Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2160: cheat? Who is amazing?

"has a problem?"

Lin Fei didn't think that there would be problems with the ten tasks. 〔?<

The little devil opened the folder, there are ten tasks in the data, and then opened some other folders, call out the data, and compare each other, there is no problem, it is clear.

"It's sinister!"

Even if it is a good-tempered Lin Fei, seeing his own tasks, compared with a few of those Tianjiao, the gap is not ordinary. For example, the last mission, nothing else, but to the demon **** empire to kill a general.


Just kidding.

Even if Lin Fei doesn't understand, he also knows the generals of the demon **** empire. The minimum strength must also be seven-turn occupation. Dealing with a general, it is really a headache. It is estimated that a shot will be encircled by the strong of the demon empire. After all, he Now in the eyes of the imperial people, it is only a turn of professional strength, the strongest is only two careers.

"Tune the North Palace Nether, Longbatian, and even the tenth tenth task!"

Lin Fei wants to see, in the end who is calculating himself behind, is not a piece of land, as for it.

Whoever becomes first, whoever has the biggest suspicion.

"Awesome means!"

After a cursory browsing, Lin Fei knew that the hands-on people seemed to be prepared, ranking the top ten Tianjiao, and the ten tasks were basically the same.

Fighting luck.

The task is almost the same, no one can say anything, and finally can only see who is lucky, good luck is also a proof of strength.

Lin Fei suspects that there are more objects, they are suspect, and the latter is also suspect.

"Can't you find out who made it?"

"For the time being, it is not possible, this is entered in advance!" The little devil shook his head.

Lin Fei is quite unhappy.

"Oh, I originally intended to use the means. In order to seal the land, I dug a big pit, then I wonder if I am!"


As soon as the time came, everyone went to check out their first task. Among the 2,000 people on the scene, there was a happy color and some complex faces.

Imperial College’s banned ban, rarely closed, allowed Tianjiao to leave directly from Imperial College.

A stream of light disappeared in Imperial College.

The final assessment of Imperial College began.

This session is more intense than any one. The number of Tianjiao is also the most in history. It is also the top professional arrogance. It is really a battle between dragons and tigers.

Finally, everyone is looking forward to it.


"How is the matter going?"

At the same time, the final assessment at Imperial College began in another secret room.

"The arrangement is correct, and Lin Fei can't get the first one. If it doesn't work, it will fall!"

In front of a noble son, half a man in black, said with respect and respect.

"No, no, a future top professional powerhouse, it would be a pity to fall down!" Your son shook his head. "You arrange people to follow. Once he is in danger, he will immediately shoot, and he must not be killed." Such a top professional arrogance is a rare trump card, enough to deal with my brothers and sisters!"



As Tianjiao 66 continued to leave Imperial College.

The intense time is up.

After about an hour.

Inside the Imperial College, the first name appeared on an open sky.

North Palace Nether: 1

This also said that the Tianjiao completed its first mission.

After that, at half an hour, 66 people continued to finish.

As said, the task is accomplished by luck. If you are lucky, then you will be lucky. If you are not lucky, you will fall behind others.

One by one, the familiar names, successively boarded the sky, some lucky arrogance, began to complete the second task, and some, still complete the first task.

"The North Palace is a ghost, it is amazing!"

"Complete two tasks so quickly!"

"It’s the Lin Fei. I haven’t finished my first mission yet. It seems that luck is not good!”

"Oh, that's a pity!"


Li Xiong has been staring at the name of the sky, but the familiar name has not come up.

"Not so bad!"

Li Xiong couldn't help but worry.

The ten tasks of the Imperial College are jointly studied by their elders. The regionality is very wide, and the difficulty of the task is also increasing one by one. To gain a good ranking, the strength is part, and the other part is luck.

The previous task is completed quickly, and the later tasks have time to complete, not so urgent.

"Elder Li, your optimistic Lin Fei, it seems that luck is not very good, look at the North Palace Nether, the kid, have completed the second task!"

There was a gray robe middle-aged man who came up and said with regret.

When Li Xiong saw this person, he showed a trace of dissatisfaction and a cold cry. "It is nothing to complete the second task. Ten tasks are simple at the beginning, and it is difficult in the future. This is not an advantage! ”

In front of the gray robe elders and Li Xiong have no small contradiction, such as this time, Li Xiong was promoted to the top elders, and he was not too irritated. When he saw that Lin Fei didn't come up, he couldn't help but sneer.

The gray robe elders are not reluctant, "advantage, always an advantage, even if it is a step advantage, it is also an advantage, your optimistic Lin Fei, if you can't get it, you can't catch up!"

Li Xiong is upset. "When it is not the last time, who knows!"

This is the only thing Li Xiong can use.

He believes that Lin Fei will catch up.


"The task is to do it quickly. It is worthy of being a big family of the Emperor, and there are countless treasures in the hands. The average person can't compare!"

Within the expedition, there is a stretch of mountains.

Lin Fei is looking at the latest rankings. The first one is Longbatian. The fourth task has been completed. The latter are also the third task.

With the arrangement of the Imperial College, the first five tasks were basically completed in the expeditionary star field, and the next five tasks began to be difficult.

Lin Fei doesn't care about this.

"Those people should be disappointed!"

Lin Feiqi smiled. "How is the task revised? They are not trying to limit me. I will have fun with them!"


Lin Fei added: "Remove all the documents of those arrogances, this is fair, and I have deleted this, all deleted, anyway, you can control the task, hehe!"

The little devil laughed badly. "The master is really bad. If you just try your luck, you don't have to be lucky!"


"Yes, this task is simple!"

Lin Fei is not interested in what missions are really done. Now all the documents are deleted. No one knows what tasks were used before. Even if those people know, they can't speak.

The power of the little devil, in the mission system, increased the task of completion, without any flaws.

Lin Fei punched a good star beast and completed his first mission. He completed the second mission by shooting against another star beast.

"Hey, see who is the fastest!"

... (to be continued.) 8

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