Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2021: What is a special occupation?

"That is the power of the array scroll!"

"The blood brothers did a lot of evil, but they didn't expect to die in the hands of this mysterious tactician. I am afraid they couldn't think of it!"

"This mysterious mage is not good to deal with!"

"One array of scrolls is such a power, who knows how many arrays of scrolls the man has!"


The people watching are tight.

This mysterious person is not very good to deal with.

The blood brothers are not very powerful characters. With special occupations and brothers' attack methods, there are few times when they miss their hands. As a result, the death of the emperor was thousands of miles away.

Lin Fei did not care much about killing the blood brothers.

Through the systematic analysis and scanning, a targeted array of reels can be produced in the shortest time, killing the other party is only a matter of minutes.

"Hello, it's a good thing, it's easy to kill the blood brothers and do a good thing for the empire!"

The blood brothers were taken, just a beginning.

In the void, and out of an atmosphere of middle-aged people, the body is full of the majesty of the superior.

"You are also coming to die?"

Lin Fei said faintly.

This can be irritating to everyone.

Is the mysterious person too arrogant, although they admit that the other side is good, Zhang mouth said that people are not to die, it is too arrogant.

No matter how good the temper is, it will change color when you hear this.

For example, this middle-aged man.

"That guy is really daring, don't he know who the man is!"

"The door of the Emperor's Black Tiger Gate!"

"Tiger, no, hahaha!"

There was a loud voice in the distance. Between the shackles, a man with a bear-bearing waist appeared and dismissed the middle-aged man named Tiger.

Chenghu, the head of the Black Tiger Gate, a strong self-six-professional, is famous in the Imperial Capital.

"Who can't say it!" Chenghu was furious.

The tall man looked at the mysterious man. "I am very interested in you. If you are willing to join us in the dark, I can help you solve all the troubles!"

"Luowei, you have a big tone, I really thought that your darkness is a word in the emperor, so I am happy to say that everything is flat!" Chenghu finally found a chance to counterattack.

"You can't do it, what black door, dark help!"

In the distance, laughter again, more than ten streams of light hit, surrounded by circles, surrounded by mysterious people, blocked all the way, seems to have decided the other side.

"This person, we want to stop the Qiankun Gate, you do not want to die, immediately go away!" For the first year of the young people, the folding fan opened, handsome, very proud.

Qiankunmen, three words, the impact is still very big.

This is the first-class Zongmen, infinitely close to the top forces, rumors, soon after, the Qiankun Gate can be promoted to become the top force, and the top forces must have at least one nine-turn professional strong.

Cheng Hu and Luo Wei’s face changed a little, and they showed a slight disappointment. They all had certain influence in the emperor, but there was still a certain gap compared with the Qiankun Gate.

Yes, a big gap.

This gap is temporarily irreparable.

The two left in vain.

Lin Fei laughed at everything, and the wind was light and dark. "You are also coming to death!"


The onlookers were all teased.

Doesn't this guy know anything, Qiankun Gate, first-class power, and infinitely close to the top forces, it can be seen that at least one strong person in Qiankun Gate is close to the nine-turn career, and then it is also a half-step nine-turn.

The young man’s face was a stiff smile. “A big tone, dare not put our Qiankun door in your eyes. You are the first one. Come and grab him. He is the murderer who killed our Qiankun disciple. Whoever dares to help him at this time is the enemy of the Qiankun Gate, killing all innocents!"

In a word, the crime was established.

Lin Fei had to admit that the people who came here really had some skill, turned black and white, and came with me, and the shots became justified. At least, no one dared to jump out in a short time.

The enemies of Qiankunmen are not so good. No matter who they are, they must measure the consequences.


A young man behind the folding fan walked out of an old man and looked unsteady. He raised his hand to the mysterious person and turned himself into a huge word.

"This is a special professional!"

"The mysterious man is going to suffer!"

"Zhu Kunmen is really not simple, there are still special professional strong!"


A big word "封" appears.

Everyone exclaimed.

In the profession of the public, there is another special occupation, the strength is not very strong, but they have talent skills that ordinary people can't match.

Thus, a special occupation was formed.

Special occupations are not common, but everyone is terrible, no one dares to despise, and most people who have dealt with special occupations are mostly fallen.

Lin Fei was unable to move at all, the whole body was sealed, and everything lost control.

"Hey~ sir, you still don't want to move, the old man's seal can seal everything, even if you are a mage!"

There was an old voice coming from the ear.

This special professional strongman of Qiankunmen is a very rare 'sealmaster'. It will only be a trick for a lifetime. No one dares to despise it. Any treasure can't stop the seal of the sealer. It is not famous in the empire. The provoke of existence.

Any one of the strong, lost the energy control in the body, immediately became a tiger, Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and life and death were killed.

This kind of special professional strong, is too overbearing, especially the sealer, seal everything, even if it is a strong force on the front line, do not dare to despise.

Young people with folding fans are proud. "Now I know that Qiankun Gate is so powerful. I dare to say that I have to kill a small number. If you still have some use, the first one will destroy you!"

When the sealer succeeded, the young people of the folding fan were surprised. The sealer’s ability and tolerance were small, and anyone who was contemptuous had to suffer big losses.

Lin Fei is still very calm, "You are finished!"

Folding fan young people, Ma Dan, what do you mean, it is difficult to deal with this less.

"What, you are not willing!",


Lin Fei lightly sighed and raised himself with a flame. It burned like a hot sun. It was very dazzling. At the same time, the hot atmosphere, like the boundless wave, rolled through.

"Ah, it's hot, it's hot!"

The first thing that struggled was that the ‘sealmaster’ entangled in Lin Fei’s body, which appeared, constantly changing, screaming and screaming, made the scalp numb.

"Ah, what have you done, what is this fire, why do I feel pain, why?"

The sealer screamed and struggled to get out of it. I don’t know why, a powerful force shrouded, and I couldn’t get away from it. Let the flames come and burn inside and outside.

"Quick hands, save the elders!"

If the young man with a big change in his face and his status is distinguished, if he is dead here, he does not know how to go back and explain.


A group of white people rushed over. (~^~)

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