Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2044: Cultivate

The five owners of the Death City have appeared in the sky.

"That kid is really dare to do it!"

"The courage is really big enough, and the means are also very powerful. I thought he was worried about the Black Wind City. I didn't expect to actually eat three thousand soldiers!"

"Now we are in trouble. With three thousand soldiers, the kid is equal to having the power in hand. It is not easy to deal with him in the future!"

"We were too young to see this Lin Fei, quietly and steadily took down three thousand soldiers. In the future, I must be wary of this kid's force. He already has a reason to be justified!"

The only thing a few homeowners wanted was to know how the kid got three thousand soldiers.

A hairy boy has become a big worry for them in an instant. It is beyond their imagination. The previous countermeasures are useless. There are soldiers on the hand, and the land is Lin Fei. The invisible space of the other party has an absolute advantage.

This step is the last thing they want to see. I knew that this would be the case. I would never agree with the 3,000 soldiers stationed here. I also hated the half-death of Mu Hao, and a city owner was actually counted by a junior. Three thousand soldiers changed hands and they all suspected that wood How is the city owner how to be a strong man, three thousand soldiers are so, not to mention other.

Of course, they themselves are worried that the private soldiers they have in private will not be like this, and that is not what they are willing to see.

Mu Haoqiang is now in a loss, forgetting that this is not his own unparalleled city. The empire has strict regulations on the land and is arbitrarily sealed. It is also a matter of killing. No one will stand up and say something.

"Lin Fei, I only ask you, what happened to the three thousand soldiers!" Mu Haoqiang lost money, changed a topic, a little rogue feeling.

Lin Fei is a serious man. "Isn't that what you gave me? You said that when I first came to marry, I didn't have any soldiers in my hand. Five of the owners were all unpredictable. With three thousand soldiers, they could cause them. Threat, this is what you told me."

The faces of the five masters changed on the spot, and the look of Mu Haoqiang was full of hate.

Mu Haoqiang argued, "You are nonsense, three thousand soldiers, clearly you have taken it by means, you are less filthy here, let alone provoke dissension!"

The five major forces behind the five masters, each of them and the Mujia are equal, really if they offended them in one breath, the Mujia hero is very big.

This must be explained clearly.

Lin Fei seriously said, "Muchengzhu, you remember, three thousand soldiers are personally given to me, if it is not your opening, you think that I am a hairy boy who is qualified to command three thousand soldiers!"

This said that the eyes of the five major owners are getting more and more sharp.

They also did not think that Lin Fei had the ability to get 3,000 soldiers, and they were all cultivated by Mu Haoqiang. The captains and leaders of the 3,000 soldiers were all Mu Haoqiang.

Three thousand soldiers fell in the hands of Lin Fei, the biggest possibility is that Mu Haoqiang gave Lin Fei, and only the orders of Mu Haoqiang, three thousand soldiers will have no opinion.

"If you don't believe it, I can let Wang Hao say it!"

Lin Fei called out Wang Hao. As soon as he came up, he saw Mu Haoqiang, his look was very natural, without any fear or unnaturalness.

"Little saw the wooden city owner!"

Everyone's eyes are bright.

Wang Hao’s performance is reasonable. If Wang Hao secretly took people to Lin Fei, when he saw the owner of Mu Haoqiang, he would definitely be guilty. Even if it was a change, everyone could see it.

"Wang Hao, you are so courageous, who allows you to do this!" Muhao sternly, his eyes are like a sword.

Wang Hao showed his face with a stunned expression. He didn’t have a strong drink because of Mu Hao’s strong expression. “The wooden city owner, isn’t this what you asked us to do?”

Mu Haoqiang was very disappointed. He didn't see any problems from the other side. He was still the same person, but he knew very well that he never gave the three thousand soldiers to Lin Fei. The face also became very ugly, "Wang Hao, you are lying!"

Wang Hao fears, "Adult, I really did not lie, three thousand soldiers are indeed handed over to Lin Fei. And let us follow Lin Fei adults, saying that they will fly in the future, the brothers have heard!"

Mu Haoqiang knew that he was planted this time. For whatever reason, three thousand soldiers fell on Lin Fei’s hand, and it was impossible to get it back. Wang Hao said this as his confidant. I can imagine what it is like. No one will believe what he said. Everyone will only think that the three thousand soldiers are the ones he gave to Lin Fei. This black pot is set back. .

"Lin Fei Gongzi, you are a good means!" Mu Hao stared at Lin Feidao.

"Muchengzhu, I don't know why you said this, but the three thousand soldiers are really what you gave me, I can swear to God!" Lin Fei raised his hand and said very sincerely.

Mu Haoqiang did not believe Lin Fei’s words. “That’s my congratulations to Lin Fei’s son, and I really grasp the land as soon as possible.”

Leave a word, Mu Haoqiang turned and left. It doesn't make much sense to stay there again. However, Lin Fei is not relieved and stimulates the five owners.

Everyone first thought that he had surrendered three thousand soldiers. The intention was nothing more than Ba ​​Jielinfei, and he also dealt with the five masters and Bai Ziqing.

Mu Haoqiang could not tell, and three thousand private soldiers gave Lin Fei, who is he, as for Ba Jielin? I really want to explain it to the five masters. When I look at their eyes, he knows that it won’t work. They will definitely believe Lin Fei’s words. They will only think that he is doing it, and the confession of the king is acknowledged. This is a hundred things. Unless Lin Fei himself admits that he is moving hands and feet.

"I finally understand why Yun teacher will be planted in Lin Fei's hand, this kid is too embarrassed!" Mu Hao strong dejected and left. The next troubles still need to be dealt with. Three thousand private soldiers change hands and can suffer from meat pain for a long time.

Mu Haoqiang with a look of anger and helplessness left, the five masters have also been wary of Lin Fei, did not say anything back to the death city, needless to say also know to discuss countermeasures.

"I finally completed the first step. With three thousand soldiers, the five owners did not dare to chase, I can start the next step!" Lin Fei's mouth swelled, showing a smile.

The three thousand soldiers of Mu Haoqiang were actually moved by Lin Fei, and all the transformations were made. It was easy for the 3,000 soldiers to change hands. In this expedition, there was a formal private soldier.

There is a black pot in front of Mu Haoqiang, no one will doubt himself, three thousand soldiers are not anyone can master, Wang Hao as one of Mu Hao strong confidants, the answer is most obvious.

Mu Haoqiang will not bother in a short period of time, Lin Fei can save a lot of trouble, can do other things.


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