Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2025: Scary scroll

Xu Tengsheng has always been good at calculations, no matter what the purpose of the other party is. If you can test the strength of the other party, if it is a silver candle, it will not be used, just bring it back.

Don't face?

Xu family did not do this kind of thing.

"Sacred Heaven!"

Xu Tengsheng, when the voice fell, it was punched out, the movement was incredible, a huge human form phantom, from high to the next, a fist pressed, the void continued to collapse, collapsed in a circle, only this One trick is to make people remember the power of the nine-turn career.

This is still a nine-turn professional, the most common shot, does not involve professional ability.

Nangong Dihao and Long Junwei’s big heart Xu Tengsheng shamelessly, actually dare to shoot, this is to get the first step, but this time, they can’t start, they look at each other’s hands, if they do it again, it will become a big one. Jokes, but the two also made up their minds. Once the mysterious person couldn't hold it, they would stop and stop the old fox from taking off.

"I would like to see, you, the Avengers, what can be!" Xu Tengsheng is to test the strength of each other.

A fist collapsed into the void, and its power reached the level of eight-turn occupation.

If the power of the eight-turn career can't be stopped, Xu Tengsheng doesn't want to start again. Such people really have no qualifications.

On this side, Lin Fei is not relaxed at the bottom of his heart, and at the same time a war has emerged.

"When I came to this star field for a long time, I was able to fight with the nine-professional strongman. I could only deal with a group of small people. With the owners of three top families, I saved a lot of time to arrange, the future. The top auction can also be a hit!"

Lin Fei flexed his fingers and flew a few reels to build a huge barrier to the sky. One layer after another, densely packed, formed a natural barrier.

The other person’s giant shadow was pressed down, and the natural barrier was shattered and shattered. Almost never touched it, the barrier collapsed automatically, the strength was great, and it was unprecedented. For a moment, hundreds of barriers were shattered. It can be seen from the location of Lin Fei, but it seems that the distance is as close as the end of the world.

"Shengtianquan, the rumor is the first boxing method of Xu family, it really is overbearing!"

"I want to block this barrier too!"

"It's amazing. The natural barriers in the area have actually blocked the Xutian's holy day boxing, which has consumed the opponent's attack!"

"This is a good thing!"

When everyone thought that the mysterious man would be defeated, the natural barrier began to take off, and blocked the attack of the road, beyond the imagination of everyone.

From this, everyone can see one thing, the mysterious revenge of the Avenger Alliance is indeed a powerful and terrible reel.

For example, in front of the attack, there is at least the power of the eight-professional strongman, but it is easily blocked by the scroll of the formation. The mysterious person does not seem to feel the difficulty.

At this point, I don’t know how many people want to buy the array scroll. With this reel scroll, you can save a life.

If you can't see this clearly, then they can all hit the wall. As long as they are not fools, they all look clear. They don't need any doubt. The strength of the array scroll is obvious to all.

"Xu Jiazhu, I don't know how powerful my reel is." Lin Fei asked under the natural barrier.

Xu Tengsheng was very surprised. A few reels were built into a natural barrier. The degree of defense was so strong that it was quite unexpected. The terrible ability of the array scroll was already recognized by him.

"Good things, really good things, my holy day fist shot, even if the eight-turn professional strong must be fully resisted, you block with the array of scrolls, you are really amazing!" Xu Tengsheng psychologically raised a thought He wants to see what the mysterious man still has, and where is the bottom line. "Next, I have to make a heavy hand. Please pay attention!"

From a note of the Holy Heaven, Xu Tengsheng knew that he would not come up with some skills. It would be very difficult to defeat the other side today. Only when he forced the opponent to use the reel of the bottom card, he could win.

To the position of Xu Tengsheng, the person is very accurate. The other side has never touched the slightest strength in the body from beginning to end. It is sure that the other party is using the array scroll.

Can use the method scroll to create a master, Xu Tengsheng is also the first time I heard, and still standing in front of myself, this is definitely a miracle, the entire empire can not find a second miracle.

"Thank you for the reminder of Xu Jia, you are ready for the next time, you can shoot!" Lin Fei once again popped up the array of scrolls, each reel into a knife, a sword, a giant axe, facing the Xu Tengsheng.

Lin Fei took the first step and attacked.

"Good guy, this mysterious man is actually the attack power of the eight-turn professional strongman!"

Long Junwei was shocked. He thought that the defense was unparalleled. Now it seems that this is not the case. This is the real offense and defense.

Nangong Dihao is not so good to go anywhere, such a person, without any breath, really want to prepare for the ambush, ten have nine will be recruited, it is impossible to prevent.

"In any case, we must tie up with this mysterious Avengers League. If our Nangong family does not have a battle reel~" Nangong Dihao does not dare to think about it.

When the two homeowners thought about it, Xu Tengsheng shot again, a set of holy tigers hit the wind and the wind, where the fist wind passed, those attacks were broken one by one, no threat to him, nine turns to the professional strong Powerful, and no doubt.

"Spiritual kill!"

Xu Tengsheng has a look at his eyes. The powerful spirit is like a double knife. He goes straight to Lin Fei’s eyebrows. This is the real attack method of Xu Tengsheng, because he is a special professional strong spirit psychic!

"The spirit of Xu Fox is so strong that it is getting better and better." Long Junwei frowned slightly. "I don't know if this kid can't stop it!"

When Xu Tengsheng’s fine mystery attack came, Lin Fei was reminded through the system that the other’s mental attack was very powerful and could affect a small range.

Lin Fei built a defense in his mind for the first time. This is also to ensure safety. The hand movements are not stopped. A red array scroll appears, smashing open, a disc is open, and the rotation is repeated. The killing murder is on it, making a huge loud noise.

Hey! !

The sound swayed and the people around him were completely ravaged.

"Ah, it hurts me!"

"I can't hold it, what's going on!"

"Is my eyes blind, I can't see clearly!"

People who are watching from afar have fallen from the sky.

The entire range of people have suffered, even if the people brought by the three masters have also had an impact, Nangong Dihao and Longba Tian each smashed, shattered the mysterious technique, the talent behind him came back, one The face looks blank. (To be continued.)

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