Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2290: Way of benefit

Tsing Yi people do not think that the other side can see through their position.

Since condensing the limit speed, every promotion has made him become invincible in the same order. Even if he encounters a higher level than his own, he can fall into an undefeated state.

"It must be Mongolian!"

Tsing Yi people told themselves that absolutely no one can capture their position in advance.

The other party is a sly cat encountering a dead mouse, and it will be gone.

"There will be no second time!"

The Tsing Yi people changed positions again.

Once again, the body was penetrated by the spirit. Even if there is a treasure that weakens its power, it is still very uncomfortable. Followed by it, it is a slap in the face.

"It was hit again!"

The Tsing Yi people changed positions again, and no exception, they were hit again.


For the first time, Tsing Yi people have encountered such a sinister thing. As they lose their advantage at their own speed, each other’s attacks can fall on themselves, forcing him to be unable to approach each other and being kept out.

Once or twice three times~

Ten times, thirty times, fifty times

The people in Tsing Yi have a pale face, and the whole person will collapse. If they can't figure out their ultimate speed, why will they lose their role, and each time they can hit themselves.

This speed advantage can't be played out, and the Tsing Yi people are very wrong, and it is a joke to deal with each other.

"How did you find my location!"

Tsing Yi people opened the distance, no longer shot, people are not good, continue, no increase in nothing, no need.

"Do you think I will say it?" Lin Fei smiled.

The Tsing Yi people glimpsed, and it was really like that. The other party said that this is the secret of others. When they say it, how can the other party suppress themselves.

"Today is yours, let's go, next time, you may not be able to easily crack my speed!" Tsing Yi people are very reluctant, but also know that to continue, it is no work, rather than a busy day, not as good as Go now.

Lin Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really simple. If you don't fight, you won't fight. If you leave, you can't deal with it. This kind of person is not good to deal with!" Lin Fei's face showed a dignified, this kind of simple and reasonable person is the most difficult to deal with.

Tsing Yi people leave though. Lin Fei did not relax, the little demon has been monitoring, to confirm that the other party left, Lin Fei only left, and shielded his breath.


"Is that the man who is the vengeful lord of the sacred legend?"

The Tsing Yi people stood on an unmanned mountain peak, revealing a trace of doubt.

"If it weren't for him, the sacred world is far more than the imagination. Someone has mastered this ability."

Tsing Yi people have been in the sacred world for a long time. They have been searching for the Yuanyuan heart in the dark. Before, they used the treasures to find the avenue Yuanxin. They did not expect that they were robbed in person because of contempt, and they finally returned without success.

"The sacred world has such a first master. I don't know what the expressions will be. Maybe it will be a very interesting thing, hahaha!"

The Tsing Yi people turned and went.


Lin Fei returned to the cave house in the wild mountain.

On this road, careful, shielding his own breath, while sweeping away all traces, and Lin Fei realized that after the Tsing Yi people played against each other. The strongest of those trial organizations hidden in the sacred world should be no less powerful than the Tsing Yi. It should be said that all are arrogant.

A Tianjiao is tyrannical to this extent, and others still use it.

Lin Fei has a sense of oppression.

If today there is no little devil to calculate the other person's moving position, the person who lost must be himself. at this point. Lin Fei is clearer than anyone else.

"Tsing Yi people should be the strength of the sixth step. If you promote to a small realm, the little devil can calculate the position of the other side. My attack speed can't keep up, and the ability to limit each other is greatly weakened. That's really bad. Dealing with it!"

Lin Fei suppressed the thoughts in his heart and stopped thinking about this matter. In Dongfu, he arranged a ban on the law, and isolated the breath. For the sake of safety, he told the little demon to shield, and to monitor the vicinity of Dongfu. Lin Fei didn't want to come again. It was a battle with the Tsing Yi people, which consumed two cost sources of energy.

Fortunately, this time I grabbed the avenue of Yuan Yuan, it is still very cost-effective to compare.

The avenue Yuanxin was taken out, and the sharp sword gas burst. Lin Fei had already prepared, and the avenue decomposed to form a forbidden zone. Although the sword gas was powerful, it was instinctive and limited in power, and it was easy to press down.

Looking at the avenue Yuanxin urging the sword to shoot, Lin Fei's eyes also felt a burst of tingling.

"Little devil, analytical research, copying!"

This kind of avenue on the tall, Lin Fei can not be missed, must master, have a system exists, he is not worried about the avenue, nothing more than a conversion problem.

"It is estimated that it will take ten days!"

Ten days, Lin Fei can wait.


Ten days is not long, and it’s a wave of things.

On the tenth day, Lin Fei opened his eyes and the little devil came with good news. The avenue Yuanxin was copied, and within the system space, there was a complete avenue.

Even though the system space is separated, Lin Fei can still feel the sharp swords, and he is invincible, as if to destroy everything in the world, and the avenue is disintegrated.

"Great, it's another way to get to the hand, or the five-product road, the power is definitely extraordinary!"

The avenue decomposition is very powerful, and there is one more sharp avenue, which is even more powerful.

"Refining, master!"

Lin Fei directly mastered.

There is a system, Lin Fei Refining Avenue is very easy.

A stream of light enters the body. Lin Fei released a glimmer of sharpness on the whole person, such as a sword, and shot through the void. The formation was banned and was also shot by Jian Jian.

Fortunately, the little devil kept repairing, heavy layout, and no leakage.


It didn't take long for Lin Fei to open his eyes again, shooting two sharp swords, tearing open the void, and the whole body was full of sharp breath. Ordinary people would have a stinging glance when they looked at each other, and their strength would be low. Blinking.

“The road to metal is a branch of the road.”

After thorough refining, Lin Fei knew the name.

At the same time, the memory contained in the heart of Avenue Yuan was controlled by Lin Fei.

Relying on the powerful ability of the system, erasing the consciousness of the avenue of the Yuan, the rest is pure memory fragments, Lin Fei knows the origin of the avenue.

The former owner was owned by an eighth-step powerhouse in the wild continent. With the benefit of the road, in the eighth step, the top is also the top level.

"I was originally planning to master the display of the road of profit. Now it seems that I don't need it. Some of the swordsmanship left behind can just come in handy!"

This is the benefit of complete refining.

The road to profit is a kind of metal avenue. It is invincible and is most suitable for swords to use. The power will be doubled. (To be continued.)

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