Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2030: Reward

When the outside world is boiling.

Lin Fei has been hiding in the Emperor Peak to start researching the production of the transmission array.

On the day, by the flames of the sky, Lin Fei quietly left without letting them notice the traces. Afterwards, the expressions of those people changed and the mind was clear.

"The system is awesome!"

In the depths of the emperor's peak, Lin Fei opened up a huge secret base, both inside and outside are arranged by the array method, even if the nine-turn professional strongmen come in, they must be turned into gray.

At this point, a huge transmission array, there have been a few similarities of the day, a large group of people, began to assemble.

In order to make a transmission array, Lin Fei really spent a lot of time, not far away, the stuff that piled up like a mountain is the material of the transmission array. For these materials, all of Lin Feiqing's color is made with the energy unit of the system. The huge energy unit, he is distressed.

"In another seven or eight days, it should be almost the same!"

Lin Fei looks at the transmission array almost every day.

"Master, congratulations, you are now wanted by Tianjitang!" Suddenly, the little devil came to a message.

Although the daily mind is placed in the secret base under the ground, the little demon has been collecting information through special creatures. He did not leave the emperor peak that day, and he still knew the situation of the emperor.

"I was wanted by Tianjitang? What do you mean!"

Lin Fei opened the system and came to the place where the data was recorded. Sure enough, he saw an obvious message. It was just a few days ago that Tianjitang announced that the reel scroll was the secret result of the Avengers’s stealing their heavenly hall. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the reel scroll is the result of Tianjitang. The Avengers Alliance is a despicable person. He secretly sneaked into the Heavenly Hall, captured the results, and killed all the people who knew it. So that Tianjitang lost the production of the scroll. The method, Tianjitang hereby announced the news, and made a reward, wanted the Avengers Alliance.

The news detonated the entire empire, as well as the demon empire.

The reward of Tianjitang is so rich that everyone should be jealous.

By killing a member of the Avengers Alliance, you will be able to get an energy gun from the Heavenly Hall, and provide the Avengers' nest, you can get a short-distance transmission array...

When the news of Tianjitang came out, everyone believed it. After all, the strength of Tianjitang is clear to everyone. The things of the two empires are almost all produced by Tianjitang. The reel of the array is also the main target of Tianjitang. The Alliance has never heard of the existence of a name, and it is really stealing.

For a time, everyone was looking for the Avengers, and the underground black market also offered high rewards, both in black and white looking for the Avengers.

Those places that are rarely found in ordinary times, from time to time there will be strangers, looking around for the Avengers.

"Tianjitang is so courageous, I am willing to say that the film reel is my own!" Lin Fei's eyes flashed a murderous machine, Tianjitang actually dared to spurt blood, and suddenly ignited the heart of the killing.

This wave of rewards covers the two empires.

Some hidden hidden forces are also looking for the Avengers. I want to get the friendship of Tianjitang.

"Fortunately, I copied the transmission array. I was still guilty. After all, this is their thing. Since you have to steal the results, then I am welcome!"

Lin Fei secretly fortunately, on the same day, he listened to the suggestion of the little devil, made of new materials, without the use of empire materials, although it took a lot of energy units, the benefits are reflected.

"Tianjitang is still somewhat capable. It has developed a low-level array of scrolls through the reel of the array. With certain evidence, it is more able to guide the direction of public opinion, so that it all points to the Avengers. It is really good, one after the other. The ring is to let the Avengers Alliance become a street mouse to call everyone."

Lin Fei was actually not very angry. He originally planned to go to Tianjitang. Their practice suddenly made him not interested.

Tianjitang is very powerful.

However, Lin Fei, who owns the system, is even more powerful. As long as the data is recorded, you can perfectly copy the things, even if you only need to change the data, you can improve the quality of the products. The Tianjitang can't compare with him. In the end, it can only be defeated, and the Tianjitang will fall into no. The existence of inflows.

"Hey, since you are willing to play, then I will have fun with you, who will cry in the end!"


The reward of Tianjitang’s all-nighter is like a little thing in Lin Fei’s eyes.

Ten days later.

Lin Fei once again stood in front of the transmission array, and a perfect transmission array was displayed in front of him. Compared with the transmission array made by Tianjitang, this transmission array is several times better than the former.

This naturally consumes a lot of energy units of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei does not want to make the transmission array, there are certain security problems, is not the energy unit? What Godo is, is not afraid of consumption.

"From now on, this transmission array is called the first transmission array!"

Taking the name, Lin Fei is the least good at it, just use the number to mark it, there is a transmission array, then there will be the second transmission array, the third transmission array.

If the three gatekeepers of Tianjitang are present at this time, they will regret to offend Lin Fei. Soon after, the more perfect model of the transmission array will undoubtedly defeat the transmission array of Tianjitang very quickly.

Lin Fei wanted to start the transmission array and finally he could bear it.

Not yet.

Although it will not be made, in order to be on the safe side, Lin Fei decided to make another transmission array and then form a transmission channel, which was perfect at that time.

Where is the second transmission array, Lin Fei has already decided, that is, his own seal.

It is also time to go to my own fief.


Lin Fei quickly applied for going out.

The first one of Chen Yuanshan is supported. The assessment and the like, it is already difficult to live Lin Fei, he is like walking through the field, scared those people keep sucking air. Lin Fei got a wish to go out.

"Xiao Lin, you have to go to the fief, you have to be careful. Recently, there is a lot of friction between the star field and the demon empire. Your place is just near the edge of the demon empire. It is best to bring some people. If not, I can provide some! Chen Yuanshan came to see him off, and the euphemistic reminder.

Chen Yuanshan is now proud of the spring breeze. After the loss of the cloud in the sky, he lost his family and has no right to speak in the law. Not long ago, he chose to go to retreat. It is equal to giving up completely.

Knowing that Lin Fei was going to seal the land, Chen Yuanshan deliberately sent off the line and told Lin Fei what he knew. So I had an early preparation.

Lin Fei thanked Chen Yuanshan for his kindness and said that he would seal the land and his party. Just look at it. There will be no danger. The place is the place of the empire. The people of the demon empire are bold and dare not rashly attack. (To be continued.) 8

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