Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2162: the first

Black people come fast, and go as fast. ({〔〔〔{?network{

"Master, don't you stop them?"

Under the ruins, Lin Fei was exposed.

"Pick up them? How boring!" Lin Fei smiled. "It's better to finish the tenth task. Then it's their turn to be dumbfounded. As for them, there is time to pick them up!"

Lin Fei didn't want to influence this assessment because of several people.

"Master, the tenth mission, need to expedite the empire and the demon empire, regardless of the place, kill a strong!"

Lin Fei blinked. "The difficulty is not small, can't you change one?"

"This is the easiest, because the tenth task is to kill one of the strong, if the owner is not afraid of being suspected, it can give you a simple!" Little devil teased.

Lin Fei surrendered.

"That's still it!"


"It is!"

At the Imperial College, the three deputy deans received the news and completely let go.

"If Lin Fei is a big family, the first place must be him, but unfortunately he is not, the influence of our family will never be allowed to be stepped on by a foreign boy!"

"The hands-on people are all measured, although they miss the first place, but with the top profession, Lin Fei can become a disciple of Imperial College, even if some people are not happy, don't dare to say anything!"

"There was finally a problem solved, everyone can have a drink!"

"Yes, have a drink!"

"Ha ha ha!"


"The North Palace Nether has caught up!"

"Being the ninth task!"

"Long Ba Tian completed the eighth task!"

"Whoever takes the first place, it’s really hard to say it!"

The elders of Imperial College are always concerned about the situation.

As the next few people catch up, everyone's mood is good, the last task, the difficulty is not small, even the simplest one, also need luck and time.

Although Lin Fei completed the ninth task, the last task was not so good.

The top ten Tianjiao have been catching up. Everyone feels hopeful. Lin Fei, who was ranked first, is not optimistic. They can't believe it. Lin Fei can still have such good luck in the last task.

The last task was made by the elders and vice presidents of Imperial College. Everyone knows the difficulty of the last mission. If they are lucky, they will definitely be one step faster than Lin Fei and win the first place in this Imperial Academy.

Everyone is looking forward to a wonderful scene.

The three between the empire and the empire are no matter where.

A figure appears on a mountain, condescending, and in the distance is a huge basin, connected by the city, forming an independent place.

"Ghost Cry City!"

This place where the three do not care is called ‘Ghost Cry City’.

From the literal meaning, you can guess the difference in this place.

‘Ghost Cry City’, the source of the specific name, has no way of knowing that the name is already ingrained, but anyone who has been to the “Ghost Cry City” will never forget the horror of this place.

The two empires, how many strong people are planted in this place, always use them to do nothing, can survive between the two empires, the power of ‘ghost crying city’ can be imagined.


‘Ghost Cry City’ is fierce, Lin Fei does not dare to have any contempt. After all, Ghost Cry has a strong eight-turn career peak, no one dares to doubt the strength of this strong.

After so many years, no one can guarantee that the city owner will be promoted to a nine-turn professional. Even if it is one in ten thousand, no one dares to take this risk.

Lin Fei will definitely not take risks.

A scan, the entire ghost crying city appeared several red spots, can represent the red dot, indicating that there is a threat to Lin Fei, as the color is not deep, then there is no problem.

"Good guy, the strength of the ghost crying city is really not easy!"

A simple scan, Lin Fei is now more horrible than the rumors of the city. For example, there are a total of four in the eight-professional strong, and there are more than twenty in seven-turn careers. It is true that such a force does not allow people to despise.

Lin Fei knows that after the strength of the ghost crying city, he dare not have any contempt. Although it is simple to kill a person, but it is a big trouble.

"Looking for the goal!"

"The goal is now!"

On the big screen, the specific location of the other party is displayed immediately.


Ghosts crying in the city, the power gathered.

All the wanted criminals of the empire are basically hiding in the ghost city. Therefore, the strength of the ghost city is rising year by year.

In the ghost crying city, it is a **** scene everywhere.

This place pays attention to strength. As long as you have the strength, you will be very popular in the ghost city.

When the night fell, Lin Fei blocked all the breath of his body and quietly sneaked into the ghost city.

Even in the evening, the ghosts cry in the city, still a brightly lit, strong bear with a sword and a sword, abound.

Lin Fei shunned everyone and sneaked into a huge mansion, where there is today's goal. It is a ghost in the city, a deputy gang son of Tianzhu, as for the deputy lord, who used to be an expeditionary empire. The big family, and later committed a big event to escape the ghost and cry the city.

This time, Lin Fei’s task was to kill the son of the deputy lord. It’s also said that the deputy gang’s son is fierce, young and talented, and this is on the list.

Iron has no trace as the son of the deputy lord. In the ghost city, he is also a famous genius. This will be cultivated in the room. The younger is already a second-professional strongman, and it is not unrelated to bitterness.

Lin Fei sneaked into the room and saw that the iron had no traces. It looked like a lot of Jun, but his body was very heavy, and there were many people who died in his hand.

Arranged for the ban, and quietly enveloped the room.

Lin Fei only had a sword, and he smashed the iron without a trace. The other party did not even have any reaction. It was really a grievance of death. The second turn of the profession was very strong. Nothing was counted on Shanglin.

Killing the iron without traces, Lin Fei recorded the data, it does not take long, the tenth task is completed, and he will get the first place in the Imperial College.

Lin Fei thinks that there is a little excitement. When the time comes, there are many things that can be done.

Killed the iron without traces, Lin Fei quietly left the mansion, and the entire mansion did not know that the iron was not killed.


Imperial College.

When the number behind Lin Fei became ten, the people present changed.

"Tian Lin actually completed the last mission!"

"This is too fast!"

"Black horse, the real dark horse!"


The three vice presidents are not ugly in general.

"He is not injured, how can he complete the tenth task!"

Listening to the information sent back, everyone is dumbfounded.

Is this the first?

This result has made countless people feel incredible, this dark horse is too horrible. (To be continued.) 8

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