Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2157: movement

As an alternate saint of the demon empire, Qin Hao is quite proud. ≧

If it is the high-level elders of Tianmendao, Qin Yu has a lot of friendship, the demon empire has been cooperating with Tianmen Road, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, no matter where it is used.

Unfortunately, Qin Hao was wrong.

"Tianmen Road is Tianmen Road, I am me, don't come to cover me!" Lin Fei said faintly, "Either cooperate, or go away, you choose!"

Lin Fei did not give any feelings.

Just kidding, do you need to give your feelings, even though the alternate Santa in front of you is very beautiful, he is not a person who can't walk when he meets a woman.

Qin Hao’s face sank, and the guy in front of him was too arrogant. When he thought of the energy gun on the other hand, it was of great importance and he could bear it. “Of course it is cooperation!”

The storage ring of eight billion energy wall stone is taken out.

"What about the six-level energy gun?"

Qin Hao is also refreshing.

The energy wall stone can be slowly made, the six-level energy gun is not easy to get, and there will be no chance in a lifetime.


At the bottom of the chamber, a halo appeared and five six-level energy guns floated out.

Qin Lan includes several other people, all of whom are stunned and actually hide under the secret room. This is too much courage!

"Satisfied not!"

Qin Lan took out one of them, checked it up and down, his face became more and more dignified. "It is true, six-level energy gun!"

"A penny is worth the money, no virginity, hahaha!"

The black illusion laughed and dissipated in front of them.


"Eight billion energy wall stone, enough for any assessment!"

Lin Fei converted 70 billion of energy wall stones into energy units, and put them on standby, and his face became more and more emboldened.

Five six-level energy guns cost less than a few hundred million energy wall stones in Lin Fei's eyes. The proceeds are completely profitable, and they must be scared when they pass out.

After the first transaction, Lin Fei believes that the Yao Empire will be very interested.

Lin Fei has no awareness of the enemy.

"Little devil, crack the second to fifth energy gun."


The movement of the five six-level energy guns is too great.

When the news was passed back to the demon empire, Qin dynasty was completely de-listed, and the ranks of the alternate saints continued to climb, becoming a dark horse in the eyes of everyone.

Can bring back five six-level energy guns for the empire, that is a big credit.

Qin Lan also made a splash.

"Do you think we can cooperate with that mysterious person?"

In a magnificent palace.

The prince of the demon empire summoned Qin.

"It's hard to say, but you can touch it!" Qin Hao could not guarantee.

The five six-level energy guns are not so helpful to the demon gods. The talents of the empire are all studying, and now they have become the tasks they want.

The empire Prince did not change his expression too much. "This mysterious man should not be a person of Tianmen Dao. Tianmen Road has been lingering and will never be sold. This person must have borrowed the Tianmen Road. Otherwise, Tianmen Road The person will not look around for this mysterious person. You will go back immediately. The person can come and go without a trace in the emperor. If you can’t get it, you will hide in the empire. You will arrange to stare at the emperor and check if there is any big deal recently. How do we have to make contact with this mysterious person, even cooperation!"


The expeditionary empire also received news.

Five six-level energy guns fell to the demon empire, and the impact was not small.

If the demon **** empire passes the six-level energy gun and studies the low-level energy gun, it will undoubtedly strengthen its strength, and the advantage of the expeditionary empire will be gradually narrowed.

The embarrassment of the expedition was blamed by the top officials of the emperor, wearing a big hat that was not working.

"Look, be sure to make that mysterious manmade!"

The expeditionary headquarters, when the big brother came back, roared, and everyone was afraid to show it.

They are really derelict this time.

If it wasn’t for the news of the demon empire, they wouldn’t know about it, five six-level energy guns, and the proprietary configuration of the expedition.


The five six-level energy guns flow out, and the impact is not far from this.

The spies of the great powers of the emperor began to move, and some spies of the royal family began to move. All the people and horses were looking for the mysterious powerhouse of Tianmendao.

At the same time, the inside of Tianmendao is also looking for this mysterious person.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was the strongest person in Tianmen. After the explanation of Elder Wang Haoran, everyone understood that the other party was not a person from Tianmendao, but a person from a small place. However, no one dared to deny the expedition to the empire, or even It is the demon **** empire, and there is a powerful force behind the scenes.

The acts of the mysterious man are all big things that are daring, and any one can smother the sins of the nine ethnic groups.

The Avengers!

Tianmendao is the clearest person.

But the mysterious man, after disappearing from the wolf star field, disappeared. If there was no news from the demon empire, who would know that the mysterious man had done another big thing.

Five six-level energy guns, eight billion energy wall stones, big cheap.

I don't know if people are envious of red eyes.

A six-level energy gun, as long as the energy wall stone is sufficient, is a six-turn professional strongman.

Tianmen Road has a black pot on the back. There is no grievance in the internal high-level. Instead, all the people are looking for it. Now everyone knows that there is a mysterious powerhouse inside Tianmen Road. Who can guarantee that this mysterious person does not have an aircraft and an energy gun on his hand?

No matter how everyone investigates, no one knows that this mysterious man is hiding in the independent courtyard of Imperial College.


Time flies, and the eyes of the Imperial College are finally assessed.

Whether you can successfully enter Imperial College will be announced soon.

The eyes of the expeditionary empire all fell on the Imperial College. Whoever rewarded the Imperial College for this award, and even got the call of His Majesty, what an honor.

On the morning of the day, Lin Fei was ready.

The seven billion energy wall stone refining and refining is enough to solve any problem.

"How is the preparation!"

Lin Feigang was ready to go out, Li Xiong came, and asked as soon as he came up.


Li Xiong is very optimistic about Lin Fei. "That's good. Tell you one thing in advance. This year's assessment is different from previous years. You have to be prepared!"

"How is it different?" Lin Fei was very curious.

Regarding the content of the assessment, Lin Fei did not understand and did not have that interest. The elders of Imperial College did not have a simple, special creature. Although he was arrogant, he was still worried about the accident and did not arrange for monitoring.

"I heard that I was able to remove some of the tasks and leave the elite among them!" Li Xiong did not say it all, and simply mentioned it. But it also lets people know a vague impression.

"Doing tasks, interesting!"

"Let's go!" (To be continued.) 8

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