Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2085: Oil and salt do not enter

Qin Lan finally agreed.

I don’t agree with it. Qin Yu is afraid to miss the last chance. Isn’t it just to help Lin Fei to loose the shoulders? It’s not difficult, and it’s time to endure.

"Yes, it is here!" Lin Fei pointed to the shoulder.

"Bastard kid, wait for you to receive it!" Qin Hao gritted his teeth and put his hands on Lin Fei's shoulders, even if it was the first time, it was like a decent.

The fragrance around Lin Fei is fragrant, that is the light body fragrance of Qin Lan.

"I said the saint, I told you to be a massage, not a child to play!" After a while, Lin Fei was dissatisfied. "The strength is bigger, what is the loose bone, you are not at all!"

Qin Lan wanted to slap a palm to taste Lin Fei, and finally he could bear it. "This bastard, 80% is intentional, this saint is not fooled, see how you can!"

Enjoy a massage of a demon saint, Lin Fei is very comfortable.

As for the face of the present Qin Lan, Lin Fei looked clear and did not care. Anyway, the other person has to ask for himself unless he does not want something.

That's it, one person enjoys it, one person silently presses, time passes by.

"It's so cool!"

After an hour. Lin Fei stretched out and was refreshed.

"You can say it now!" Qin Hao said with a bad face.

An hour.

This guy has slept for an hour. It’s a shameless guy.

Ming knows that this kid is sleeping. Qin Lan can only continue to massage with his teeth. Until the other party wakes up, if the empire is spread, everyone must be dumbfounded.

Waiting for the Virgin, the popular candidate for the future competition of the Virgin, massage for a human being, is definitely a shocking news.

Lin Fei ignored the other person's eyes to kill. "There is one thing. I heard that you are a demon god. The wealth is thick, as long as you take a hundred black crystal cards. I can send you a demon treasure. Of course, this treasure is not The treasure of the royal treasure house, but a monster treasure I accidentally got."

The Qin dynasty violently thundered, not taking care of so many, "You dare to play me!"

One palm will turn to Lin Fei.

Qin Lan is really angry.

Hard work for an hour. In the end, I heard such a message that Qin Zhen would not believe that a treasure that was easy to use could compete with the things of the royal treasure house.

This kid is fooling himself.

In a rage, he slammed and prepared to make Lin Fei look good.

When this palm just fell, Qin Lan hit an invisible barrier, and it was difficult to move in. "Don't bother, this place is my site. If the five emperors come, they must eat a small loss. If you don't mind being ugly, big. Can continue!"

The five emperors ate a small loss at the emperor's peak. Everyone knows that Qin Yu is naturally clear, but she can't swallow this breath, but she is not at the emperor's peak.

"You are shameless!"

Lin Fei seriously said, "Wrong, I am not shameless. It is you. If you don't say anything, you will start. If you change your strength, you will not be killed on the spot. However, I will not learn from my sister. I know my sister. I definitely think that treasures can't work. You haven't seen them at all. Are you sure that things can't be done?"

Qin Hao did not know what to say, this world, the demon treasure logistics is outside, there are still many, no one guarantees to know all the demon treasures, she can not guarantee.

"Then you take it out!"

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the lawsuit banned everything from being smothered. "I will not give you a sister to appreciate this sentence. The school sister will not believe it. The sister will open her eyes and see clearly. I am lying to you!"

The emperor’s ban was re-arranged and all traces were erased. Lin Fei did not worry about being noticed, especially in the yard.

Lin Fei reached out and took one thing, and one thing fell on his hand. A fascinating atmosphere.

"The demon treasure!"

Qin Lan took out the treasure in the other side, and when the breath leaked out, it suddenly exclaimed, the breath was rushed, the lips opened slightly, and the face was unbelievable.

The treasure on Lin Fei’s hand is a bow, and the dark red long bow is seen at a glance. This is the treasure of the Yaozu, which is very powerful. The treasures of this sample are only seen in the hands of the top elites of the Yaozu. Even his own master does not have it.

"How, can things still enter the eye?"

This treasure is naturally copied by Lin Fei recently.

Compared with the royal treasure house, this treasure is different from that one. If it is two identical treasures, as long as it is not a fool, it knows that there is a problem. Therefore, Lin Fei has made a modification in the form of treasures. I don’t think of that treasure, but the power is almost the same.

The system is like this.

"I can ~ see it for yourself!" Qin Hao suppressed the excitement in his heart.

With such a treasure brought back, Qin Lan knows very well how much credit he can get, and he is sure to be able to pressure the few alternate saints.

"Give you!"

Originally, Qin Lan was still worried that Lin Fei would not give himself. I didn’t expect the voice to fall. Lin Fei threw the treasure away, as if it was a broken.

"The demon treasure, it is really a demon treasure!"

Qin Lan grabbed the longbow and did not need any temptation to determine it immediately. This is a real treasure of the demon, and it is still very good.

Holding a longbow in her hand, Qin Hao had to take it for a moment, she saw it. There is no imprint on the longbow, obviously it is a thing without the Lord. From this out, the other party will definitely not be able to get back. After several struggles, Qin Hao finally chose to give up. He wants to take it away from this kid. Exposing identity, or even, may not be able to leave the emperor.

Do not look at the current Emperor Peak looks very general, in fact, secretly all over the ban, the Qin dynasty did not have a bit of control to leave, such as the one hand, silently appearing, let Qin Hao produce taboos.

"Thank you a lot of learning, find a treasure for our Yaozu, I believe that from now on, you will be a friend of our Yaozu." Qin Xiao smiled and changed the look of anger before.

Lin Fei waved his hand. "Friends still forget it. This demon bow, fifty black crystal cards, is not expensive. As long as things are brought, you can take them away at any time!"

"School brother, fifty black crystal cards are not too expensive!" Qin Yu Chu said poorly, "Can't you be cheaper, dear school brother!"

Qin Lan is not the alternate saint of the Yaozu, just like a person, the expression is euphemistic, into the wood three points, as if facing a poor and poor person.

"Fifty. I want it. Don't don't!" Lin Fei can't be hooked.

Regardless of Qin Hao’s various tricks, Lin Fei’s uselessness was always useless. In the end, he could only helplessly leave and send the news back. (To be continued.)

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