Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2270: Killing with one finger

Seal the world.

The group of people came to the world of seals quietly and silently, and went through the seal city to the battlefield of the boundary wall. Moreover, they went in one direction.

"He elders, the place we are going to now is the core location of the battlefield. The elders of our ancestors should have fallen on this battlefield!"

Headed by a serious Tsing Yi, secretly decapitated, "As long as there is a possibility of 70%, we can not let go, Zongmen needs that thing!"

The person behind him is looking sad and serious.

Everything for the sect!


Central area, Baigu Mountain.

Lin Fei released a million warlords and began collecting the bones on the plains, but all that met the standards were collected.

"It’s not easy to break a hundred!"

Lin Fei was sitting on a white bone mountain, listening to the words of the little devil, finally revealed a smile.

This is the tenth day of collecting the cheekbones.


One hundred bones, after some transformation, the strength has reached the second step, for Lin Fei, the harvest is great, not to mention, there is a fourth step strongman Qi Lin.

In ten days, Lin Fei was not idle. He had been studying the grinding disc and knew about some of the wilderness of the mainland. Qi Lin knew everything. Lin Fei knew more and more information, and he had a wild land in that year. Clear cognition.

On the fifteenth day.

One hundred and thirty, during the period, good luck, got the bones of three third-step strong, the preservation is very good.

"Master, someone came in!"

Lin Fei lazily lay on the Bone Mountain, and a reminder of the little devil came from his ear.

"No, someone is coming?"

Lin Fei’s squid hit the door and opened the system. The picture changed. There were a group of people in the field of vision. There were eight people in the field. The strength of the Tsing Yi people who reached the top of the third step, the seven people behind them were also the first step. realm.

This powerful lineup is somewhat shocking, and the head immediately turns and guesses why they came here.

"They should be looking for something!"

Lin Fei turned fast. After all, this place was a place where the war was over, and some of the seventh step and the eighth step were degraded. It is normal for people to find things.

"Young master, someone came in!" Qi Lin quickly sensed that the realm is not there, but the intuition of the strong is still there, especially the spiritual road he masters, not the ordinary road.

"I know!" Lin Fei said faintly, "You go to warn them, you must leave here immediately!"

Qilin’s strength is not as good as before, and the scalp is hard. “Young masters, they are the strongest in the third step. They are small, so go up, fear that they are not their opponents!”

"Call you to go, you will kill you if you don't go!"

Lin Feiyi threatened, Qi Lin had to go, he is not afraid of fear now, the most fear is the kind of pain of the whip, especially after zooming innumerable times, it is a lifelong nightmare.


Qi Lin is also smart.

The mental power quietly lurked in the past and launched an attack in an instant.

"Psychic puncture!"

This kind of attack, unexpectedly, caused their huge casualties. The seven first-step powerhouses had five heavy hits on the spot. The other two were directly killed. The Tsing Yi-he elders were staggered and blocked. Leave a trace of blood.

"get out!"

The elders of Tsing Yihe realized that when they met the strong, the third step of strength opened, and the surrounding area turned into a thunderstorm area, and the thunder slammed down and the arc flashed.

Qi Lin suffered on the spot.

Under the simple spirit, every blow of the Thunder gave Qilin great damage, and the color began to weaken, blocking all the way.

Qi Lin was in the process, and He was very surprised. He immediately showed a smile. "It turned out to be a spiritual body. It really has this thing. Hahaha, the old man is lucky, and the spirit of the rumor is really there."

If you haven't seen it from the secret, He elders may not think about what it is.

"Turn it over!"

He elders grabbed Qilin, and the thunder of the sky was surrounded, forming a cage, and Qilin was firmly sealed in it. Qilin was blocked by Lei Guang every time he charged.

"Ha ha ha ha, you should be unlucky, the old man's Lei Guang Avenue, congenital is the nemesis to deal with your spiritual body, if you are the strength of the heyday, the old man is not as good as himself, now you, I am afraid that even the original strength can not play out, you No place to escape!" He Changla laughed.

The thunder is constantly compressed, which limits the scope of Qilin and keeps shrinking.

"Young master, help!" Qi Lin was very bachelor for help.


Lin Fei has been observing that after the other party broke out of the Thunder Road, he knew that the other party was a bad person to deal with. The Thunder Road was mastered. The Thunder was born with the horrible destruction ability. The third step of the same level was not the other party. Opponent.

Seeing that Qilin is going to be killed, Lin Fei will naturally not let the other side succeed. It is hard to live a fourth step. If you can catch a powerful person in the future, you can easily make a fourth step. By.

"go with!"

Lin Fei flexed his finger and spurred a powerful blow to the elder.

When He Changla heard it, his heart sank. This kind of spiritual body actually has a master. It can be very bad. It is not a good tyrant.

"You are dead, the young master has a shot, you have no place to escape!" Qilin loudly.

He Changla suddenly had a feeling of creepy hair, looked up and looked, "not good, there is a fourth step, the strong man to the old man!"

In the void, a big finger slammed.

The elders were erect, urging the most precious treasure, welcoming the other's fingers, and the body quickly retraced. "Predecessors, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, we are the people who make the door."

Huge fingers separated from the air, the wind raging, Thunder Avenue was torn open a huge mouth, the Thunder collapsed, the treasures in front of it were smashed, divided, and the endless power instantly enveloped the elders, drowning him under his fingers. The elders blew up on the spot and their blood was blurred.

"Building the door?"

Lin Fei gave a slight glimpse, but he did not expect that the person who made the door would come.

"Is it the search for the grinding disc? Well, I can get the complete ten major exercises, "I will not destroy the achievements of life." It must be like this, but unfortunately, that person can't live!"

Lin Fei regretted that his shot was too fierce, and soon, a hint of joy.

"Don't die? How is this possible?"

The fourth step of the attack of the strong, terrible, Lin Fei is clearer than anyone else, and now someone is resisting, it seems magical.

The original place was razed to the ground, the center of the ruins, a strange energy was injected into the void, and the elders of Tsing Yi again appeared again, and his face looked very pale.

"It’s too horrible, this place will actually hide a fourth-step powerhouse!" He Chang’s heart is full of embarrassment. (To be continued.)

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