Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2042: Entering

Mu Haoqiang confessed his own confidant, leaving 3,000 soldiers to return with peace of mind.

Lin Fei was also received by Bai Ziqing from the city government of Death City. It seems that everyone seems to be very happy with each other. Only those who know the situation know that things are far from simple.

On this day, Lin Fei lived in the city of death.

In the evening, Bai Ziqing and the five masters personally hosted Lin Fei. In the words, they all said that they could follow him as the master of this piece of land. As for the others, they did not say anything.

Lin Fei laughed all night, seems to be happy because he personally took the chest to ensure that he would never do too much for the death city.

When the night is quiet.

Bai Ziqing quietly entered Lin Fei's room.

"the host!"

Lin Fei is not drunk at the moment, "Is it completely in control of this body!"

"Mastered!" Bai Ziqing said.

At this moment, Bai Ziqing and Bai Ziqing, who were seen at that time, were no different. No matter the tone or the movement, they were exactly the same, and they could not see the true and false.

This is the benefit of system transformation.

Bai Ziqing’s consciousness was completely obliterated. This is Bai Ziqing after the system was re-engineered. It is completely new. In fact, it is also a monk. It is completely loyal to Lin Fei, and eternal life will not betray.

"Tell everything you know."


If Mu Haoqiang or the five people of the Lord see this situation, it is estimated that they will be dumbfounded. No one can think of it. People who are terrible in the hands of outsiders are easily transformed and controlled.

In the city of death, Bai Ziqing has the greatest influence. The five owners are actually interested in the interests. Over time, master a part of the city of death.

Bai Ziqing has this body. Before the consciousness was erased, the memory was all inherited. No one can think of it except the insider. Bai Ziqing is not the former Bai Ziqing.

This huge change is unimaginable.

Bai Ziqing began to speak, one word and one sentence is very careful, some secrets that are unknown, at this moment, like some ordinary things, it is enough to stop for half an hour.

Lin Fei's expression is very rich.

"I said that I have a relationship with the royal family. It really is true. The owner behind Bai Ziqing is actually a five-prince."

Lin Fei never doubted his ability to judge. Bai Ziqing is a five-prince person. It is really nothing unexpected. According to Bai Ziqing, there are not many people like him, covering almost thirty-eight stars, five The prince earns a lot of money.

The five emperors are ambitious. If they want to expand their power and influence, money is indispensable. It is normal for people who collect all the stars to use it for him.

There are also five emperors who can make the unparalleled city not dare to intervene in the city of death. Now, the future prince has not yet confirmed, who may become the emperor of the future, as long as it is not a fool, will never offend people at this time.

The city of death has the scale of today, and the merits of the five emperors are indispensable.

Lin Fei knows that the five emperors sent news and told Bai Ziqing to get close to Lin Fei. He wanted to put a spy around him. It would be better to be a confidant.

If Lin Fei does not control Bai Ziqing in advance, Bai Ziqing will follow the instructions and vote for Lin Fei at a certain time, step by step to help Lin Fei master the death city, and will gain trust step by step, thus becoming a confidant.

This trick is used by the five emperors. Even when appropriate, it will be promoted. Unsuspecting people will definitely be fooled. When the time is unseen, the mysterious secrets fall into the ears of the five emperors.

Of course, this is just one of the five princes. He has prepared a few tricks for Lin Fei, including chronic poison control and so on, and will not let him become a helper for others.

"Five princes are really narrow-minded, in order to deal with me, I really want to break my head, but unfortunately, all plans have to die!" Lin Fei sneered.

Lin Fei is remembered by the five princes' sinister tricks. At the same time, he also has a general understanding of the unparalleled stellar domain. Even if it is a local person, it may not be known by Lin Fei.

"Master, the five masters united with me, ready to take the owner overhead, let you be a nameless, even, they also find someone privately, ready to extort money from the owner ~"


Lin Fei smiled.

With regard to the thick news of his own family, under the deliberate spread of some people, he did not know how many people stared at his fat piece and prepared to take a bite.

"Nothing, then, you will be like them, let them toss a little." Lin Fei simply mentioned the next thing, let Bai Ziqing as usual.

Lin Fei really didn't want to control the city of death so much. He didn't have much interest in this place. Even if he opened a secret base, he would not be here.


For a few days, Lin Fei performed very ordinary.

On the second day, Bai Ziqing and the five masters took the approach of ignoring them. They ignored the Lin Fei and ignored them. Apart from arranging an errand, there was no other person.

Lin Fei was so violent that he could only return to the temporary courtyard of the city government.

"Hahaha, I know that this kid can't help it, a hairy boy, and dare to rob the land in their hands, I really want more!"

When I heard the news, Mu Haoqiang reported the good news to Yun Zhongtian.

"Happy, that kid is also today!" Yun Zhongtian has not left, he just wants to see Lin Fei eat like, so that my heart can be happy.

Mu Haoqiang never thought that Lin Fei could get the land, and a cold boy decided why he would give up the land.

"The kid is also savvy. I know that I left three thousand soldiers, I want to instruct them, and I also promised a reward. He forgot that these three thousand soldiers are my private soldiers. Without my orders, who can mobilize them, and finally The kid touched the gray of his nose, and finally he could only leave in vain!" Mu Haoqiang remembered one thing and couldn't help but laugh.


Lin Fei’s news of eating in the death city has spread to the hearts of those who care.

After listening to the domain of the unparalleled star domain, I shook my head. "These people can really toss, but this is also good, hone the kid, maybe, the meaning of your majesty is like this, but unfortunately, the little guy has no perseverance, performance It’s too bad!”

The domain owner who sits in the unparalleled star field can naturally see some of his meaning.

Originally, the unparalleled domain owner also appreciated Lin Fei. Listening to the following report, there was a slight disappointment. Looking at the overall situation from the details, Lin Fei’s performance was completely a guy who didn’t know how to use his brain. He was completely seduce by the temptation to seal the land.

The five major forces of the unparalleled star domain are still worried about Lin Fei, let them give up the interests of the death city, it is impossible. The best way is to fly over the forest.

Lin Fei’s performance is not as strong as the rumors. Although the talent is good, it has to grow up and say that the five forces have not paid attention. (~^~)

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