Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2094: Shameless cloud in the sky

be quiet!

The military field is quiet again!

This scene came too fast, so that everyone couldn't come back to it. The tenth-order combination method that the ten-position mages had put together was defeated by a Thunder, and they were injured.

"What happened just now!" This is a confused person.

"Who knows, I saw a thunder, and then the lecturers of several lecturers broke open. They were all injured!"

"Mom, that's too strong!"

"Not to say, the defensive array method of the combination of the array method, at least the Tianjie attack array method can be broken, when, a top-level array method can be broken!"

“It’s incredible, it’s hard to imagine!”

"Today is really an eye-opener. Laozi is a service. Lin Fei’s younger brother is worthy of being the newcomer of this year. They are much more powerful than the North Palace, and they are much more powerful!"


The ten lecturers lying on the ground, their faces were unusually ugly, and they were stunned by the face. They hadn’t come back from the blows. They never thought about it. The five thunders of the top-level arrays of people’s ranks made them lose. And it is still a failure.

"He seems to know the flaws of the combination!"

One of the lecturers said that the whole person was as old as a teenager.


"This is impossible, how old he is!" There is a lecturer who vomits blood and steps to believe this result.

"Old, we are all old, I want to join us to set up a combination of heavenly order, I did not expect that a junior will let us fail, I served!" There is a lecturer said.

Other people looked at the straight Lin Fei of the station, and there was a hint of weakness in their eyes. The young people were not only talented. In the process of the formation, they reached a deep rumor, directly exploding them, realizing what There are people outside, there are mountains outside the mountains.

The formation is no more than the other, it takes time to learn to accumulate. This is a long time. Today, this defeat is not a small blow to them, but at this moment, they are convinced.

People beat them with a top-level array, and they lost their convictions. Moreover, they guessed that when the combination was running, the flaws were captured, and this required a very high eyesight.

It’s hard for everyone to be convinced, especially for them, the eyesight is also a proof of strength. The confrontation between the mages and the strategist is more focused, including eyesight problems, poor eyesight and If the accumulation is not good, there is no flaw in it.

Lin Fei can see through the flaws in a very short period of time, calmly find the flaws and then crack, showing the power of his own.

"Lin Fei, this game we admit defeat, convinced orally. Your mastery of the law is completely above us!" One of the more prestigious strategists climbed up and said.

This is naturally from the heart. Without any trace of moisture.

Lin Fei suddenly had a good impression on them. At least he was not the kind of person who couldn't die or correct. The quality of the faculty who can enter Imperial College still has a set.

"Concession!" Lin Fei arched.

At this moment, Lin Fei was recognized by the Master. It is equivalent to saying that he has merged into this circle. Such a talented mages, the future achievements are limitless, even if it is impossible to master the transcendence of the heavens.

The squad recognized the strength of Lin Fei. For another person, it was the face of eating fruit.

In the clouds, the face is black like coal. As the old predecessor in the array, just now that one fell, he immediately realized that the combination method was to be cracked, and his heart was inevitably amazed.

"How could he find the flaws of the combination method in such a short period of time, and he can succeed in one fell swoop. The most terrible thing is that one move will cause the combination method to collapse, and ten lecturers will lose their ability to deploy."

In the clouds, I saw a lot of knowledge in the sky. I couldn’t see the details of Lin Fei’s bottom. I’m going to be the lecturer of the law school. It’s a matter of hard work. The strength of the other party is definitely qualified to be a lecturer. If the other party masters the heavenly array, then you can catch up with yourself.

At this moment, the cloud has a flusteredness, and the look has become cloudy and uncertain. It is really too young for the other party. If you are young, it is inevitable that you will surpass yourself in the future.

Originally, a deputy dean of Chen Yuanshan was not able to deal with it. With many years of old qualifications, he would overwhelm the other side. If there is another Lin Fei, his position here will be severely hit. Over time, the situation will be very unfavorable.

"Cloud Elder, do you still think Lin Fei is not qualified for the position of the lecturer?"

Chen Yuanshan smiled and said to the sky.

With one hand turning the rot into magical ability, defeating the ten instructors in one fell swoop, Lin Fei's ability is unquestionable, unless the other party can break open the combination of the array method in a very short time.

Chen Yuanshan is now telling Yunzhongtian that the people I bring are not as unbearable as you think. From now on, the influence of Yunzhongtian here will gradually weaken.

Before the clouds repented, I was full of confidence. I knew that I would take my own shots and let the other party convinced directly, and there would be no such scenes.

"Defeated the array of ten lecturers to arrange, is not what, maybe, where Lin Fei has seen, just remember the operation of it!" What can be done, if you change to any one of the Tianjiao, you can do it alone. If you want to be a competent lecturer, the old man thinks there is still a gap!"

Chen Yuanshan is really angry. This old ghost is really good at saying this. The Tianjie combination method, even if you know the running route, does not mean that everyone can easily break open, and the running route is changing all the time. There are one hundred times. Different times, ordinary people are even less able to capture the traces.

"Cloud elders, you are a knowledgeable person, how do you say this naive words, not afraid to spread out to be jokes? At that time, we lost our face!" Chen Yuanshan almost said that Yunzhongtian was blinding his eyes.

In the midst of the cloud, the sky was so angry that it was badly blown, and finally it was tolerated. The words just now lacked the reason. If you listened, you may not believe it. After all, everyone is a layman and understands everything.

"Lin Fei wants to be a lecturer. In fact, he is halfway up. As long as he can beat the old man in the end, or is unbeaten under the old man's shot, the old man will admit that he has this qualification!" Yun Zhongtian simply chooses not to be cheeky, Lin Fei wants to become The lecturer must pass this level. Even if it is a trouble, others will not say anything more. "I don't know, Lin Fei has this confidence. After all, when you are a lecturer, you must have your own strength. Convinced orally!"

Cloud days are stimulating the forest to fly. (~^~)

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