am not worried.

What Qi Lin seems to recall, simply said, "In that year, I was actually a fourth-step powerhouse~"

The story is actually very simple. The wild war broke out in the wild in the past. In fact, the ninth step was to attack the supreme realm, which led to a war that spread across the continent. Qilin was a core member of the Zongmen. Putting in, directly sent to the battlefield, and then the body was destroyed in the battle, was confined to a thief area, the reason is very simple, those years, everywhere is the strong left behind by the strong, Qi Lin is lucky, master The special avenue, the body was destroyed, a small part of the mental power survived, and then until now.

This is also the reason why Qilin wanted to capture Lin Fei’s body, and he planted a big heel on him.

It sounds farther from the Qilin mouth than the records on the record, as if it were in front of this area, where many powerful people fought **** battles.

The ninth step of the battle of the strong, destroying a continent, is indeed more terrible than imagined, Lin Fei heard for the first time. It turns out that the highest level is the ninth step, which is simply unimaginable.

Lin Fei now feels that the fourth step is strong and infinitely arrogant, let alone the ninth step, no wonder it can make such a big move.

"So what is the ninth step of the year?" (To be continued.)

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